Need Recommendation All-in-One Bluetooth Speakers for Patio

I'm not new to high end speaker industry but this, a portable All-in-One Bluetooth speaker, is so new to me that I know nothing about..
Please help pointing to couple brands, models that can produce HIGHEST sound quality in a low to mid volume level- not noticeable to the neighbors. Refer small to mid size, and it needs capable to be controlled from my iPhone.
Shaded patio, size 20' x 13'. It won't be exposed to direct sun or rain. TIA
I have an Audio Engine B2 that looks and sounds good for $200, but if you want even better sound and have the budget the B&W Formation Wedge is worth a look too.  Best of luck.

All in one FM for broadcast, SD card for your own music. I especially like turning it on and immediately playing without a screwing with Bluetooth. 2 will have more stereo and sound better than expensive ones.
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I just added a portable pool to our patio, but now wonder if a nice BT speaker would have been better choice.

Klipsch has a fuller range model (Three) that sounds good in open space (too much bass for smaller room/inside use - for my taste).

The 3-4 BT speakers I've listened to sounded much better when the phone was connected via a cable.

The Klipsch Three is AC powered.

This looks great:


I have a Sonos home theater set-up. I love it. From the app to the sound Sonos does everything well. Good luck with your search.

