Radio Paradise to Stream MQA to Blue OS

I agree with you on that. 

The format does not guarantee a good recording,  it's the recording that makes 99% of the difference. 
I updated my my Bluesound components last night and gave RP a listen on the MQA platform.  I liked the presentation.  The sense of space, instrumental separation, and more dimensional images are what stood out for me.  Big win for no additional $$$$.

btw,  through my Tidal subscription I have noted that MQA is not a guarantee of a great recording.  There are many cd files that sound better than some MQA files.  However, I find an excellent recording in the MQA format does offer more than an excellent recording in the cd format.
Greg...i waded thru a few guess is the open source mp3 encoder...

$ to RP today for sure
i'm all for anything that broadens is base or helps it financially.
They have a donation link on their web page.  I use it often.

i'm not anti-mqa and it does sound better, though truth be told so little material is available on mqa that i wouldn't bother with upgrading my gear just to get it. however, rp is fantastic (and free), so i'm all for anything that broadens is base or helps it financially.
@tomic601 I currently have my Bluesound Pulse speakers set up in my office.  My ARC VSi55 tried to catch on fire and is in the shop.  Needless to say they are a bit of a step down from my KEF Ref 1s, but they keep the music flowing.  I sold my Node 2s some time ago.  Great value for the money, but not the ultimate in refinement.

Here's a long discussion about RP audio quality

Looking forward to being able to meet in person.
could be, i only use the Bluesound in the sunroom with and i will have to have a listen sometime....

The NAIM in the other systems have a NAIm/RP exclusive feed but it’s not Redbook rez but is obviously sonically enhanced...

I’ve read some stuff about the processing they do, which is what makes me wonder if MQA is a step backwards.
i think a careful listener would conclude RP has been subtly processing the stream for years and in doing so providing good sound....i will continue to support them w my time and $, i like the music they play......
Interesting. I think it sounds great without MQA. I'm all for anything that makes them successful, it's a great service and I listen often. 

I found it ironic that "serious music listeners" and BluOS were mentioned in the same announcement.
Ain’t ruffling my feathers. I am perfectly satisfied with FLAC format and the resolutions they provide and have no plans to jump on the MQA wagon. although I would like a SACD player :). I am a huge fan of RP as well and will continue supporting them. I asked Bill on RP forum about the future of Non MQA formats and he led me to believe they will someday deliver FLAC 24/96.
I've been a fan of Radio Paradise for many years. I don't want to ruffle any feathers here but being firmly in the anti-MQA camp I found this disappointing. I spoke with Bill last week (via email) about this and he was gracious, as usual. He explained they will continue streaming flac for non-Bluesound users and us anti-MQA'ers. He likes MQA better than flac and believes it to be a nice option for his listeners, one which may bring new listeners to the service. Of course I wish him well but I will no longer support them financially. In fact, I won't support any service or manufacturer who is in bed with this company.