Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
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Just received my new Chardonney line stage from Mick...Left Perth on Monday and delivered to Pittsburgh in 3 Days!!...Krazy fast....Burning it in now....WOW is it Beautifull...soo glad a got the latest Gen 3...Well done Mick..(understatement of the year!)
I think I it might be time to start Supratek owners thread... Anyone else interested?
Yes.  I plan on ordering the same preamp you have from Mick in a few months.  Start one.
New Chardonnay MK3 ordered after great email exchanges with Mick. It has everything I would want in a preamp: adjustable gain, balanced in/out, remote volume, gorgeous appearance, separate power supply, lifetime warranty, and tubes. Went for the chrome and wood version.....the wait is killing me.... 

I will report back how I like it when it arrives in December.
Congrats!!...Had mine since july 2019 and your in for a treat...its ear and eye 2K i EVER spent on a GIANT killer of a pre...TRUTH!!....aslo had great results with the  SHUGUANG WE6SN7( that Don Sachs told me about) over the stock Russian tubes (and at least 4 combo's of very good NOS 6SN7's)....just sum audio food for thought....(As everthing in Audio YMMV)....ENJOY!!
@Audio123 - Thank you for the tip. Getting my upgrade vibes going before the damn thing is even here :) 

VERY glad to hear you are so happy. 
New Cortese LCR is ordered for March 2020 delivery. Tips are welcome from the allready owners of this very model. Thank you.
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Any comparisons between the Chardonnay and Sachs 6SN7 preamps? Good developers both, but just trying to get a sense if they are more or less sonically equivalent. Functionally, the Supratek offers some advantages for my set up, except its developer being in the other hemisphere... Thanks,
I'll reply to myself. Decided to go with the Supratek for a number of reasons, starting with availability of balanced outputs w/o extra tubes for ATC balanced active speakers and natural warmth. But what I'm curious about now is the difference between the Chardonnay and the Cabernet, if anyone has experience with them. Can't find any reviews of the latter since 2006 or so.
Highstream - 
Sorry I overlooked your question. I was wrestling with the same question and was on the verge of ordering the Sachs preamp when I learned about the Supratek series. I elected to go with the Supratek partly because I could get it with a high-end phono stage.  
I can't answer your question about the differences between the Chardonnay and the Cabernet. Much of the original content on this thread dates back to the early 2000's and Mick has continued to evolve his preamps since then.
I humbly suggest you contact Mick directly with any questions you might have.
Also, as others might have mentioned, he has a blog that he sometimes (rather infrequently) posts on. I got a lot out of it when I went through it. There's a link to a link on the Supratek website.
How would you describe the Supratek sound ?
Dark, big/bold clean, warmish ? or any other words you would like to describe the sound, is it fast sounding, does it have good rhythm and a black background ? Is the timbre and decay of instruments truthful  ?

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It SUCKs....Dat’s why I bought a New Chardonnay GEN 3 Pre that replaced my $8000 BAT 32se Pre..and beat it in every important Audiophile Parameter!!....It’s sound is "like a color you never seen before and a Flavor you never tasted"...No "audiophile speak" can do it justice.."my opion" wanna break out your "audio crayons" and color the sound to your taste...go ahead... lot of great 6SN7’s out there!...Take the $2000 plunge..What do you have to lose?...If you don’t think Micks New Pre"s are not The Rave we think and Know they are (who own the new GEN 3) ...Sell will be sold in A New York Min!..Since the New GEN 3 hit the ground ...Mick is Backed up a few jump in...the Audio Supratek water is VERY warm!!
1. Phono stage (LCR in my Cortese) is superb. Note that Allnic charges many many thousands of dollars (I'm not confident of the prices I've seen in my searches on the 'net tonight and don't want to guesstimate) but it is included in the Cortese. The Allnic gear is very beautiful and I would love to try it some time, but it's way beyond my budget.
2. Description of the Supratek sound - Gorgeous. Please track down my review of the Cortese which is probably somewhere in this thread or somewhere nearby. This preamp convinced me that tubes are not "introducing euphonic distortion" (at least not in this equipment). They are simply conveying what is in the recording. The line stage has greatly increased the pleasure I derive from streaming.
Hi Marcus,
Having purchased the Allnic H7000 a few months back I can certainly vouch for it's presentation. Had I known about the Cortese I would have gone in that direction primarily for the savings. Of all my components the Allnic disappears to the greatest extent. 
Albert Porter is a great source for Allnic gear, and did me right. 
That said, Mick has done a great job providing thousands of music listeners with hi quality units at reasonable prices. His preamp is the perfect match for my amps. 
Supratek's Mick Malony will be sending to me - in April - a Cortese LCR Preamp.
I shall provide -here- my comments as the Cortese will be driving a Pair of Rogue M180.

The Cortese LCR will be in place of a -very reputable - rather, but a Solid State Preamp. I adored this preamp in other's systems, but never in my set up & room.
Let's see.
Joseph - Sydney

Joseph - 
I'm very happy for you.  Looking forward to reading your assessment and comments. 
Man you guys are making it hard for me to decide which preamp I want to get next. I like the idea of having a separate power supply box so Supratek intrigues me. Does Micks preamps come with adjustable gain or is that an optional upgrade? My current preamp can adjust and it’s nice to have when switching out amps so I’d like to keep that luxury.

As far as models go, anybody know the difference between the Chardonnay and Cabernet 6sn7? Does the Cabernet have a beefier power supply? Thanks for any help!
They come with a remote and both have volume knobs. Here's what Mick said when I asked about the difference:
"The circuit is the same, it uses expensive transformers and capacitors. Its different sounding, whether its worth the extra expense is subjective .
Its still very good value, better than some $20K preamps I’ve heard."

Take a look at and also the guide to choosing a preamp page. The price page says remote.
On my cortese gain is adjustable and there is a switch to take the gain control out of the circuit if it's not needed. I think this is common across all of the preamps.
Thanks @markusthenaimnut  

Any idea what stock caps Mick uses? He told me the Cabernet has upgraded caps and transformers but I never asked him what those were. 

Between having a separate power supply chassis, adjustable gain from a simple knob, and being able to roll various 5v rectifier tubes I’m thinking a Supratek preamp is a great choice for me. 
@ t_ramey, i see no reply came to your question, i too like always to learn.May i ask you what could be of satisfactory caps for you? Also what caps that you woud not be impressed to know? Thanks

Hi hicham
I had no idea a cap could make such an audible difference until recently I changed out the Mundorf silver caps in my preamp to Vcap ODAM. I was pleasantly surprised by the added clarity and increase in overall musicality and enjoyment I was hearing. The ODAM caps from Vcap are “relatively” cheap compared to the likes of Jupiter and Duelund and they’re much smaller than other caps I’ve seen so they can fit in just about any application. This is really the only experience I have in hearing different caps.
This is really a valuable information and from a practical experience. Interstingly the one that  is being replaced here is the very one many would use for an upgrade!
@ t_ramey. Thank you.
Hicham/Joseph -
You're still waiting on your preamp, right?I think you're gonna love it as Mick has built it. IMHO no real need to upgrade the caps.

Yes. Indeed waiting for my Cortese LCR . Delivery on early April. No thought of any upgrade or even to ever bring it up for the ordered unit. i was just learning the different opinions and thoughts.
i'm confident that my reflections will be along your valuable review Markus. joseph - Sydney

Any one order a Supratek as of late?  Wondering what latest lead times were of newly delivered units.
I think someone on the other Supratek thread said it was short and Mick is currently advertising the Chardonnay and Cortese on Agon, which means he's probably caught up. Ask him.
How do the supratek preamps compare sonically to Don Sachs preamps?  I have a Sachs preamp and it is excellent.
Hi @jaymark 
Another Don Sachs owner who lives not terribly far from me and I were going to get together to compare our preamps last year. But we were never able to get our schedules lined up. I hope it can happen this year. 
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I have a Supratek Syrah. Does anybody here have a copy of the owner's manual. I.e. the one sheet with the input indentified?
Looks totally awesome. Would love to hear one. Interesting to read Mick's comments regarding new production vs. vintage tubes.
Would love to hear one, too. Wouldn’t want to deal with all those tubes, though. At least now we know that Mick has been sandbagging us on other models holding back his stock of old tubes. ;-)
Does anyone have a copy if the one sheet ownr's manual for the Syrah? You know the one that shows what input jacks are where.
If you do could you please contact me to possibly e-mail me  copy.

Usually from L to R... 1-2 of phono inputs, 3-4 inputs, then 3-4 outputs, just work backwards using you speakers to determine where the outputs start.
