Looking to purchase the Niagra 3000 Power Conditioner by Audioquest. This conditioner has 2 outlets for hi current components such as a power amplifier. This use is specifically mentioned in Audioquests advertising. I have a Bryston 4B3 cubed power amp which is rated at 300 watts per channel into 8 and 500 into 4. I am planning to plug my amp into one of the 2 hi current outlets. Yet, the conventional wisdom suggests that power amplifiers should go directly into the wall. I live in Long Island and I believe the power is not that clean. This is one of  the reasons for purchasing this product in the first place. I would be nervous plugging the amp into a standard wall receptacle, which leaves me unprotected.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.   Thank you. 



It is designed to work with high current amplifiers, I would plug it in to the Niagara.  

Into the wall. I have tried high end power conditioners made specifically for high current / amps and they still sounded notably better plugged directly into the wall. I have also tried a high end audio distribution box also claiming not to restrict the current... it also did so. 

Listen both ways but over the years I've tried many so called hi end conditioners and when an amp was plugged in I heard slightly limited dynamics plus other artifacts. There are other things that can affect this but again I'll repeat...listen and see if you hear a difference. 

As there are only two choices, the obvious correct answer would appear to be, try both and see if you hear a difference.  IMHO, the opinions of other members, including mine, have little or no value in these situations.  Your system, your ears, your choice.  Cheers.

I own the AQ 7000 and several 1200’s and one 1000.

Into the 7000 I have plugged Michi 8 mono blocks. Now these amps can output something like 1800 watts per channel. I have tried the amps directly into the wall outlet and to me, I noticed no degradation plugging them into the Niagara. They actually sound much better.

With the AQ 1200’s I am using 4 JL F-113 subs with 2 of them plugged into each 1200.

Originally, I just had the front subs plugged into a AQ 1200 and the rear subs were plugged into a wall outlet. Sure, enough disaster struck with fluctuating voltages during a storm and the 2 subs plugged into just the outlet were damaged. The 2 plugged into the AQ 1200 were ok. So, that’s when I bought another 1200.

The AQ 1000 is used for my Video equipment.

Anyhow as what’s been already stated try it both ways, but I bet the AQ 3000 will not miss a beat.



I tried many over the years via lending library at CableCompany, every single one impacted transients to some degree. This vs 20amp 10AWG dedicated line just for amps/subs. Dedicated line to PC same 20amp, 10AWG. At that time I was running Cary SLM100 mono blocks and Art Audio Carissa Signature 845SET amps. Even with little 300B mono blocks mostly running these days present modified BPT 3.5 Signature blunts transients to some degree, this through it's dedicated amp circuit. Also, keep in mind with most if not all PC's its likely amp outlets pathway not going through entire PC circuit so you're conditioning is being limited in some way.

Not sure on size fits all.  You will just need to try it.  But, I would guess that efficient Class D amps with less current draw might work well with a conditioner where large Class AB amp such as yours might be restricted?