New Acquired Sopra 2

I've recently purchased a set of Sopra 2 to build a new system around. I currently have a Marantz preamp feeding into an Emotiva 2 channel amp. It is a 13 year old system and would like to know if any one could recommend a good integrated Amp with Home theater bypass as this will be used in my living area with TV and Rel subwoofer.


Pass Int250, Coda CSiB. Careful with components and cables that are known to be on the brighter side. 

What’s your budget ? You have the excellent Aesthetix Mimas retail around $8k which has a Tube for preamp section 

Coda integrated very good Mike Audio Archon $7k range 

or Krell 300 integrated retail before discounts Anthony At Perrotta audio Consultants.

all are before discount your speakers need a lot of current 


I used a Modwright KWH-225i hybrid integrated with Sopra No 2's, had HT bypass standard. It sounded very good too.

I was in a similar situation several years ago with my Sopra 3s, needing an integrated that could work well with my HT system as well.   I went with a Octave Audio integrated with a super black box.   Really good synergy with focal in my opinion.  I’d check out their V80 SE. 

Good Luck!

I haven't heard Focal with Mac. I brought home the Kanta 3's and used my hegel h360 to drive them and didn't care for the match at all. The Pathos logos mk 2 or Mac Ma352 would likely sound great with the Sopra.

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First, make sure the speakers are broken in first (at least 150 hours) so you know what they really sound like.  Then it really depends on what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for, so if you can share that you’ll get much better/more useful recommendations here.  Also, what’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used?

We are a focal dealer 


we have found great synergy with a unison research  unico 150

it is a hybrid integrated 150 watt solid state power amplifier matched to a tube preamplifier stage,


the amplifier has a ton of omph, throws a huge soundstage is smooth and musical,

it has home theater pass through/


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

unison and focal dealer

Two recommendations for Mcintosh. They certainly check the box for Home Theater bypass so I will look into their lineup. Thank you

Nice speakers ! Congrats! 

love me some Focals. I would look for something warmish and full for amplification. My 836w speakers paired really well with tubes. Although they sounded great with everything else as well. I haven’t heard the Sopras so can’t really recommend anything. One of if not the best sounds I ever heard was a pair of Focal Utopia “post BE” not sure the model but they were really big. They were pushed by some huge McIntosh Monos. Jaw dropping! 

My only experience is with McIntosh.  I have an MA8900.  The newer models MA8950, MA9500 or MA12000 all have HT pass through and I think would sound fantastic with the Sopras and would certainly have the power to get the best out of them.