Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
really digging mcintosh. been through a couple of systems for my studio and by far the sound is consistently clean at the loudest output. cant complain with that when youre in the rock business.
Well, I'm discovering this forum a little late but here is my "amp evolution":

1987: NAD 7220PE Receiver(my first component system which also consisted of a Dual 505-2 turntable and Boston Acoustics A40 speakers)

1999: NAD C740 Receiver. Bump up in power and sound quality. At this point also had NAD 502 CD Player and 614 Dual cassette deck)

2012: Rega Brio-R. By far the best bump-up in sound quality. Much more depth, detail and clarity with the Rega. But note this is also coupled with a prior upgrade to the Rega Apollo CD player and Rega P2 turntable (bias-2 cartridge). The Brio-R is bringing alive all of the detail that my P2 and Apollo is capturing.
My first love some thirty years ago, a Pioneer SX-525 receiver, held in my lap all the ninety mile way home. A Yamaha CR 1040 receiver. NAD then Carver Cube with the later addition of Carver TFM 15 amp. Acurus, my first "high end" the ACT Five. Which lead to my first tube integrated amp the SQ-88 by Quest for Sound. Tubes are indeed sweet. My best so far and dream come true, a McIntosh MA 6600. And just because a Marantz PM 8004. All have been a true joy. I love this stuff.
Late 80s: Tecnics class AA integrated, good loud amp for college
90s - 00s: Yamaha recievers, Arcam integrated and a Linn Classik that I still have in my bedroom
Late 00s: Tried the Dared 6 channel tube hybrid, wish it had a bigger footprint with better speaker wire connections and more inputs
Present: Audio Refinement Multi5 with a Pre5, which sounds great and beat out a Rogue Cronus Magnum that I had for a month and returned.

I might try consolidating down to the Audio Refinement Complete Alpha integrated since I am only 2 channel. How much punch, soundstage, etc would I lose doing this? Or anyone have an AR Multi2 or 3 in black that wants to trade?
Adcom 555 mono blocks
Bryston 4Bst
Bryston 6Bsst
Krell MDA 500's
Krell FPB 700cx
Krell FPB 750mcx
I had the Denon PMA 2000 AE (great entry level integrated, I used it with the same B&W 803D I have today and they sounded good!), now I have the Luxman 509u and I don't find any reason to change it!
Pass X-150
Quicksilver V-4
ARC VS-115
Joule VZN 160 MKlll Grand Marquis
Joule VZN 160 MKV Grand Marquis Musicwood

Spectron lll Mk2 (owned for 1 week) reinstalled the Joules

The Joule amps sound is so to my liking I think they will be difficult and most likely expensive to replace.
Here's my amp/int amp/rec'r journey from 1984 to 2012:

1. yamaha M50, crown straight line 1 preamp
2. Sansui AU717
3. NAD 2155, Luxman preamp, Acoustat TNP pre
4. B&K ST140, Acoustat, TNP pre, Music reference RM5 mkII pre & dyna PAS 2
5. Dynaco ST70, Dyna PAS 3
6. McIntosh MC225, Music Reference pre
7. B&K EX442 Sonata - sounded almost exactly like the Paoli's), Music Ref pre
8. Paoli M60 monoblocks, Music Ref pre
9. cj MV50, Music Ref pre
10. Music Reference RM9, Music Ref pre
11. AMC CVT-3030
12. Mac 1900 Rec'r
13. Mitsubishe DA-R7 rec'r
14. Creek 5050 int.
15. Acurus A80, Hegeman Hapi2 pre
16. Early Korneff 6bq5 SE int.
17. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode
18. Custom KT66 SE int (from ebay)
19. Onix OA-21s
20. ads A-2
21. JVC 80 watt class A int.
22. Musical Fidelity B1
23. Kailin 6bq5 int
24. Rawsonte Brick gainclones, Superphon Rev. Basic Dual Mono preamp
25. Audio Space Mini-Galaxy II
26. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode - moded
27. Tandberg 3030 receiver

And the most memorable/best sounding: Mac MC225, Korneff, 6bg6, Onix, the B&K's, Paolis, gainclones

And the worst sounding/bigest disappointment: cj (just didn't mate up with the MR preamp & wish I had a PV5), Musical Fidelity B1, Kailin (fans just too darn loud), MAC1900 (great tuner but early SS harsh sounding amp)
1970-Dynaco SCA-80 integrated (40wpc)
1971-Sony Power TA-3200F (one of the best vintage amps)
1989-Nakamichi Reciever III (37wpc)
1997-Nakamichi Reciever II (50wpc)
1998-Adcom 545II (100wpc/160wpc)
2001-Jolida 302 (40wpc) "human sounding"
2003-Linn Majik (33wpc/66wpc) "spectacular PRaT"
2003-Linn LK 100 (60wpc) "not as good as Majik amp section"
2004-Linn Klout ( 80wpc/160wpc) "simply stellar, my favorite"
2005-Pass Labs Aleph 30 (30wpc/45wpc) "clean and detailed"
2007-Classe CA-100 (100wpc/200wpc) "very musical, powerful full bodied"
2008-Audio Electronics Super Amp MkII (20wpc in Triode) "Cary tube amp, airy musicality"
Sony Receiver ->
Carver M500t ->
Carver M1.5t ->
Adcom GFA-555 ->
Levinson No. 27 ->
Levinson No. 334

I've had the 334 for a little over a decade and aside from Pass Labs haven't heard much that makes me want to upgrade.

Of note is I do NOT like the Levinson sound since the move to the West Coast.
Sony receiver
NAD 40 watt
Carver m400?
Carver m500
Rotel 980bx
Conrad Johnson MF2500
Creek integrated
McCormack DNA 0.5
MCCormack DNA 1
Nuforce Ref 8.5
Upgraded to
Nuforce Ref 9 V2
PS Audio HCA 2
Belles 150A Reference
Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3 Integrated
Marantz receiver mid '70's, Bryston 2B a short time later and Hafler 9180 ever since 1995. I regret ever letting go of the Marantz. At that time in audio history Marantz owned a lot of the market in it's niche. The Bryston had too little low end as it was 50W, but I liked it otherwise. The Hafler 9180 is a GEM of a performer. Never fatiguing. Never had one problem with it or any other of my amps for that metter. Rockford Fosgate is holding on the the Hafler name and patents and will not re-start the line. I have asked. If I have to ever replace the Hafler (will try to get it fixed first) I will stay with MOSFETS and go with the B and K 200.2. A MOSFET higher watt/current amp running in Class A at low listening levels. Want one NOW but $1600 is too much at this point in time.
Asterisk for "why did I sell it"
These only make sense in the context of what speakers I had at the time.
Dyna ST 35
Dyna Pas 3 and MK III s *
Dyna Pat 4 and ST 120 (Big mistake)
Sherwood integrated
Hafler 101 and 110 into DH 200 with mods
Flame Linear 400 (another mistake)
NAD 1020*
YBA Integre DT *
Meridian amp ? model
Krell 7B and KS 80 (to drive 'stats)
Pass Kit
Audio Note 300B
Audioquest EL34 *
Conrad Johnson PV 11 with whatever 60 watt amp they were making
Jeff Rowland Concentra 2 *
Saunders MK 1 (to drive another 'stat)*
Tact S2150
Leben CS 300*
I started with a 25 watt Sansui in 1973 then a Fisher 100 watt reciever,SAE,Nakamichi 600 then Carver dual cubes and finally my favourite PS Audio 200c great power and build.
Like many people here I started reading about high end audio gear before ever owning any. My uncle subscribed to Stereo Times, Stereo Review, and Audiophile and passed them to me when I was 14....and I devoured these magazines and dreampt of owning hi end gear one day.

My parents gave me a Fischer receiver from the late 1960s as a teen, and I recall it sounding amazing (Fischer?!?) Since that was over 20 years ago...I can't accurately remember how it compared to newer gear...but I'll never forget it. It was so clear. But I only thought of Fischer as cheap gear, and I eventually sold it real cheap. Now I don't care about anything regarding audio gear except how it sounds to me. Period.

I remember reading rave reviews of the Yamaha M-80 Power Amp as a teen and bought one in my early 20s. Coupled with a HK preamp, it was very nice at the time, but it didn't live up to its rave reviews....or that old Fischer.

At 25 I bought an entire used system that blew me away. It included a B&K ST 2020 power amp with a Conrad Johnson PV 8 preamp (with B&W speakers, Klipsch dual 15" powered sub, and other treats). I consider that to be my first 'good' stereo system. That was the first time I heard soundstaging in my home. I kept that setup for a few years, needed money, and sold the BK and CJ....and listened to garbage for years. I eventually forgot the MAGIC that a good stereo adds to LIFE.

In 2006 I got a bonus at work on a whim one Saturday I bought a Musical Fidelity A3 integrated amp. I WAS VERY PLEASED. The magic was back, in a big way. I could live with that litle amp now and be very happy if I had to.

I liked it so much I traded it for an A3cr power amp (which I like just as much as my friend's Nu-Vista integrated) and ran it with no preamp. I bought a Jolida JD 700 tube cd player (it does play dvds too which I know is audiophile blasphemy, but I prefered it to the JD 100, and I trust what I HEAR now). The JD 700 has a volume control, and it sounded so good to me (utterly transparent) that I thought using any preamp would be a step backward. I tried a older CJs and Classe', but preferred no preamp. It's that nice.

Three weeks ago I got another bonus at work and decided to get a preamp, thinking that even if the system didn't improve, it was practical. After debating it, (I considered selling the MF and buying a nice $2,000 integrated, either a Jolida tube or whatever) I bought the Jolida Fusion preamp which just came out. It's simply a superb combination. I couldn't be happier. The only change I can forsee making in amps anytime soon is getting another A3cr and bi-amping it.

I apologize for rambling, but this was a fun trip down memory lane!
I started reading Stereophile back in the late 80s, when I couldn't afford the good stuff. My first amp was an Adcom GFA-545, followed by a Parasound HCA-800. Next was a B&K ST-202. Lastly, I'm enjoying a Bedini 150 MkII I recently aquired off ebay for $350. I'm pairing it with an old Lazarus Cascade Basic preamp and love the combo! I still can't afford the good stuff, but ebay makes it easier to afford the used stuff.
In order of acquisition - I often had more than one amp on hand:

NAD 3020 / B&K 102 / Quicksilver 8417 / Pass Aleph 3 / Pass Aleph 2 / CAT JL2 / Quicksilver V4 / First Watt Aleph J / Pass XA30.5 /Music Reference RM 9 Special Edition / Atma-sphere M60 / Music Refererene RM 10 MKII

Still own the last two.
Marantz 1060
Harman Kardon Citation 12
Crown D150
Vsp labs Gold
Classe CA-2100
I started out with a technics integrated back in 1980, when I was stationed in okinawa japan, got a hold of sansui AUD-11 integrated which is still revered today and a yamaha M-80 amp, another sought after vintage.
Today, I have a combination of carver TFM amps, TFM 753, tfm 45, tfm 35, two tfm 500x, two 1.5t,m-400t,an emotiva xpa-5, sunfire theater grand, carver c-16, c-5 preamps, carver c 4000t preamp, emotiva usp-1 preamp, B&K pro 10 preamp. sunfire TGR 401 ht receiver and a pioneer sc 37 ht receiver. paxhton integrated tube amp,
The below list covers a main system in the basement and a bedroom system.

Started with a Fisher Receiver.
Maratnz receiver
Anthem amp
Rotel 1080 receiver
PS Audio HCA 2
Sim Audio W3
Modded Unison Unico SE integrated
Cayin A-KT 88 integrated
RWA 70.2 mono's
Sim Audio W-7

Current inventory in house
Sim W3
Modded Unison Unico SE
Arte Forma I-150 Susan (my brother in law is currently using it)
Aspen Maya (Australia)
Luxman L-507u
1) Crown D150
2) Hitachi MA 7500 (early Mosfet)
3) Michaelson Austin TVA-1 (sadly died may years ago)
4) Yamaha MX800
5) Adcom GFA-535II
6) Rotel 960BX
Current - Threshold Stasis 3 breathed on by John Hillig of Musical Design, Rotel 980BX stock.
Started with and still have a Yamaha CR-820 receiver
Marantz CA500 monoblocks
Yamaha Z1 Surround receiver
Classe CA100's X 2
Nuforce 9 SEV2
Halcro MC50
Pass Labs X350.5 my current (pun intended) beast
Let's see:
Hafler 500, then I modified it with that musical concepts kit
Sonic Frontiers SFS80
Graaf GM20
CJ Premier 11a, and then another to vertically bi-amp
Opera Consonance Cyber 211 mono blocks - love these
About 20 years ago, my wife got us a full Sony ES line with Kef speakers. Decent system and with children coming shortly worked for us.
The amp, GX57ES, went crazy. CD player and cassette likewise. Ultimately got both amp and cassette working again, but that is another story.
From the Sony I moved to the Onkyo A-9555, the first batch before Onkyo stopped and then restarted making them again. It got good reviews and did nice things with my Dahlquist DQM-9s.
I finally was able to build a 2 channel system and spent quite some time researching and assembling it. Thank you to many folks here for thoughts and opinions over the past few years. I finally have a Counterpoint SA-12. For a preamp I am using the Dolan PM1.
Next steps are... I am not sure yet. Right now I have Soundsmith Monarch speakers and love them. I think the driver for the next round of upgrades are when I get a fuller-range floor stander.
NAD 3020 integrated
Bryston 3B
Krell KSA 50
Air Tight ATM-1
Spectral DMA-180 II
Cary Rocket 88
Berning ZH-270
Atma-Sphere MA1 MkIIs
Dehavilland Aries 845G s
Balanced Audio Technology VK-150SE s

at 16 an itergrated electrical store deck and speakers
then went seperates..
Teleton SAQ25
then some weird 20 watt amp I cant remember (japanese 1 off type)Consort. concerto??
then the evergreen Arcam A60 kept this for almost 10 yrs
then went 'retro'
Williamson 'stereo' amp with 6L6's
Leak TL12plus monoblocks
Leak Stereo 60
Radford STA100
ASL Monsoon mk1's
Now have, and keepers!
Ming Da MC34ab and TRI M88SE monoblocks
This may seem like a lot but is over 55 years
Dynaco ST-70
Moscode 300
Audio Research D115
Cary 805
Cary 2A3
Korneff 45
Transcendent Sound single ended OTL
Oddesey Khartego
Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes
'70s Marantz receiver
Kyocera R-451
ASL Wave 8's
Dynaco ST-70 with Triode Electronics mods
Cyrus One integrated--last version with toggle power switch
Sherwood S-7210 receiver
Sure TK2050 class D amp extensively modified
Magnavox 6V6 8802 console amp
McCormack DNA-0.5

I still have the last five, though the McCormack is what I usually listen to. The little Maggie 6V6 is a great bedroom amp.
Kenwood integrated/high school > JVC receiver college> Adcom 5802 until 1 year ago, then I was cured of transistor disease.
In my now tubulous audiophile life, I have a vintage, fully serviced (new caps, tubes) Berning 230 amp (30WPC) in my main system and a new Music Reference 10MKII with V-caps in the bedroom system. I which I had been cured sooner. I walked the earth like a zombie listening to equally zombied out transistorized music for decades. Hyperbole aside, the imaging, body, and to use the cinematic phrase "suspension of disbelief" that I am listening live is meaningfully closer with carefully chosen tube gear vs transistors. Merry Christmas all.
Electrocompaniet AW-120DMB stereo amplifier (Used to own)
Mark Levinson No.332 Stereo Amplifier (Used to own)
Mark Levinson No.33H Monaural Amplifiers (Used to own)
Krell Master Reference Amplifiers (Currently own)
Tube Research Labs Platinum GTR 800 Mono Amplifiers (Waiting for delivery)
Dynaudio Arbiter Mono Amplifiers (Waiting for delivery)
started with a deck/amp unit with speakers as a kid, then went seperates
Teleton SAQ15
Consort 20/20 (some obscure brand in the 70's from a high volume retailer)
Arcam A60, had this for years.....then heard tube, and never went back, well I did, backwards in technology
Leak TL12+
Home built Williamson 15 watt amp
Leak stereo 60
Radford STA100
currently using
Ming Da MC34AB and ASL Monsoon Mk1 with AQ1600pre amp
A series of Rotel, Arcam and Musical Fidelity integrated during college years, graduated to Primare, Krell and Densen integrated, Densen pre and power combos, including the 350 mono's, a brief spell with Clearaudio balance pre/power, Pathos Inpol, Graaf Model One and 5050 power-amp, Graaf 13.5 and GM 100, Karan Acoustics KA Line and 270 power - DIVORCE - back to Densen (B-200/B-310) and now Audio Analogue Bellini-Donizetti (x2) combo. When I upgrade, either higher-end Audio Analogue gear or Audia Pre/50-100 combo.
I started with technics 4 chanel CD4 8300 I think then a sony intergrated, that was the first couple years. Then I had 3 Mcintosh mc2205s 2 bi amped my front speakers the other drove the rear channels my second try at making 4 channel work. Then I sold the macs and got a conrad johnson p1 with el34s then modded it and ran 6550s then had it rebuilt and ran it with KT88s. Just retired that amp for ayre mono blocks. Preamps were Mac mc32 then Sonic Fronters proto type, now the Ayre top of line. I am adding a Ayre phono stage.
* Mid 80's I purchased a Technics rack system, it had an integrated amp

* Late 80's - Denon PMA 300V integrated (My friend from High School that got me into audio still uses this)

* Late 80's - Heath (I don't remember the model, but it is in my basement. The aforementioned friend had a brother that worked for Zeinth, the parent (?) company, so I purchased it cheap. Another friend purchased it from me years ago, but I borrowed it a couple years ago and it sits in my basement now, he doesn't want it back.)

* 11/1991 - Forte Model 6

* 8/1997 - Meridian 557

* 8/2000 - Mark Levinson No.383 integrated

* 12/2001 - Moscode 300 (modified)

* 3/2002 - Mark Levinson No.383 integrated

* 1/2003 InnerSound ESL

* 2/2003 BAT VK-200

* 6/2003 Jeff Rowland Concentra II

* 12/2003 Pass X150.5

* 8/2004 - Classe CA-2200

* 3/2005 - Musical Fidelity kW500

* 12/2005 - McIntosh MA2275 integrated

* 5/2006 - McIntosh MC402

* 11/2006 - (Tried another Jeff Rowland CII, but key the Mac gear)

* 1/2010 - Luxman L590A II integrated
Here goes (from consumer audio to audiopile)!
Cary 88
McIntosh 6900
Pass X350.5
First Watt J2

Going to be hard to move away from Nelson's products...
1968- 1972: Early 60's tube-type, All-in-one Concord model 555 stereo tape recorder. My old man showed it to me when I was a wee lad. I bugged him for years to give it to me, on my tenth birthday 1968, she was all mine.

1972-74: Lafayette (Pioneer rebranded) Integrated amplifier 25-30 watts/chan.

1974-76 Lafayette (Pioneer rebranded) Receiver 45 watts/chan

1976: McIntosh MC300 monoblock amps with separate power supplies. 300 watts each! I could barely lift them as separate units. House burns down soon after :-(

1976-1994: Pioneer SX- Reciever 55 watss/chan direct-coupled output. (no output decoupling capacitor, you had to occasionally rebalance the output stage) I bought it Tech Hi-Fi as a year-old Demo, they used it to demonstrate their speakers. Demo units are usually the last thing I buy, but they doubled the warranty and dared me to try and break it. They where right, this unit is bullet proof, I don't know how innocent speakers went to an early grave because of this bad boy. The low frequency range could make woofers hit their stops at both ends. It's still around, still working, doing garage duty.

1994-2009: Apt-1 (Tom Holman) pre-amp/Luxman MB3045 Monoblock tube amps. My first foray into really nice equipment, made me wonder why I didn't take the plunge sooner. The Apt eventually developed noisy switch problems I could never quite keep clean. I think they were just plain worn-out.

2009- present McIntosh MA6600 solid state 200 watts/chan.: The receiver I always knew I would own eventually. Interestingly it isn't quite as good as a match to the Klipsch Cornwalls as I had hoped. Fortunately I kept the Luxman monoblocks, and use the MAC front-end. Perhaps I'll trade the CW3's for B & W 804, 805, 806? which I hear are a better match for the MAC.
My every other year post #4. Went through a few more changes but recently put a Primare integrated in the system. This is an older model (30.1 built in 2000) but had just been rebuilt & completely gone thru, so it was fresh. Actually I believe it still needed a bit of final break-in when I got it.

I'm pretty impressed & have once again started to seek out more music, which is always a good sign. Sometimes I just get in audition mode w/gear moving from one piece to another-not searching for "that final piece" but looking for something to really enjoy. Well, this might be what I've been looking for.

I'll check back in a few more yrs. & see what took place.
I'm only 28 and I'm not sure I can remember my entire hi end amp history. Off the top of my head:

Marantz 1060B
JoLida 1501RC
Plinius 8200 MkII
Wright 3.5
Fi 2a3 monoblocks
Firstwatt F1 now updated to F1J
Dynaco ST-70

and I'm on the prowl for a successor.
It took a while, starting with a Panasonic SA6500, then started to get serious with Mac Mx112 and 250 until I got hold of an Electrocompaniet EC4 preamp some dufus footballed. The Mac couldn't keep up and as EC does not have a dealer here updated to Audio Research 100.2. At last I have an EC AW220 and my living room is like Powell Symphony Hall. The bad news is, Electrocompaniet no longer makes this model. That is all.
trying to build up my system after the amp , next was speakers. So on C/L I saw aprair of pristinte SM112 W/ NOTHING WRONG and the foam surroundlooked like they were professionally done.Yes sonically there weak on the bottom end,but I'not into GOTH, H/M M/M RAP and other heavy on the bottom rock.So the guestion is leave it be or pick-up apair of Hereseys that are in very good condition.

Various "no high end amps " then i build my own Hawk audio kit amps 2 times 20 watt class A/AB.
Meridian 557
Marklevinson 431
Graaf GM 200
Krell evo 400

next will be probably zanden amps but they are a little expensive and big transistors also have some qualities of their own so maybe a zanden pre wil do the job
Going way, way, WAY back to junior HS: Curtes Mathes compact stereo (ick)

High school: Kenwood KA6006 integrated (60 wpc) -- headed in right direction

Post-college graduaton: Yamaha receiver (can't remember model)

Yamaha dies after about 14 years, and replaced with Rotel 100 wpc integrate -- now we're getting somewhere

Move to Surround sound -- Rotel processor and 5-way amp (probably lateral move, soundwise)

Seriously upgrade stereo capabilities: Ayre K-5xeMP preamp, Ayre V-5xe amp


Happy listening.
Jadis DA-60 -> Mark Levinson No.331 -> Mark Levinson No. 33H -> DartZeel NHB-108 -> Pass Labs XA160.5

The Pass XA.5 series is very very natural sounding. Tonally excellent.
Started with HK 500 A modded as a pre-amp and a Hafler DH220
then a Melos 90 st to a Jeff Rowland model 8 with choke and now
have added an ARC d-70 mk2 as a tube alternative along with the
Jeff Rowland.