New Rouge Dragon amplifier

Has anyone had a chance to hear the Rouge Dragon amplifier... thank you 
Another Class-D this time using tube input, should give the Class-D a little color into it’s sound.

Cheers George
Yes I agree George but would like to get some input from people who own or at least heard unit...

I do have the Marantz ref 10 sounds pretty good but I'm waiting for my Magnepan 1.7
to arrive....
henrycai OP
Yes I agree George but would like to get some input from people who own or at least heard unit...
Seems to be the Hypex NC500 N-Cores, if you listen to or read reviews on the Belcanto 600M monoblocks they’ll sound like these with a bit of tube coloration.

The Belcanto 600M’s are still one of the only Class-D’s that have held my attention, but only when it was given the nice "benign 6ohm flat load" of the top Raven Ribbon tweeter in a two way stand mount.

The Maggie 1.7 may not be a good match as they dive down to 2ohms in the highs with high’ish negative phase angle, this sort of load makes things very tough for Class-D, they prefer to see >4ohm
Notice there’s no mention of what the Rogue Dragon can do into a 2ohm or less load.

Cheers George
Yes the that's what i have heard from some people.... I will find out because my 
Marantz Ref PM10 is class D.....

For better or
I could always go back to Parasound A21 ..

So far i have had 2 of them already...

New A21 Plus or new Mcintosh tube integrated.....
Yes the that’s what i have heard from some people.... I will find out because my
Marantz Ref PM10 is class D.....

Yes this Marantz uses the same N-Core 500 modules as the Dragon and M600’s, so your not really upgrading but rather going sideways with these.

Cheers George
the Bell canto 600 s are much better then the Rogue without any 
problem you can get them for just over $4k  . Don’t just take my word check out all the reviews 
then try to get a demo or place like dedicated audio .
Rogue has a great track record of providing top notch sound for good value.  I'm betting this continues that.  
a rogue by any other name....

Maggies need power to 2ohms. Rogue is a great company
but I see not rating for power at 2 ohms in their stats.
Now go do your homework and let us know what you buy.
Buy once/Buy right.
Read the reviews for the Rogue Medusa which uses a Hypex 400 module, the DragoN should be a little better. I have a Medusa and it responds nicely to tube rolling to achieve the best synergy in your system and the DragoN uses a similar 12AU7 front end stage.
Boys and Girls and concerned folks
FYI Rogue Audio has a pair of Magnepans on the design floor and knows how to make it work together. JohnnyR,Audio Connection, Magnepan, Rogue Audio’s,1st dealer.
JohnnyR, What is your take on the sonic differences between the Medusa and DragoN?

Thank you everyone for all the feedback...
I was told a 4 week wait from audo classic for the 1.7.....1 more week i hope...

I would definitely call my room hard so will have to see what it sounds like....

I will be using my Marantz Ref pm 10 
Class D ......and matching sa/cd player 
I will let everyone know how it sounds 
and if there is any problems....
Post removed 
I have the BC Ref 600’s currently driving a pair of Spendor A7’s. I have ordered a Rogue DragoN from Taylor at Goldprint which should be ready after the first of the year, so if any of you remain interested I’ll provide my thoughts on how they compare at that time. In the meantime, those Bel Canto’s continue to sound sweet! Currently listening to Melody Gardot’s Sunset in the Blue. Soooo good!
Review in most recent Absolute Sound.  Apparently the tubes are in the output stage (?) not the input.
Well, the Rogue DragoN finally arrived and should be broken in by now. Worth the wait, yes. Having had the Bel Canto Ref600M’s for quite a while, those who still doubt what these novel amps are capable of are missing out in my opinion, but I am sure others will disagree, and that’s fine. To each his own I say. I now have the Rogue paired with Spendor Classic 2/3’s, also purchased from Taylor at Goldprint, and suffice it to say the combination is a very good one. Installing a pair of NOS Brimar 12AU7’s in the DragoN didn’t hurt either. Time to sit back and enjoy the music, and isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? 
@vdotman, happy for you and enjoy.

What matters is that you are happy. To many folks come here for validation and that is human nature.

Like when you bring home the new car and pull it in the drive and wait for the neighbors, to come and give you that nod, cool car, validation.

I say who cares as long as you’re enjoying it. 
I've been really impressed with the Rogue DragoN.  I'm fortunate enough to sell both Bel Canto and Rogue, and having heard the 600s and DragoN back to back, you can't really go wrong with either. (imho)

Vdotman above has a ton of time behind several Bel Canto options (and a few other amps as well).   In his current particular setup, the DragoN ended up winning out, but he had the 600s for a while, and I know he would say that he really enjoyed those as well.

The DragoN not only sounds good, but is fun giving the fact you can slightly tailor the sound with a simple change of tubes.

I've not personally had any DragoN customers that run Maggies (yet).  But from memory, I did have a couple customers use the Medusa with Maggies.  I never heard them together, but those customers liked the combo.
Taylor (GoldPrint) is right. Both the Ref600s and the new Rogue DragoN are excellent amplifiers, pretty much on par with another. Once you get into this territory, differences often become more subtle and subjective.