New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Gosh, I wonder, does anybody think the mats may be operating quantum mechanically? What is the significance of the use of e and Omega? Or is that a smokescreen? Talk amongst yourselves.

"I stand corrected."
It happens. It is nothing major. It is really nothing.

It may be the teaching point, though. No matter how high your emotions run, do not ridicule the other guy. He just may be more correct than you.

"180 degrees out of sync. I detect no magnetic properties in the new Omega + E-Mats. Have you detected magnetic properties in the + E-Mats you’ve placed into your system, Glupson?"
Apparently, buying mats and placing them in one’s system would not make it any more reliable to evaluate them than it is without buying them.

And all of you were telling me I have no point talking because I did not try them. Guys, wake up.

If you need to learn more about your mats, just ask. I am not "that kind of guy". I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
Post removed 

"Score one for the Tar Baby."
You mind reversing that one? I do keep tab.

I apologize for figuring the Mat out. I know it was planned that I have no clue and you are experts.

It may be rope-a-dope, but the dope is not me.
Post removed 
The contents of the mats are a dormant passive device until activated by an external energy field. The mats reactivity continues to enlarge in size and power while in the presence of this external field. The resulting field generated from this inneraction fills the space of the component. So there is no breakin of the device but there is an energy activation period that is mutual between the passive mat and the active device in a chassis.. When the mat is removed the positive benefits remain in the mechanical memory of the contents of the device. Over a period of time this positive memory is dissapated or replaced in short hand by another contrary field.I really believe there is reduction of interfering shear waves in all solid devices. We can hear and describe the reduction of a polarity of shear that reduces innerfering energy in a cello. Less force is required to generate greater sound..damn that hurt. Tom
Frank, Oregonpapa have you tried many tweaks that you weren’t happy with? Or felt just didn’t make a difference?
sincere question. 

Where did your post telling me my dealer gave me some bad stuff go?

Anyway, I have no dealer of any kind and, unlike what many here say about themselves, have never tried any drug. Just to keep that out of your humorous attempt.

I am puzzled by recent discovery. Look, all of the Mat supporters on this thread read it. I do not expect you (plural) to read all my posts but I suspect oregonpapa’s get read.

I am trying to find an excuse why, when oregonpapa stated the mat is not magnetic, none of you corrected him on that fairly basic statement. It would have been very fair and nothing spectacular.

I can come up with only three thoughts.

You noticed the error but decided that it is fine if oregonpapa embarasses himself down the line

You noticed the error but it was going your way, and against me, so you did not want to lose the point.

You did not notice the error despite having vast experience with this mat.

Do you have any other thought about that?
I am going to be blunt as a brick now and if it lasts as long as last post oh well I tried.

I have absolutely zero interest in entering into any discourse with members Glupson and Atdavid.

Both have proven to be extremely obtuse and incapable of logical postings.

Now have a great Thanksgiving gentlemen but I will tarry here no longer.
No one, including myself, has figured out how the mats do what they do, but let’s go over Tim’s clues again:

The mats have no crystals--they are solid state.
The mats do not lose their effectiveness over time.
The mat’s field is not blocked by 2" granite, 1" aluminum or by 1/2" rolled steel---insofar as the materials he listed.
The magnetized surface of the mat does not activate or rely on its power to improve sound.
The mats improve over about two weeks.
If you remove a mat, you have about an hour to replace it, or you will basically be starting over on your two weeks.
Cutting a mat in half or in pieces will destroy its power to affect what you want improved.

From these clues, it seems fair to say the mats pair a field of action with the component or device near to where you have placed it. This field is not easily blocked by common materials that house or support your system.

Tim may have given more clues over the many threads these past months. Krissy may have to make corrections and maybe add more if she chooses. Frank, you may recall some things, too, that would be informative.  Others close to the owners may want to clarify some things, as well.  The intent here is not to "figure the mats out" in an intrusive way--only to describe their use and effectiveness. 

All in all, the main purpose here is to discuss the products from experience and out of curiosity in those who may want to try them. These are important products that are not to be derided as fraudulent, nor or users of these products here to be bullied. Now, let’s have insightful and respectful discussion, or none at all.

This above may be the start. More like the start of a guessing game, quiz of sorts, but at least some start in establishing character of the product.

If I remember correctly, these are the first words in some direction on this thread. Far from satisfying, but we may get there.

If I may suggest that non-users of this product are not to be bullied, either.

Now, who has more thoughts we can learn from, please step forward.
Post removed 
That was as respectful as I can be to this guy..he and a couple others are the reality of interferring energy.
Glupson, please keep in mind this is not a continuing invitation to a phishing expedition, to satisfy you, or for your marketing advice--we've been through all that. In being here, you should be thinking of trying the product, as I have lastly stated above.    

I thought you decided to lend some credibility to the product.

Your posts are informative.

They say a lot about you.

And it is not looking good. I mean, that longer post, not the one where you bravely insulted me, is a piece of art.
You haven’t shown any interest in anything approaching discourse before, why would you start now. There is certainly a lot of posts lacking logic and posters being obtuse in this thread, but that is not because of glupson and I.

uberwaltz8,536 posts11-27-2019 9:04pmI have absolutely zero interest in entering into any discourse with members Glupson and Atdavid.

Both have proven to be extremely obtuse and incapable of logical postings.

I believe that glupson and atdavid are engaging in as much provocative troll behavior as they can in order to get this thread shut down. Best to ignore them completely.
New Omega + magnetic properties. Be advised, they are just as magnetic as the original mats. Evidently, I didn’t have them up against anything metal in the circuit breaker box.

How have you attached your new mat to the circuit breaker?

I’ve tried to stay on here (again).

As happens, negative, arrogant, insulting men ruin it.
To make it worse, they keep on posting.

Their posts are worthless.
Think little of Glupson/Atdavid.

Completely ruined what was to be objective/subjective opinions on the Omega E Mat +, for those interested in their effect, and considering purchasing.
analogluvr ... 

  • "Frank, Oregonpapa have you tried many tweaks that you weren’t happy with? Or felt just didn’t make a difference?
  • sincere question."   

Sure. Over the years I've tried many tweaks. Some worked and some didn't. Some that didn't: Various contact enhancers. Mu Metal. Various CD dampeners. A whole slew of cables that degraded the sound. Tube rolling that degraded the sound. Too many to list, really.

jerrybj ...

  • "How have you attached your new mat to the circuit breaker?"  

I just put it back up against the breakers and closed the door just like I did before. 


Have a great Thanksgiving guys.


jafreeman OP
No one, including myself, has figured out how the mats do what they do, but let’s go over Tim’s clues again:

The mats have no crystals--they are solid state.

>>>>>I’m wondering what is meant by the term “solid state.” Anyone know? Does it simply mean there isn’t something embedded or combined in the mats? 
When you consider the posts of the only people asking critical questions "worthless", then it is likely not those people, but the thread that is the issue.
I placed a mat on my BPT power conditioner/Balanced Isolation tranny as well as under my Clayton Audio S40 amplifier.  My music sounds more effortless! A wall of sound just swells and expands as I turn up the volume. I can play my music at louder listening  levels with no sense of compression or ear fatigue.  My system is just more natural and pleasing sounding. 
When you consider the posts of the only people asking critical questions "worthless", then it is likely not those people, but the thread that is the issue.

>>>>That’s priceless since you can’t even keep up with the conversation. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!
Want to hear a joke? What do you get when you cross a closed-minded know-it-all with an audiophile forum that has seen this sort of behavior before and tries to abandon him and treats him like trash? You get what you _____ deserve! 🤡
Post removed 
If you read the original post, it is clear that the purpose of this thread is to discuss the merits of the e mats.

The purpose of the thread is not having two attention starved individuals feeding their clearly neurotic need by sucking it from us.

If you two have a need to know how the e mats work, why not start your own thread, its that simple. 

For the record, when you both started posting I thought you were fun to read, in time I have come to wish you would go play somewhere else.  Happy Thanksgiving.
Geoff its taking many years for sure but I am really starting to like your posts. Tom
Oh, shut up, jitter, you little weasel. You don’t have anything to contribute.
Sorry Tom, I don’t have enough years left to like Geoff. He hasn’t contributed one thing of merit other than to try to sell his stupid pebbles and springs you can find in any hardware store for a quarter.

Happy Thanksgiving from Vermont Geoff
If you wanted to discuss the nuisances of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations thereof, especially as they relate to corporate taxation, I would be happy to oblige you.  But I am afraid you would find it boring.
Actually I have felt some improvement in Geoff's attitude as this thread has progressed. Happy Holidays for all of us.

Do these mats have merit?

From the way you are presenting them here, it is very hard to think so.

More than anything, it is shaping to look like a product based on sweet talk which is not much of a merit. Secret is frequently just another word for deception.


Enjoy your day and feel free to skip any post/poster you dislike.

"...his stupid pebbles and springs you can find in any hardware store for a quarter."

This must be from extensive experience with geoffkait’s Magic Pebbles. At least geoffkait will discuss the pebbles in some way. Where is the poster who said it is criminal to talk bad about a product, trying to ruin a company?

Shielding/absorbing sheets may not be in every store, but they are widely available for not much more than a quarter.

glupson, as I have mentioned I am a certified public accountant, as such I have channeled my efforts into things I think are more financially rewarding than spending so much time arguing with people. I help people and companies plan for their financial future, among other things.

In general I do not like to say things that may rub owners of products the wrong way, but I have little interest in pebbles.

But I do have several e mats, and thank Krissy and wish her the best Thanksgiving possible and you know a lot of us are thinking of you.

George in Vermont
And talking about "sweet talk," my friend Robert came over last night with some rare vinyl gems. Included was a 1950 mono recording of Chet Atkins. Chet’s guitar, using the new Omega + E-mats in the system, was "sweet talk" indeed. Then, we put on a CD of Arthur Lyman’s exotica music. Good grief! We were transported into the jungle surrounded by the most realistic drumming I’ve heard on the system yet. Then, a live recording of the Modern Jazz Quartet with Sonny Rollins on tenor sax. Realism galore kept flowing out of the system recording after recording, and we kept wondering ... how much better can this get? I want more mats. :-)



Sometimes, interests depend on what you choose to believe in. I would not dismiss Magic Pebbles quite yet although I do find them suspicious, too. Not to mention geoffkait's springs which, no doubt about it, may be from a local hardware store. His products get ridiculed on the basis of theoretical non-sense they seem to be, but some other products are not allowed to be questioned at all. That is not right, no matter how you slice it. geoffkait tries to give some explanation why his New Dark Matter works. It may be argued about, but it is his explanation. Maybe, he would get more credit if he had less abrasive online personality and sweetly said "none of your business, just trust me". Maybe, he would have more supporters fiercely defending his trade and you would feel like atdavid and I feel now. Baffled.

Hi glupson,

I am not sure that you really understand the point that I was trying to make. I know my posts are normally short and I do not chose to use a lot of verbiage, I save that for other endeavors.

The OP in this thread is making it clear from the get go that this an appreciation thread about the workings of the emats. Pretty much everyone is following along in this vein.

The point I alluded to above is that you should start your own thread if you want to discuss the technical aspects of how the emats work, how they are constructed, how much they cost to make or what they should sell for, or even the possibility they don’t work at all.  Can't help but notice you have never started a thread, time to get on it.

No jetter, the OP makes it quite clear that this is an advertisement. If you are advertising on a free forum, then I don't think you have any expectation of a safe space free from criticism.
atdavid, you bring up exactly the right subject "I don't think you have any expectation of a safe space free from criticism. "

Here is the thing, Audiogon is different from other forums.  We have had our internal conflicts, but by and large this is place whose members are polite and respect the opinions of the other members.  Yes there are disagreements, but I think this forum is different from others you may have participated in and we don't want it to digress into one of those.

Really, I am saying to you what I said to glupson, if you want to make posts to threads that are not relevant to the theme of the thread, why not refrain here and start your own thread to discuss the construction costs, materials used, price charged and why the emat can or can't work or anything you want to talk about?  And give your opinions there.