New format, dislike.....

Your thoughts?
I really don't see the logic of clicking on 'My forum threads' and having 75% of the screen taken up with other members activity, with a small box in the top RH corner devoted to yours. To me, 'My forum threads' should be exactly that. Or else maybe re-name it 'All member's forum threads'..
So how do you post photos now?
It used to be cumbersome before but now it seems to be missing entirely.
Most other 'modern' Forums have easy ways to add photos from your computer so that they appear within the Post as you view it.
A real missed opportunity for A'Gon. 😢

Thanks for the rapid response and adding the "My activity" feature, much appreciated.
I don’t like the fact that when you go into your profile to view your recent posting history, it defaults to the Site’s recent posting history - not yours. Yes, you can then drill down into your posting history from that page, but AG are just adding an unnecessary step.

Also, the bleached colors and loss of the classic yellow color scheme means for me, Audiogon has lost its "feel". I actually had to turn down the brightness on my monitor as the bleached white interface was too much.

A big + 1 to all the other members who lamented the fact we still can’t post photos/images like most other high end forums. The site has taken a leap forward maybe one generation, but it aint there yet.

Other than that, no issues so far. Though I haven’t tried to sell any gear since the new platform launched.
Well, this post is where is should be. Maybe it happens when adding to existing threads from the old forum.

When I post an entry to a thread, it does not follow in chronological order. It seems to be placed randomly into the thread.
akg_ca, those two fonts are exactly what I recommended during beta testing.  Interestingly, as I type this response, it appears to be in Arial but I suspect when I hit preview or post it will switch to Georgia.
I also recommended going bold by putting the most recent posts first so we don't have to scroll down thorough a bunch of text to get to the latest post.  I agree with tbg about the "classic format" at Audio Asylum working well, not that this has to be the same, and I also agree with kr4 about not really liking the soft-colored low-contrast muted pastel look.
The addition of  Avatars is interesting.  
Gonna take some getting used to.
timrhu - My guess is that the old forum was very hard, if not impossible, to update. The new platform will be much easier to change and improve over time. That is a big plus.

As to improvements, the search has been improved, the "following" feature is nice. You can now choose what you want you see in Popular Discussions. The thread list is sorted immediately after a new post, whereas in the past it took time for the sort order to be updated.

This is a long needed update.
I really don't understand why the wheel needs to be reinvented. The "classic format" of Audioasylum is, IMHO, the best format. I finally got the help I needed to skip the old posting on each thread to see what is new in the assbackwards format of Audiogon. I don't like the new format at all, but I spend too much time on words uttered about sound reproduction. What we need is high definition comparisons, not words. can now see an option for view my activity. You can pick 7,14,30 days just like before! Great job Agon! They listen very well.
grannyring 11-30-2015 6:19pmCharles and Al, we are all on the same page, or rather want the same page:)
Bill (Grannyring), Charles, JonD, check out the "View My Activity" box on the forum home page now!!!

Justin @ Audiogon, thanks for the amazingly quick action!

Best regards,
-- Al

@grannyring @jond @charles1dad 

Make sure you take a look at the "following" feature. You can follow a discussion, and then you will get a green notification when someone responds. You can see all the discussions you are following by clicking the "Following" link in the upper right under your username.
I wonder why they don't have a general off topic section like the other audio websites.
The update was long over due and as such it will take some time to adjust, I suspect that Agon, will make some tweak as needed.
I started a thread, last year I think, stating that this site could do with a new look...!! 

All the ones moaning are adverse to change.
It can also be developed further as it's used & people contribute suggestions for improvements.
The new page lay-out is too spread out. More annoying scrolling is needed now. The previoous lay-out was more 'homey' and cosy and convenient.
I always thought the moderation thing was because I was on some 'watch list' or something even though my posts have been fairly tame.  Really killed desire to use it.  I always would worry that by the time my comment was posted, there would be 10 others as or more useful.  Really crazy for 2015.  Two words for agon "release management "  (uh oh....I hope I don't get put back on double-secret probation! Actually. ..I'm kinda beyond caring anymore.

"Where is the button to get back to home from the forum area?"

The is a small little down arrow just to the left of the "search discussions" box at the very top center of the page.  If you hover over it, you get a drop down list that has the AudiogoN site on it.

Not liking it either I can't see my own activity as before as Charles stated and going to my profile shows my posts and my replies but not a list of active thread I am participating in, very frustrating.
I like it. Most of the changes were long overdue anyway. I am thankful they didn't go overboard like the recent changes over at Lastfm, which was a total buzzkill.

Exactly my concern as well, recent activity of posts placed in ongoing threads must be restored IMO.
Al thanks for the suggestion, it did help but still isn't as useful as before. Grannyring (Bill) is right.
Grannyring 11-30-2015 5:35pm
I mean we lost our recent activity page. We need it back Agon team as it was with a new look. Very, very important. Without it we are lost.
I should add to my previous response to Charles that the "View My Activity" box on the new forum home page is where that belongs.  I had made that suggestion during beta testing, but apparently it hasn't been implemented yet.

Best regards,
-- Al

I notice they are posting responses in real time rather than wait the usual 8 hours. Is this for established members only?
I mean we lost our recent activity page. We need it back Agon team as it was with a new look. Very, very important. Without it we are lost.
I cannot see all my recent posts in a clean and easy way to keep up with the threads I used to. I emailed Agon and the answer is no good. If this is not fixed, I cannot use this site for forums anymore. Where is that wonderful recap of all the posts and threads I was active in? Yikes!
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To clarify my previous complaint, it's the discussions (threads) that are not in chronological order on the Recent Activity page.
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The various posts apparently no longer appear in the chronological order of the original post, but instead seem to be continually rearranged based on the activity of the thread.   
I really liked the old forum, but the one thing I really, really wanted and hoped for with the new one was the ability to POST PICTURES!

Come on AudiogoN, it's the 21st Century...
I do not care for the soft-colored, low contrast presentation but I may get used to it.

charles1dad 11-30-2015 3:47pm
Hi Audiogon,
The old format had a "my discussion" that allowed me to keep up and be aware of my recent/ongoing thread participation. This appears to be gone now. I could easily follow multiple threads and respond as necessary. I'd like to see this feature brought back.
Charles, in the upper right-corner of any of the forum pages, just click on your screen-name (or the adjacent avatar, if you choose to create one -- it would replace the "C" you probably see there now, that being the first letter of your screen name), and you'll find that.

Justin (Audiogon), I for one think it's a nice improvement, and I've had no problems with it so far.

Best regards,
-- Al

Well, I guess you either didn’t like the suggestion I shared after testing the beta, or there is a setting somewhere that I don’t know how to change...

when viewing recent discussions in last 24 hours, how do I change the view so that I only the thread titles and not also see the first line of all the recent posts? The way it is now, it takes more than double the scrolling to browse the recent activity and much screen space is wasted on updates of threads that aren’t of interest.

Thanks for trying. Cheers,
Hi Audiogon,
The old format had a "my discussion" that allowed me to keep up and be aware of my recent/ongoing thread participation. This appears to be gone now. I could easily follow multiple threads and respond as necessary. I'd like to see this feature brought back.
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