Nick Drake and others like him

Have enjoyed getting to know Nick Drakes music...was wondering if there are others from the same era in the same vein that I should hear... this was before my time!
Another one to check out with some similarities to Nick Drake is "Around In Circles" by Dan Arborise on the UK Just Music label, produced by Jon Hopkins.
daniel martyin moore "stray age" on sub pop lp also avail. w/ 7" on shake it records.
Yes, "Way to Blue" is great, even though I have all the albums, I usually grab it when I want to hear him, even over the "treasury" hits on vinyl.
Yes, I find that the thing that ,above all else, draws one to Nick Drake is a sense of profound mystery in his songs...the deep attachment to something perhaps he himself could not get a handle on-something that ultimately overwhelmed him. ...that is what I find missing in so many of the others. Usually, there is no experience of the trancendant there or the mythic. I did hear that in Tim Buckley to some extent... Have not listened enough to the others to make the same.

"Black-Eyed Dog" is perhaps the most poignant example of what I'm talking about. Sometimes it gives me the creeps so bad that I have to just skip over it.

I find that "Way to Blue" is a wonderful album even if some of the strings were added later on in production.
I just get a little turned off by guys in the past 10yrs or so who play somber, navel gazing music and think they're like nick drake. I truly doubt they'll be getting played 40 yrs from now. As to my crack :) about the thread, there are many from nick drake's era who it would serve you all well to check out.

I assume you're talking about Elliot Smith there. I'm actually drawn to rather somber tunes myself, yet I couldn't get into his music either. It all sounds the same to me, very monotone, and doesn't really take me anywhere I'd like to go, in spite of my draw to that type of music in general. It goes a bit too far south, kind of like Mazzy Star does for me (though I like their music better than Smith's), I end up feeling like ending it all myself (which, in Smith's case is what he decided - as did Drake). Again, check into Alexi Murdoch - there's no navel gazing going on there. Where I find Smith lacking in comparison is the lack of the absolutely brilliant sense of musicianship that Drake has. Murdoch definitely shares Drakes intimacy with the guitar and how he's using it to take you through his songs, as well as the sheer diversity of how he uses it.

I'm sure your suggestions would be appreciated - give us some specific suggestions beyond the book you pointed to.
I remember playing him quite a while ago and couldn't get on with it, maybe i'll give him another shot. I just get a little turned off by guys in the past 10yrs or so who play somber, navel gazing music and think they're like nick drake. I truly doubt they'll be getting played 40 yrs from now. As to my crack :) about the thread, there are many from nick drake's era who it would serve you all well to check out.
Second the Elliot Smith and Iron&Wine suggestions. Elliot's music is very subtle and grows on you over time. Cheers,
Checked out the Alexi I really like Time without Consequence. That was an immediate purchase.

I would practically guarantee that anyone who likes Nick Drake's music will also enjoy Alexi Murdoch. Time Without Consequence has become one of the most frequently played CD's in my library. You will enjoy it, I promise.

Chashas1 - You are quite correct, I did ignore the parameter to stick to the same era, but there are so many modern artists who seem to be influenced by Drake, and or are coming from a very similar core with their music. In the case of Murdoch....well, just sample the first cut on his CD and you'd swear you were listening to Drake himself. I don't know if it is deliberate, but I do seem to recall reading Murdoch acknowledging the influence. If you do a google search you will see the inference drawn over and over again. I was astounded the first time I heard that CD at the similarities. Regardless, it's a great CD and just beautiful music and songwriting.
Checked out the Alexi I really like Time without Consequence. That was an immediate purchase. Also, Tim/Jeff Buckley...liked those too. Am still in the process of checking the other stuff out. Thanks all!
I think in the initial thread he was asking for others of the era? Obviously some don't know their british folk. You might try reading joe boyd's great read, white bicycle.
Great call all around, Eslaudio. That reminds me of yet another rather less well-known and melancholic artist in the same 'family' as Drake and Elliot Smith. Try Damien Jurado's, Where Shall You Take Me?.
An enthusiastic second for Bonnie Prince Billy's 'Master and Everyone'. For more contemporary artists, you might also like Sun Kil Moon (e.g. Tiny Cities, Ghosts of the Great Highway, April) and Sufjan Stevens--Seven Swans is probably the closest in style to Nick Drake.
Jeeze, it took that long for someone to come up with Alexi Murdoch (spelled wrong in previous post). ABSOLUTELY!!! Time Without Consequence is a GREAT CD and sounds as if he's channeling Nick Drake. He's touring right now with a few new songs. I missed the show here but my friend caught it and said he was great. Lots of other good recommendations above, but Alexi would be at the very top of my list. If you like Drake, I'd bet you may also enjoy Ray La Montagne. Not the same,...much more impactful. The recent one isn't as good as the previous two... just a hunch that you'd enjoy his stuff. Another not yet mentioned that belongs on the list of looser references is Damien Rice.

Also check out the documentary film, "A Skin Too Few: The Days of Nick Drake" if you get a chance. It comes with the box set of his three albums, Fruit Tree, but you may be able to rent it separately. Very well done documentary on his life.
Similar to Nick Drake, but contemporary, would be Alexi Murdock. His album "Time Without Consequence" is excellent.
John Martyn-Solid Air
Iron & Wine-Woman King EP
Iron & Wine-Our Endless Numbered Days
Jose Gonzalez-In Our Nature AND Veneer
I saw Tim Buckley live three times.None of his records come close to what he could do live.His singing was very improvisational.Jazzlike.While I think Nick Drake was talented,I wouldn't put him in the same league with Tim Buckley.
Agree with the last post, especially Nic Jones.
The newer artists mentioned, while good in their own right, are nothing like that era you ask about. Look for anything on the Hannibal/Carthage label.
Listen to Neil Halstead, sometimes fools me as the reincarnation of Drake!

Some others from back in the day: Incredible String Band, Sandy Denny, agree with the older Tim Buckley, Shawn Phillips, The Gentle Soul, Chuck & Mary Perrin, Ron Elliot, Robin Williamson, Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle, Nic Jones, Shirley Collins, Amazing Blondel, Magna Carta, I could go on and on.
It was Heroin for dad and Wine related drowning in the Mississippi for the son.Both activities may be judged somewhat suicidal.
definitely Elliott Smith (S/T, either/or, XO). also try Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's 'Master and Everyone'. but in the end, Nick Drake remains unique...
Someone more recent - equally as unique who has unfortunately passed on as well - Chris Whitley. Perhaps 'Dirt Floor' might be a good start, however do yourself a favor and spend some time exploring his other offerings as well.
Nick always reminded me of a quieter version of Donovan, there's a few 'best of Donovan' discs around.

Another one would be Robert Wyatt 'Rock Bottom'. It got 5 stars in 33 reviews on Amazon:
go straight from nick to john martyn (actually a friend of nick's)...would highly recommend starting with 'solid air', 'one world', 'grace and danger'...a singer, songwriter, guitarist for the ages....
have a listen to Tim Buckley..
unique voice most times amazing.Albums/cds: Goodbye and Hello, Dream Letter,Live at the Troubadour 1969. Later music gets a bit avantgard.His guitarist Lee Underwood was also great.He was the father of Jeff Buckley..unfortunately both committed suicide at an all to early age.
You also might like Richard Thompson either solo or with his early group Fairport Convention. HTH
I also came to know Nick's music not too long ago-so I am no expert.
You should sign up to either or (both free) and listen to their matches for Nick Drake. He's a unique one so not an easy question

same era check:
Jackson C. Frank
Fred Neil
Cat Stevens
Simon and Garfunkel(though more upbeat)

Recent artists with similar sound (you probably already know these) :
Jose Gonzalez
Sean Hayes (more upbeat)
Iron & Wine
Elliot Smith