I discovered the basic principle of minimal acoustic satisfaction level :
Upgrade the component to a good synergy level in relation to your budget...
We must buy a minimally well designed system to begin with ...
Then forget all others upgrade proposition especially the costlier one...
A---Begin to experiment with basic acoustics ( not only absorption-reflexion-diffusion but with Helmholtz resonators use) and psycho-acoustics concept ( crosstalk-crossfed mechanism etc ) ...
B---- Experiment with vibrations control...
C---- Experiment with electrical grid optimization and EMI control etc
D---- read about unusual "tweaks " for example Schumann generator but only after you had taken the stage A-B-C very seriously ...
Why this road is the only one ?
Because any evaluation of gear acoustic potential effects had no value nor meaning in a speakers/ room which is not under your control, you cannot know the acoustic quality level of your experience in a non controlled system... Period...
Any other road is consumers programming by upgrade according to taste (subjectivists) or according to specs measures (objectivist)... But these upgrades by taste or measured specs made no sense or are illusory in a non controlled system , mechanically, electrically and acoustically ...
Because in a non controlled room with a non controlled system , there is no way for you to know the real potential S.Q level of your actual gear or the upgrade one, even if the upgrade is really a good choice ...This last fact induce people to be satisfied with no acoustic control of their room because their system satisfy them but they will ignore the the true quality level in an optimized speakers/room...
When this is done you are so happy you read no more publicity about audio, you listen music in ectasy and you pity most people with very costly system instead of envy or jealousy...
Why ?
Because even if my low cost system can be upgraded with a better one for sure (and i know with what and how) i am so proud of my actual S.Q. with a 1000 bucks system done right that i will not buy anything else just to prove that hi-fi satisfying experience cost nothing if we understand what to do ...
I learn it alone almost because most threads promote costlier upgrades nothing else...
I promote acoustics experiments ...