New cartridge ideas...

I have been considering a new cartridge (or a second new one to be more precise, sigh) and would like some feedback. 

Current cart is a Zyx ultimate 100.  System is Nottingham Spacedeck with additional isolation, Van Den Hul silver cables on and SME 309 arm and a couple of other tweaks, Vacuum State JLTi mark 2 phono stage (47K ohm or 470 ohm), Cayin 300B integrated with various high quality NOS tubes and EML tall mesh 300B tubes, to Omega floorstanding new AlNiCo single driver speakers and a pair of older Max Hemp subs (powered).  I am looking for a cartridge that will give more inner detail, a bigger soundstage and better imaging.  That said, neither the speakers nor the cart are fully broken in, so this might change.  I listen to classical music, and a variety of popular music with some jazz thrown in.  The classical is where I think the current Zyx might be lacking just a bit.  This said, I generally like the Zyx sound (had an Airy 3 before -- don't ask).  I would consider used if the situation is right.  Budget is say $1500 to $3,500. 

Some I am considering are:  Lyra Delos or used Kleos, Sumiko starling, Clearaudio Stradavari, Zyx Ultimate Airy or 4D used, gold Note Machiavelli, Rega Alpheta 3 MC, Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua, Ortofon Cadenza.

I have ruled out Koetsu, Grado, Benz, Goldring. 

Any thoughts on the list above or additional suggestions would be welcome.  I have not check the list for compatibility with the SME arm or the JLTi, so tha tmight narrow it down a bit.

Thanks for your help and the bandwidth.


Some cartridges I am considering are


Thanks again.  I am concerned that the vdH frog may not be compatible with the JLTi.  I have done what I can regarding set up.  I did not go into too much detail in my OP to keep the length down.  Will see how the new cart sounds.  

Post removed 

Don't have to be afraid of a pre-owned cart as long as you do your diligence. I might shoot for a Van den Hul "Frog" or "One Special" - Frog is out of your budget (new) but only by a little. The One Special is right in the middle of your range. Do some reading but sounds like these should be on your radar; both MC carts. I have the One Special and its exceptional in my setup. Just my opinion... 


'Optimised' In relation to a TT > Tonearm is my go to word. The word has been a key word presented to me and adopted by me for many years now.

Creating an environment for the Stylus to be able to perform its role, where the Kinetic Energy sent from the Stylus contact with the Groove Modulation, as the Modulation passes the Stylus. Is at its 'Optimised', when the Stylus sent energy is as unadulterated as can be produced at the moment it is converted to a electrical energy to be transferred to undergo various processes to increase Gain.

It is plausible to state the only adulteration to the sent kinetic energy, should be the result of the Stylus Shape and other Materials used to produce the Armature Assembly.  

If the conditions (set up for the TT > TA > Cart' ), put in place prior to the Stylus being put into service are not close to being optimal as a set up. The conditions put in place Post the Stylus being in service ( Conversion of Kinetic Energy into Electrical Energy and Ultimately Sound being produced ), will contain electrical energies not solely produced by the contact between Stylus and Groove Modulation. The Facsimile produced and sent will be an adulterated / corrupted information.

I don't sell anything Audio Related as a Vocation. I do have a arsenal of devices collected over a long period of time to assist with improving the mounting of a TT.

I also have TT's that have undergone procedures to reduce the energies that are typically created through the TT's mechanical function, which are transferred to the Stylus.

Where my experiences really pay off, is that I am not a lone locked away in a room Audio Equipment Enthusiast, my main time around Audio Interests are a Social Activity. I spend most of my time at meetings arranged for Groups to get together. I have been able to demonstrate on many occasions how a different material / assembly of materials used under a TT, or between Platter and Album can discernably change the end sound being produced. The skill is being able to discover the correct permutation of materials to work in conjunction in a particular environment, there is not a ubiquitous solution. 

Most recent experiences had, with my limited experiences of using Phenolic Resin Impregnated Densified Wood Boards, is that this Board Type is starting to seem to be ubiquitous in how the material can create an improvement when used as a TT's Plinth, Sub Plinth and Sub Sub Plinth. This is the Material I am now most interested in since my earlier discovery of a Highly Compressed PUR Foam Board Material that had mechanical properties and weighed 700Kg / m3.     

So the question I always ask when a customer presents me with a "cartridge sales opportunity" is how comfortable are you with having optimized your setup?

I don't mean merely setting geometry, nominal tracking force, VTA, etc, but tuning, tuning and then tuning some more. 

I lose quite a few sales when customers report an improvement.  Why do I do this (smile)?  Then again, some customers like to write a check to me and pray.  My starving pets are grateful ;-)

... Thom @ Galibier

I decided to upgrade to a Zyx ultimate Airy x/sb low output.  I really like the Zyx sound and arrived there after trying several other cartridges out.  That is why I eliminated some outright.  I may try to find a Kleos to try also.  Zyx is just so good for the $ if you like that presentation.  

I bought a slightly-used Lyra Kleos from a dealer on US Audio Mart, and am quite happy with it.  The advantages of buying a slightly-used cart from someone you trust are the cost savings and the fact that it's already broken in.  The Kleos sounded great as soon as I got it properly set up (and you do need excellent setup skills/tools to do that).  I listen to a lot of classical music, and find the Kleos to have a pretty neutral frequency response; great, natural detail without sounding analytical; and an excellent soundstage.  Before that, I tried a Benz Ruby 2 from the same seller, and my long-term cartridge had been a Monster Cable Alpha Genesis 1000.  The Kleos is clearly a level better than those other two, and I can hear the improved neutrality over the AG1000, which had elevations in the frequency extremes.

Good luck finding a used Kleos, though.  I doubt there are a lot about.

I'm not familiar with your current cartridge or others that have been mentioned, but the Kleos has gotten much praise from critics and Audiogoners.  One practical thing I appreciate about it is that the cantilever extends out beyond the front of the body, and that aids in cuing a record.  So many other cartridges don't have this.

Good options you are looking at. Bigger bang for the buck may be Lyra Delos. Any reason you did not include Hana on your short list? ML may be a good option. Best would be Umami Blue if you can stretch your budget. Even better than Delos IMHO

keep us posted.

I’m still modifying my turntable and I am focused on the EMT mono cartridge paired with a new Audiomods tonearm. I know, not your SME and you’re most likely not considering a mono cartridge but I just wanted to share my conceptual aesthetic. 

I am a Valve Phon' and Valve Amp' user who has become wed to the Ortofon Brand. The Kontrapunkt Models, are in the collection of which One is a rebuilt design using Ortofon and Non Ortofon parts, it is the rebuilt Cart' that really impresses.

I do sense Ortofon Models can be a tool to get the impression that is being sought, "more inner detail, a bigger soundstage and better imaging".

I also am of the view, the Umami Blue has the potential for a sonic that will satisfy and is one Cart' I intend on receiving a Demo of. The Blue might be the ideal Cart' to replace my Ortofon's, without going to the expense of the most recent Ortofon Models.

It will be hard to separate from Ortofon and their Damper Technology they produce from their Rubber Production and R&D.  

As a fellow owner Soundsmith is a great idea.

I wouldn't give up on your current cartridge until you've put close to 100 hrs on it.

I would also recommend adding Soundsmith to the list. I'm enjoying a Sussurro as my second-best cartridge.

Op my friend used Lyra Delos  on his SME tonearm and icon ps1 phono preamp. I love the combination. I also have SME 10 with Hana ML my next upgrade will be Lyra Delos.

Unless you personally know the person selling a used cartridge I'd avoid it myself.

Maybe a SoundSmith cartridge? Great sonics and very reasonable to get retipped.

When I consider buying a used cartridge, perhaps broken cantilever, I send the listing to Steve at VAS, based on his years of re-building, he advises me which ones to avoid, perhaps he could help you shorten your list before you zero in on something

I enjoyed reading about your cartridge’s unique technology, I sure would like to hear it.

I think you should bring it here, we could compare it to a few!!! Anywhere near Plainfield, NJ, 07062?

ZYX Cartridge Info

I do not advise used, but, carefully? I bought a used Sumiko Talisman S for it’s sapphire tube cantilever, it came with a print-out test results, and it is what the seller stated, glad I took the risk.


Another cartridge could be your correct step, but you have sated this one is not yet broken in... As your speakers settle more with their run in you have the opportunity to do additional setup adjustments to see if you have possible improvements.   

Here is a crazy idea, get in touch with Andy Kim at the Needle Clinic and buy his NC-103 cartridge.  I talked with him at the Pacific Audio Fest and he promised me the NC-103 would probably be better than my much more expensive cartridges and it was only 550 so I bought it.  He takes a Denon DL-103, cuts the front off and adds a micro ridge nude stylus on a boron cantilever.  I've only had it for 4 days but I really like it so far and I think it is exactly what you said you were looking for.  It is very detailed with a huge amount of air and separation.  Great dynamics and a fantastic soundstage, very holographic.  It is a tad bright but I haven't played around with the loading enough to know if that can be tamed.   If there is any sibilance on the vocals in a record it will bring that out but it isn't creating it.  It is at the opposite end of the spectrum from my Koetsu (which is also sibilant).  If you are looking for a lush, warm sound it isn't the right thing.  Anyhow, I am thrilled with it so far.