Preamp Output Completely Different with Tube Amplifier versus Solid State Amplifier

I had what I believe is an interesting occurrence with my Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe tube preamp driving 300B SET amplifiers (Air Tight and Elekit) versus driving a Nelson Pass First Watt F7 amplifier. Speakers are Charney Maestros with Voxativ drivers. Sources are Audio Note DAC and Thoress phono preamp.

When connected to the Air Tight ATM-300 amplifier, the Lamm preamp resulted in a fair amount of tube rush (audible from a couple of feet away). The amp by itself (with the preamp muted) had hardly audible tube noise. In addition, I rolled a number of 12AU7 tubes (the signal tubes) through the Lamm and nearly half resulted in some level of microphonic noise. Some very faint, some fairly loud.

As an experiment, I replaced the Air Tight amp with an Elekit 300B amp. By itself, the Elekit was dead quiet. With the Lamm preamp connected, the same levels of tube rush and microphonic noise as with the AirTight resulted.

BTW, both amps with the Lamm preamp sound absolutely wonderful, in spite of the tube rush noise!

At this point, I am thinking that the Lamm preamp is just extremely sensitive and transparent. So I now replaced the Elekit amp with a First Watt F7 solid state amplifier. DEAD QUIET! Absolutely no background sound by the First Watt amp, with or without the Lamm preamp connected. And no microphonic noise either! Sound quality is still great.

So, I am curious what might be the technical explanation for this phenomenon? Are the tubes in the amps and preamp reacting with each other such that unwanted noise is transmitted, whereas the solid state First Watt somehow blocks the noise? Is the First Watt not as transparent as the 300B amps?

Can you technical gurus explain what is going on?

Thanks for the help.




It could just be that your two tube amps have higher gain than the First Watt and so amplify that tube rush more.

By looking at the specs, the First Watt has an input sensitivity of 530mV for a 1-watt output at 8 ohms and the ATM-300 has an input sensitivity of 290mV for a 9-watt output at 8 ohms. That is 29dB gain vs a 15dB gain for the First Watt.

Also, I have always had a problem finding quiet 12AU7 tubes. Inherently noisy tube plus high gain is most likely the problem.

Exactly. I have a First Watt M2 that also has 15db of gain. My tube preamp is dead quiet with that but exhibits noise with my 1V sensitivity tube monoblocs.

Post removed 

This is a consequence of system gain structure. You have a very high sensitivity speaker, with a lot of combined gain from your preamp and power amp AFTER the preamp’s volume control. In net, you have way more gain than you need, and you're hearing the noise floor that comes along with generating all that gain. The preamp's volume control can't save you here because it's UPSTREAM of all that gain. You wouldn’t hear so much "rush" noise if any of the following were true:

  • More of your system’s gain was apportioned to BEFORE the volume control (but then you might risk overload conditions from "hot" sources)
  • You insert attenuators between your preamp and amp (e.g. -10dB), raising preamp volume to compensate
  • You use a preamp with either lower gain OR a higher signal-to-noise ratio. Many solid state preamps have a higher signal-to-noise for the same gain as tube amps, but there are some tube pres with very high ratios - like ARC Reference. My VAC Master is also pretty good here.
  • Use an amp with less gain / lower sensitivity
  • Use speakers with lower sensitivity /efficiency

I have the same issue with 96dB Tannoys (at 2.83V input = 1 Watt), tube preamps with "less than amazing" signal noise ratios and > 10dB gain, and power amps with mid-upper 20dBs of gain or more. Usually of the two - tube pre versus tube power - the tube preamp is by far the bigger culprit for noise, in my experience.

A lot of tube preamps and tube power amps have a lot of gain, because there are only so many circuits, and most of them use a front-end stage with lots of gain. 12AU7 and 6SN7 provide enough gain as is, but something like 12AT7 or 12AX7 gets crazy. The highest gain tube amps I’ve had started with 12AX7. And yes, microphony can be a big problem with many tube preamps too.

I have a LSA Micro Zotl and it is dead quiet ,it has Lundahl transformers Balanced

on the input RCA single ended on the output , David Berning design I don’t totally understand ,I would have preferred fully balanced but the M-OTL on the output 

is a bit more complex but sounds very good and 4 different tube possibilities .

Amplifier gain is set by convention, not requirement, so while most amps these days have a rather consistent gain, it's not always true. 


Maybe you have discovered that Solid state amps are just cleaner and with essentially zero audible artifacts...I realize that is an unpopular opinion but you have presented the evidence here in a fairly pronounced way that this is so.  I understand that absolute 'cleaniness' is not necessarily 'godliness' when it comes to satisfying audio gear. Sometimes its desireable to have just a bit of 'tubiness' in your signal chain to cover up crap in bad recordings. I get that. But for me, the idea of running a full on tube-chain of amplification is a serious indication of being heavily masochistic. All the maintenance, endlessly adjusting bias levels and tweaking. Sorry, not up for all of that. I want relative simplicity, put a disc on or start the streaming player and listen. Turn it off when you are done and not have to fiddle with it between listening sessions. Maintain an extremely LOW fiddle factor and a very high listening quotient. I don't want to work on it...other than setup...and I want to do that once, but just barely once. :) Yeah, lazy and I want good sound with the first iteration of setup. I dont want endless fiddling with it to make it sound great. It shouldnt be that hard or involved. Give me good music presented well over good equipment...and let me mellow out in it. Thats the point for me.