Options besides a computer for streaming


I Have a older MacBook Pro that I have been streaming tidal with thru my Lampizator dac.

it sounds very good but lately my battery want hold a charge and sometimes it want play without trying several times.

 Basically it’s old and I was considering replacing it, but then was thinking since it’s dedicated just for music playback. Perhaps there’s a better choice for similar cost of a new MacBook?

any info appreciated especially from Lampizator owners.

thanks, Scott
There are many fine choices in that range and significantly less.  The newest MacBook costs around $2300.  You didn’t mention where your music is stored; is it on the HD of your current PC?  If so you will need to back it up if you haven’t done so already.  A related question is if you need a HD to store your files on to be part of the streamer, or is it contained in a separate location such as a NAS
Something with a built-in media player and Ethernet input will likely not require a computer, maybe a tablet or smart phone with browser for operation.
The Bluesound Node2i would fill your needs well at around $500.  It should play nice with your DAC 
I just started another discussion, I also have a Lampizator transport.

still trying to figure it out but it’s supposed to have a modded Logitech squeezebox inside.

with that connected would I still need to connect my dac to my MacBook?
I think an Innuos Zen Mini with LPSU < $ than a Mac. Great as can load all your music on it (either folder or CDs), stream with Tidal or Qobuz, uses Roon (which IMO is awesome) and great quality
It sounds like you already have a streamer in your transport.  I would end the thread here
Node 2i. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should use a computer to stream audio.

Node 2i + NAS is all you need.


That’s what I was thinking, but haven’t been able to get it up and running just yet. 
But the transport has a streamer no need for MacBook?
If your transport has a streamer, then you wouldn’t need a MacBook or any additional device.
I would reach out to Lampizator for setup support. 
I I have it connected to my home network but can’t get it to connect to Logitech site

i have been scrolling thru the threads and one poster said you still need a server with this transport.
 I will try and ask the manufacturer 

Why not use your phone?  Even an older phone on wifi only.  Tidal will work fine.
I did figure out how to use the streamer built into the transport and it sounds quite good, it’s sp dif cable and not usb but it’s working!

the tiny screen on the remote is my only complaint 

thanks for the info
I replaced my 2011ish MacBook Pro and iTunes/BitPerfect  with with a Roon Nucleus and Roon.  Had my data (music) on an external Samsung T5 SSD.  Super easy conversion.

Wasn't expecting much improvement in sound quality, just in usability due to moving to Roon.  No question, Roon is a vastly superior musical interface, but the surprise was the sound quality.  Everything sounded "identical" till I realized in the first few seconds/minutes that the sound/noise floor had dropped noticeably.  This might seem trivial, but is not.  A lower noise floor lets you hear details, like how notes end, spatial placement, hall effects, etc., that make the music that much more realistic. I am 100% happy with my purchase (I bought the less expensive Nucleus, since I don't do DSP into my Yggy), but I am considering an LPS to see if I can drop the noise floor further.

Get a Allo Digione Player ....  $175 will sound as good, if not better than the 'high priced spread'... Get the Acrylic Case... Many software options for Free. Your choice of DAC.... Been running them for years.

I was using my laptop with windows 10 and jriver to stream.  I think the weak point is the computer because it is not a dedicated streaming device.  I bought a bluesound node 2i and the difference was immediately noticed.  Buying a streamer with only one purpose and operating software is the best way to go.  There are many great streamers and servers that will be much better than a multi-use computer. 
I have noticed a lower noise floor, and downloaded SqueezePad so I can use my iPad as a remote.

the Lampizator sounded so good before but now it’s even better.

thanks for all the reply’s