New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID

I am very lucky to be close to Audio Connection and John has outfitted my entire rig over the years. I am currently running Ares/RP-7 to M-180s - always liked Mark's designs and he/Nick are so approachable over at Rogue.

I used to run 2CE IIs for the longest time and loved them and I thought I would give ID a try and landed a pair of Double Impacts - which I love.

However, I have the upgrade itch and I am in two minds on whether I want to go back to Vandy's or look at Salk/Ascend.

I have narrowed down my list to Spendor D9s, Vandy Treo CTs, Salk Soundstage 8s and potentially the Sierra Towers. I am going over to Johnny's this weekend for another listening session with the Treos and potentially Quatros.

I have always looked (more likely lurked) on these forums over the years for advise - unfortunately never posted :(.
I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Audiogon has been extremely helpful to me as well. The people here are amazingly passionate about this hobby of ours.

It feels so good when you can find something in your budget, love it, and not settle.

My best to you.
Thank you so much for the Canton suggestion @revrob.@jdal - I had not considered Bache Audio.

I did visit JohnnyR@audioconnection today. Had an extended listening session with his Quatro CTs - mostly played through Gilmour (Live at Pompeii) given that I love the mastering on that one. It just blew me away - and this was not my first time auditioning the Quatros.

It looks like I will be moving ahead with a pair from RichardV - fingers x'd. I will keep you all posted.

Once again this thread goes to show how helpful Audiogon is to people looking to pick this hobby up. Thanks all.
I need to go visit Bache Audio, too. Especially as I get my hair cut nearby.

I went to the NY Audio show. The Bache were good.
(The QLN was very impressive, but I think it was hindered by either the equipment( Vincent, I think) or interconnects. If I ever get a chance to audition them, I would bring some of my cables).

I suggest that you go to Brooklyn and visit Bache Audio and listen to his speakers. I went a few weeks ago after listening to them at the NY show and I have a pair of Tribecas on order. 
I have Quad 57s and Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers and was considering moving up the Audio Physic line (Midex or Codex). I was looking at speakers that were three times the price. And I have had Theils, ProAc, Verity, Rethm, Coincident, and a few others. 

The Canton 3 DC (brand new - discontinued) are being sold on Accessories4Less dot com. A German speaker that has been favorable reviewed by Stereophile and others. Stereophile had them rate Class A if that matters to you. Canton is one of the largest speaker manufacturer in the world.

There is no way to audition them and even though reviewers have given them high marks as a truly reference caliber speaker they simply do not have the distribution network in the USA. So for many audiophiles such as us there is a problem with the lack of distribution possibly affecting any resell value.

For me at 62 years of age I was looking for my last speaker and to get off this audio merry go round. I believe that I found such a speaker with the Cantons. When Stereophile review them they were $16K a pair, then they dropped to $10K and I recent bought mine for around $3.5k shipped from Accessories4Less (A4L). 

On the A4L website they have both the Canton Reference 3.2 DC for $6k shipped and the Reference 3 DC for $4k shipped. The 3 DC just went up in price but the only difference between the two is the tweeter. But for me $2k more for a different tweeter wasn't worth it. I love these speakers. The free shipping for 108 pound for each speaker and no taxes swung the deal for me.

Because I am not worried about resell also help me with my decision. If resell is a concern and you are still trying to find the next best thing after this you might look in another direction. I find them to be tremendous value for a truly Reference Caliber Speaker for $4K shipped.

Hopefully this will prove helpful on your journey to making the right decision for your audio needs.Please keep us informed.


Based on my auditioning of the BeAT and Encore, I'd endorse everything dep14 says about the SS 9.5.  Unfortunately haven't heard the other models he mentions.  Take a look over at the Salk forum on AudioCircle.
@dep14 - thank you so much for the detailed explanation - it just made things a little harder for me in a very good way :). I have to agree with you on the Tektons - they are fast/dynamic - however I have a feeling as I age I am looking for something outside of their unique house sound (which I think is still great).
I'm real familiar with Salk, and currently the SS 9.5 is the "best" Jim is building.  

They don't have much in common with Tekton, I've heard the Tektons several times.  

From a build quality standpoint, you won't find better fit and finish than Jim's speakers.  I can absolutely state that without question.  The drivers you get for the money, also great values.  

I like the SS9.5, i've owned the SS8.  Personally I think the SS10/12 is the best Jim has built.  Or, I should say they are my favorites.  

The Song 3 Encore to me is the absolute best value in the line-up.  The SS 9.5 has a more complex cabinet, and the open back which to me is nice as it does add some spaciousness if you choose to run it that way. But, I do think the Song 3 Encore gives 85% of the performance.

I don't dislike Tekton as I totally get why people like the sound.  Crazy good dynamics, room filling sound etc.  I won't get into that, I will say that build quality the Salks stomp all over Tekton. (That isn't to say Tekton is a bad build, it's more a reflection of how good salks quality is).

I also really like Vandersteen, the Quattro is a really great sounding speaker if you take the time to set them up right.  

The SS8 is really good, awesome midrange and highs.  I do they they lacked a little punch in the bass department given the number of drivers and size of the speaker.  The Song 3 encore and SS 9.5 have a little more kick down low.  The SS10/12 however capture the mids and highs with a bigger, better bottom end.

Jim/Dennis M did an INCREDIBLE job using that Be tweeter in the 9.5 and others and somehow having it be nice and smooth and detailed without being bright.  I typically do not like Be as a driver, but Jim managed to use it's strength without getting the typical brightness that I find in other Be driver speakers (like the Persona's). 

One thing Jim and Dennis strive for, and frankly I think do a great job with is building a coherent sounding speaker from top to bottom. 

I think this thread has some great suggestions and I hope it helps others as much as it is helping me. Thank you all.
@twoleftears my worry with that is buying without auditioning. I did try that with my Tektons but not sure I want to do that again. Though I only hear good things about Salks.
The SS 9.5 is Salk's best speaker.  The only issue is where to audition it.  But if you can hear the Song 3 BeAT or the larger Song 3 Encore, that will give you more than a taste of the 9.5.
Ribbon tweeters never worked for me.
Since you like the Vandy's I would stay with them.
The ProAc are very good, and if I were in a pinch, I would get them, but the Treo's with subs or the Quatro's are much better in my opinion.
Thanks @tomic601 - the quatros are more than likely going to end up on my list :).

Thanks @milpai - current list as I see it would be Vandy, ProAc, Ascend, Salk in that order and I am adding the Focal 1038Be to the list as well.

Thanks @dtrandall - Might narrow down this list after auditioning at Johnny's this weekend.
I have the ascend towers with RAAL, and I’m very pleased with them, This was my first experience with a good ribbon tweeter and it produces a beautiful, airy top end that is quick and effortless,  nice mids, and bass that is tight and balanced. Everything seams together very well and gives an energetic, spacious presentation. This is not a speaker for bass heads though. If you like a lot of slam, I think you’d be happier adding a sub.

My sense is that they scale very well. I went from an Onkyo AVR to an Audiolab 6000A and the sound was noticeably improved. I’m about to add some monoblock amps and am curious to see what happens when i feed them more power. at 92db efficiency, they are not hard to drive. DaveF, the owner and designer of the tower, recommends a class AB amp with the RAALs because they could produce some of the switching noise of class D.

I know Ascend and Salk are often spoken of together since they both use RAAL ribbon tweeters, but unfortunately I’ve never heard a pair. I know that they have absolutely beautiful cabinet options and are very highly regarded. I doubt you could go wrong with them.

My ascend towers with the RAAL upgrade came to just a tick over $3k, which I feel is an amazing deal for what you get. As I said at the start, I’m very pleased.

+3 on the ProAc D48R.All the loudspeakers you are going to audition are pretty good. It will finally come down to your listening preference.Good luck and keep us posted.
Jim Salk builds an outstanding speaker. But what are you looking for in a speaker, what is most important to you sonically? I've owned SS8's, and have some SS12's being built.  But Jim has other models also like the SS 9.5 etc...

Can't go wrong with Jim, but what are you looking for?
Traded a nice thanksgiving music exchange with Johnny R today of Ornette Coleman’s bass player listening to his Vandersteen powered bass fives, as a Treo CT and 7 owner - stretch to Quattro IF you can :-) but also know the Treo can be magical
as others have said be sure to enjoy the musical journey :-)
I would recommend the RAAL upgrade. Do not have the towers myself, but I had the Sierra 2s with the lesser RAAL and it sounded really, really good. 
Thanks thecarpathian - I actually dropped Ascend a note to confirm upgrade options (including the RAAL).
Thanks twoleftears and revrob,

revrob - I will add Canton to my list - was not tracking this German brand. 

At this point I might pivot slightly to the ProAcs/Vandys. I will keep Spendor, Cantons and Salks (in that order) as my fall back - as I cannot audition these.

Thank you for all the feedback - I already learnt so much in just these few conversations. Please keep them coming.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I can definitely recommend the Salks. I had the Salk HT3 for about 5 years and thought they were the best speakers I have owned especially if you like the ribbon tweeters. Just a sweet sounding speaker. Obviously the SS8 are in a different league and I heard nothing but good things about them.

I just recently picked up a new pair of some Canton Reference 3 DC speakers which in my opinion are better than the Salk I previously owned.

Good luck, I know Jim Salk makes exception speakers. Good luck and have fun on the journey.
Definitely listen to the ProAcs.  If you like them, you should then try the D9s, and see which you prefer (it might be a close-run thing).
donvito - I did not see any but will ask. I was interested in the D48r as an option to the Treo CT but I have only auditioned the Treos/Quatros.

Thank you.
Thank you noromance - hadnt considered Tekton as an upgrade path - I will do some research on the Moab.

Thanks donvito - I will speak to Johnny about the D48r again. He seemed to prefer the Treos over the D48r in my setup at home.