New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


"He has the SR HFT’s glued to his windshield and headliner."

I do not know who David Pritchard is, but if he is anywhere in the State of California, you may want to let him know so he can check it out...


(a) (1) A person shall not drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows.

Once they have gotten a foothold in your house they’re very difficult to get rid of.
"He’s tricked his car out with both SR and PPT products."
You said it. Are you confident to do that, too?

No matter what you do, do not put Omega+ Mats on the windshield. I know they are supposed to be good anywhere you put them, but please do not do that. Regardless of how confident you are in that trick.

"That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can’t take a hint."
Well, now we are even when it comes to hints.
Carp & Uber ...

You guys need to talk with David Prichard. He’s tricked his car out with both SR and PPT products. He has the SR HFT’s glued to his windshield and headliner. I asked him what it was like, and he said ..."Imagine driving straight into a Steinway piano." *lol*

By the way, David’s mother just celebrated her 96th birthday ... and she’s still enjoying her high-end system that David set up and maintains for her.

uberwaltz ...

As a kid raised on Blues, Rhythm and Blues, and jazz, played by Black artists who were blackballed from playing in most venues, I really resented the so-called "British Invasion." Same with Elvis when he first came on the scene. Here I was, being inundated with music originated by the Black artists that I admired so much, who could not make a decent living playing it, being copied by these White interlopers who were making a fortune off of the Black man’s dime. They replaced the saxophone with the guitar, swiveling hips and nerdy haircuts. Of course, at a much later date, I realized that they were great in their own right.

As a kid, at night, I used to listen to my small tube radio under my covers, to a Central Los Angeles DJ named "Huggie Boy." He played the best R&B. His studio was in a record store on the corner of Central and Vernon Avenues. I’ll never forget his sponsor ... It was Mister Jim’s BBQ. Mister Jim would come on the air and talk about how tender his beef was. He would end every time by saying ... "You needs no teef to eat ma beef." It used to just crack me up. Still does, as a matter of fact.

Those were the days.

Darn it, Frank! Now I’m considering pulling the door cards off and doing the speakers, wires and crossovers with TC....I mean door panels. I got all British vernacular there for a sec....
Hi, Frank. I have a slide out cup holder directly below the head unit and I popped them in there so was pretty easy for me. When I close it they're physically inside the center console. Wish I had the TC back when I installed the stereo. Nobodies fault but my own. Maybe glove compartment is your best bet?

Hey uber. Yeah, I put them across my speaker cables amp side. Didn’t get any deeper bass, just a little added smoothness all around.
The Sex Pistols were never anything more than a publicity stunt of a group.
And notoriety was all they apparently craved at the time.
Heck no!

Old English music biz joke.

You can't sing.
You can't dance
You look terrible.

You will go far!
thecarpathian ...

Where did you place them? I’ve been looking for places to put them, but the nooks and crannies in my car are far and few between. In other words, almost nonexistent.

Open to ideas. Thanks ...

I added some eCards to my speaker cable and IC where they exit and enter my amp on Krissy suggestions.
I believe you also have some cards in similar locations?
My late night listening session last night showed a perceived increase in low end bass of all things. I had to turn the sub down to compensate.
Nothing else had been changed.
Most interesting.
Those little alpha cards (mini Omega's) are really doing their thing in my truck. Put in a Narada Smooth Jazz double CD ( one at a time, of course) various artists, and the clarity and separation of instruments is something I didn’t think these Morel’s could accomplish. Pretty cool....
glupson ....

Good grief, man! Even putting all of the PPT products into one’s system wouldn’t make that trash sound like music.

If that’s your idea of "music," then a lot of questions have been answered.


Geeze, Louise.

If everyone can post their favorite videos, lyrics, or links to similar music-(un)related items, I hope I can do it, too.

This is what I grew up with. Great stuff. (disclaimer: I actually bought the record)

Post removed 
Sound good, mo better .... is not telling us how they work. I have heard some interesting "theories" that probably even VI gets a laugh from, but actual discussions about workings ... nope.
He took the words off my keyboard!

So glad to see my theorem was accurate.
Good one!
Sound good, mo better .... is not telling us how they work. I have heard some interesting "theories" that probably even VI gets a laugh from, but actual discussions about workings ... nope.
Atdavid does not want to know "what" they do no matter what he says.
He really means I want to know "how" they do it.
Can't be anything else as the "what"they do has been repeated more times than sense.( Of which I see very little on display).
atdavid ... 

  • "With regards to the Omega Mat specifically, I and glupson have actually tried to have a discussion on what they do, which is key to using them to their full potential."

We've said many times in this thread and in others "what they do." How you keep missing the point is beyond me. 

Again, order a couple of Omega + E-mats, place them in your circuit breaker box and experience "what they do" for yourself. I believe you would be stunned.

atdavid got PMs telling him not to be bullied. Yeah, right. And the prez got some tweets telling him not to be bullied. 🤗
W.R.T. me having an "unenviable" reputation: I have received several personal messages thanking me for "speaking out", telling me "don't let yourself be bullied", and warning me about certain people here. As well, often people agree with my posts. The only people I seem to have an "unenviable" reputation with, are people accustomed to not having someone who is willing to speak up and speak out. Ultimately it is a small but loud and active group.

A person who respected this hobby and other people, I think, would respond to the patent statement along the lines of "Yes, they should identify the patent or remove it from their literature." That would be the reasonable thing to do. If someone who doesn't think that thinks I have an "unenviable reputation", then they need some self reflection.

thecarpathian771 posts11-29-2019 4:40pm Because in these threads on this forum in a very short time, you have a very unenviable reputation.

The only one grasping at straws carpathian is you. No one without an agenda would claim that statement is to mean anything but "patent" in the intellectual properly sense of the word. glupson bringing this up is not a cheap shot, it is a proper discussion point w.r.t. a company you may deal with.  You are virtually the only person on this thread who has taken the tact "it is just and adjective". I can only assume everyone else assumed the patent was real.

With regards to the Omega Mat specifically, I and glupson have actually tried to have a discussion on what they do, which is key to using them to their full potential.

As glupson has pointed out, neither he (nor I) have denigrated anything. Other than glupson raising the issue w.r.t. patent and me pointing out some basic physics w.r.t. metal enclosures, energy draw in your house and refrigeration, we have not made any negative comments w.r.t. the product itself. If the lack of any details on what they do (not how), and noting a questionable patent claim, as well as claims that violate basic things like conservation of energy is "denigration", then I don't know what to say.

thecarpathian771 posts11-29-2019 4:40pmatdavid, honestly man, let it go. Quit grasping at straws, swallow your bitter pill and let it go. Your intent on this thread is to denigrate and derail. Really not something of which to be proud. You're not here to learn. You're not here to be enlightened. You have no interest in these fine products. You're here to tell us we're liars. That our claims are false. To take a cheap shot at this company any way you can. You don't use those words, but your posts say exactly that. I truly hope 'in real life' you're a better person than this.

And then, there's this guy standing right between the speakers in the listening room. Spectacular.

atdavid, honestly man, let it go. Quit grasping at straws, swallow your bitter pill and let it go. Your intent on this thread is to denigrate and derail. Really not something of which to be proud. You're not here to learn. You're not here to be enlightened. You have no interest in these fine products. You're here to tell us we're liars. That our claims are false. To take a cheap shot at this company any way you can. You don't use those words, but your posts say exactly that. I truly hope 'in real life' you're a better person than this. Because in these threads on this forum in a very short time, you have a very unenviable reputation.
Just a reminder, that this thread is about New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies. All other non relevant Posts will be removed.

Great news!

Frank, you’re kidding, right? What would atdavid (Ethan) say to his friends?
atdavid ...

Instead of arguing semantics,  why not order two Omega "Plus" mats for yourself and try them out. Or, read your PMs and get back to me. <Sheesh!>

Do you have an audio system? No offense, but I'm starting to wonder. 


You don't use the term "patented" w.r.t. a product unless it is actually patented. Why don't you do that? Because it is illegal.  If there is no actual patent that applies to the Omega Mat, then it is illegal to say that it uses "patented" anything, as that is misleading as any normal person would assume that means a real patent. The reason for the law is for just these cases.

Words have context, and in this context, I don't know anyone that would assume they mean "theirs" as opposed to the legal meaning of patent, because people are normally very careful w.r.t. misrepresentation.
The storyteller makes no choice
soon you will not hear his voice
his job is to shed light
and not to master...............
atdavid- So, since you personally have never seen the word patented used any other way, it can’t possibly mean anything else??! Wow. In the statement Frank quoted they are not saying a product is patented are they?
Might want to read the sentence again. It states ’effect’.
Is it even possible to patent an effect??
Your definition pertains to a physical patent. Not applicable to the statement.
From the Merriam Webster dictionary-
Readily visible or intelligible. OBVIOUS.

Let’s use it in a sentence, this may help you out-
"It was a patented fact that he was a close minded, arrogant know it all and everywhere he went he was as welcome as a fart in an elevator."
Is there no sign of light as we stand in the darkness?
Watching the sun arise
Is there no sign of life as we gaze at the waters?
Into the strangers eyes

And who are we to criticize or scorn the things that they do?
For we shall seek and we shall find Ammonia Avenue

If we call for the proof and we question the answers
Only the doubt will grow
Are we blind to the truth or a sign to believe in?
Only the wise will know

And word by word they handed down the light that shines today
And those who came at first to scoff, remained behind to pray
Yes those who came at first to scoff, remained behind to pray

When you can't hear the rhyme and you can't see the reason
Why should the hope remain?
For a man will be tired and his soul will grow weary
Living his life in vain

And who are we to justify the right in all we do?
Until we seek until we find Ammonia Avenue

Through all the doubt somehow they knew
And stone by stone they built it high
Until the sun broke through
A ray of hope, a shining light Ammonia Avenue
From  Only the very last one, even slightly could apply in this case, however, I have never seen anyone use the term "patented" to mean anything but the noun/adjective versions below, and in fact,

"Under current U.S. Patent law, anyone can file a lawsuit against a manufacturer that has falsely marked their product as patented with an intent to deceive the public."

The use here is clearly misleading.

noun: patent
  • the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years.
  • an invention or process protected by this right.

adjective pa·tent
  • protected by a patent; patented:
  • pertaining to, concerned with, or dealing with patents, especially on inventions
  • to take out a patent on; obtain the exclusive rights to (an invention, process, etc.) by a patent.
  • to originate and establish as one's own.

thecarpathian766 posts11-29-2019 2:30pmatdavid, Wow. I am really, REALLY starting to question your comprehension skills. If you would re-read the meaning of the 'adjective patented' as opposed to the meaning of the 'noun patented' it makes your point meaningless. I guess it was a little too hard for you after all....

Allowed to know anything? We can’t tell you what we do not know ourselves.
I have been nothing but truthful in my assessment of the Omega+ mat. That is all I can do. It is up to the individual whether he or she chooses to believe me or not and pursue further interest.
I am now going to enjoy a hot cup of tea and a fine Dutch stroop waffel.
I love this time of year!


I apologize, I was trying to make your quote easier to read omitting the embarrassing part about "mystery".

Nobody is allowed to know anything in this story except believe in personal opinions of people they have never met and who seem to be overly excitable when describing a product. I will not claim Omega + Mat does not work. I will claim it seems less and less likely that it works. Not one credible fact has been mentioned. Not one.

atdavid, Wow. I am really, REALLY starting to question your comprehension skills. If you would re-read the meaning of the 'adjective patented' as opposed to the meaning of the 'noun patented' it makes your point meaningless. I guess it was a little too hard for you after all....
Ah! Thank you, glupson. I  mistakenly omitted a couple key words as to what I was stating.
I have since modified it to say exactly what I meant. And you really shouldn’t piece together partial quotes to misconstrue their meaning. You are better than that....Hope all is well with you.
There appears to be no "P A T E N D E D perfect path method". There is a patent on the contact fluid. There is not evidence found so far of any other patent. Patents are not "secret".

There. Not too hard is it?
thecarpathian764 posts11-29-2019 1:50pmAdjective
Easily recognizable
As in "even more of our patented perfect path effect."

There. No too hard is it.

This thread has been providing nothing but facts about the Omega + mat by experienced users since its inception.

 Just personal opinion as to how it may function.

At least that is clear.
This thread has been providing nothing but facts about the effects of the Omega + mat by experienced users since its inception. Now, if one is referring to facts pertaining to what mechanisms the Omega + mat employs to function as it does, it has been stated over and over that no one on this thread is privy to that information. Just personal opinion as to how it may function. Asking the same questions over and over is not going to change that fact.

That may be the first positive and useful thing to come out of this thread.
The owner of the company has been made aware of the omission since the new site went up and I believe is resolving the issue. All one has to do is call the number and talk to a real person for return policy verification.


"That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can’t take a hint."

That may also be true, but hints can fool you. That is why I have been asking for facts about Omega+ Mat. If they exist, they have not been forthcoming so far.

Remember, the product is sold "no questions asked, full refund if you’re not satisfied."
Is it? The only place it says so, that I could find after reading other poster's question about it, is one post on this thread. There is no "return policy" specified I could find on the PPT website. Where exactly is it?