phono preamp for Primaluna

Any suggestions for a Phono preamp for primaluna Dialogue premium HP intergrated amp?I have rega planer 5 with exact cartridge MM, but would like MC capable for future use. Dont want to spend a lot of $.Thanks for any suggestions.
in the 500 to 700 range, the Marantz 7 clone from China available on ebay is the best I have heard.

at the next level up would look for a used Manley Chinook.
Great choice.

You're done if you stay away from audio forums. 

I've used a Kiseki Blue and demoed the Chinook with my PL HP setup.
Enjoy it.

Playing good records,speaker setup and room are now your major concerns.

i went a little crazy ,I got a new TT ,VPI Prime, Kiseki blue, cart & a Manley chinook pre amp, I think done for life, LOL
It's been a while: what did you decide and how did it turn out? I'm especially curious if you're having gain issues. I have the regular Dialogue Premium (not HP), and use the 38dB setting of a Blue Circle FLT iaB phono stage with a Shure M91 (5mV) and I have to have the volume control turned down really low even for moderate listening levels. 

for 5 bills or under only one to buy, the Nobsound clone of the EAR 824, available from doukmall on ebay for about 400. install some PSVANE 12AX7s in it and will be tough to beat until you get into 5 figure gear.

Good at $400 new would be the Parks Puffin.  Lots of gain settings, handles MM & MM carts, does no harm.

Better for around $500 used would be a Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena.  In addition to lots of gain settings, also a wide range of cartridge loading settings.  Very neutral and detailed.
I’have the Prima Luna dialogue hp and I’m Very happy with the lehmannaudio pre phono MM e MC.
Since I have very few albums, I purchased an inexpensive Hagerman Bugle 3 MM/MC phono preamp. I have it connected to my Gryphon Diablo 300. It sounds very good for it’s price. Low noise level. Very few ticks and pops. Just have to get over the fact that it built inside a plastic case.
@bestbaker just saw the $500-700. I think you are looking at the Schiit Mani with money left for good phono cables. Simaudio Moon 110LPv2 is $399. Pass Labs used will be over budget. Those are some good options. I would go for the Simaudio. 
I have a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP, too. So first thing is you don’t need to spend the $ on a phono  preamp with balanced outs because there are no balanced inputs on the PrimaLuna. Since you don’t want to spend a lot of $, I think the bottom of the picks would be the Schiit Mani. Next might be a Simaudio 110LPv2. Other ideas include a used Pass Labs. Not knowing the actual budget, the options are many. But I have owned phono preamps from all of the above companies and have been pleased. 
This one has impressive specs and features for that price point:

For a little more, consider the Elac PPA-2.

How about the Bellari phono stages? Two models available: VP549 ($149) and VP130 ($275). SS and tube (12AX7), respectively. Both are MM only. Bellari does make a SUT for low-output MC cartridges - but for an additional $500. I have the SUT. Excellent quality, made here in the USA (Utah). Check on EBay for sellers.

A couple of years ago I picked up a Project Tube Box DS for $350 and it sounds surprisingly good while being quite versatile with MM and MC settings.  MC gain goes up to 60dB.  I see it's been replaced with the next model (DS2) for $700.  I wouldn't pay $700 but you can find these units on sale often and used or demo versions.  For MM only carts I hear good things in this price range for the Lounge LCR Gold.  For MC only I'd go with the Tom Evans Microgroove in this price range.
Get the most phonostage you can afford. The Bottlhead would have been a setup.

You have a nice amp. Don't compromise your tables performance. A decent tube unit can be found here.

My PLHP has been in service for 4 years.

As far as tube or SS the primaluna is tube ,and I am new to tubes. I just sold my bottlehead Seduction , did not like it with my Mcintosh vintage C27 preamp & MC2200 amp,Maybe i should have not sold it.
I've been waiting for PL to come out with something. They are the value leader in tubes right?
Hagerman Cornet III
or a Bottlehead Seduction if you want a sweeter sound. both tube
Dont want to spend a lot of $.

This means what?...less than $1,000?  Less that $500?  So many choices it's best to know the budget better.