musician aquarius r2r dac any good?

I am about to pull the trigger on Musician Aquarius r2r dac. I would like to know if it is any good comparing to other DAC around 3k-5k USD? Please share your opinion, it will be highly appreciated!!


@viethluu ,just a thought. if you do not mind... You wrote ’But, I am looking for some DAC that can get close to the Bartok’ characteristic.’

I believe that it will be very hard to find some dac in that price range that you have mentioned (3-5tusd) that will give you what you seek (if Bartok is your reference) so, I wonder, why dont you try some DCS of previous generation, like Puccini or perhaps Debussy?

They are, indeed, still very capable players and despite the ’hype’ that every new stuff is marketed, I do not believe that new dacs in 3-5tusd range can ’beat’ them

I had Puccini with the clock and have heard some new dacs (ps audio, ayre and some others) in even higher price range from one that you are looking for and Imho they were not in the same league (personally I prefer cd players still and have Burmester 089, which has some traits that I like better than Dcs, but on the other hand, some things Dcs Puccini does better) You may find next link informative and there is also a part where Dcs people share their opinion about r2r dacs





I have the Musetec 005 that is mentioned above. I am a huge fan boy of that unit. I lent it to my friend for a month and he did not like it for the gear he was testing it with, the RAAL SR1a + CA-1a headphones and VM-1a amp.

I love the 005 with my 2-channel speakers (incredible sound) but once got the unit back I also started listening with my VM-1a. SR1a, and CA-1a and it was not good at all. My Benchmark DAC3B is so much better with this headphone gear.

It is all about synergy.




I love the 005 with my 2-channel speakers (incredible sound) but once got the unit back I also started listening with my VM-1a. SR1a, and CA-1a and it was not good at all. My Benchmark DAC3B is so much better with this headphone gear.

“It is all about synergy”

I believe that most can appreciate and accept the consequences of synergy. This seems to be an extreme example. Why does this DAC’s performance vary so markedly between speaker and headphone usage?

The VM-1a has 7 tubes and works ONLY with the 2 headphones I listed. I generally do not like tubes, but there are exceptions. With the Benchmark DAC3B, the sound is incredibly detailed, fast, and rivals the very best sound I have heard from ANY system (no room to contend with).

The CA-1a sounds like headphones on steroids, while the SR1a (called ear speakers) sounds like speakers attached to your ears. Stereophile will review the amp soon. I hope they use a very neutral DAC like the DAC3B.

With the Musetec 005 the sparkle on top is just not there relative to the DAC3B. If I did not have the DAC3B I may have been content with the VM-1a and 005 pairing but I lucked out hearing the DAC3B with the VM-1a.

Today I replaced, my CODA 07x preamp and put in the Benchmark LA4 preamp + Benchmark AHB2 monos + Musetec 005. Just stunning. Better than the DAC3B in this stack. I have to decide on some gear pairings for my office and this will be the final setup.

For my Livingroom I will get a second Musetec 005 + CODA 07x preamp + KRELL 175XD amp. I may sell the 07x to buy a second LA4.





Exact same boat here, the Pontus offers a sound signature that is near perfect to my ears. I talked to Alvin, and he suggested the Iris DDC would take the Pontus to a new level…..and he mention that some are finding the Pontus plus DDC preferable to the Venus.

A Pontus Iris combo is is $700 less than a Venus, and the Pontus Hermes is the same price as the Venus


I’ve also been getting to the point of wanting a decent r2r dac to replace my d70s - which itself is no slouch! But am wanting that special something a true ladder dac can bring. Don’t know if anyone here already mentioned the new Ladder Schumann Dac? Looks suspiciously like an ares ii…But is already being compared favorably against the Musician Pegasus:


My Musician Aquarius just arrived today. I am burning it in right now. Will report back with the result.

Post removed 


I am just hear it this afternoon after about 50 hours of burn-in


My first impression is: The Aquarius is a little bit smoother than the Hugo2 at the top end. Both DACs have approximately the same amount of transparency and refinement though.

The mid-range of the Aquarius is definitely better than the Hugo2. Much more focus and clearly defined vocal. The Chord Hugo2 is a little bit more blurry in comparison.

The bass of the Hugo2 is more punchy and more agile (which is what I expect from FPGA-D/S DAC) .

This is not the final result though. The burning process is still happening. 

@viethluu Thanks for the update! Yeah, another 50 hours or so might make a difference. One area I was thinking you might see a noted improvement is in a larger 3D soundstage as this is an area I find R2R DACs can have an advantage (along with tonality) over delta-sigma DACs. Anyway, thanks again for the update and look forward to hearing more.


unfortunately, that is not what I am finding. The Aquarius is very close to the Hugo2 in term of soundstage depth and width. To be honest with you, it is very hard to beat the soundstage of a Chord even with r2r DAC.

The only DAC that can beat the soundstage of the Hugo2, that I know, is the Bartok


The mid-range of the Aquarius is definitely better than the Hugo2. Much more focus and clearly defined vocal. The Chord Hugo2 is a little bit more blurry in comparison.

This is a major factor IMO. 80-90% of the music is in the midrange, life and soul of the music. I’d easily choose the Aquarius for this reason alone. I do however recognize that each listener has their individual priorities. Congratulations on acquiring your new DAC. Seems to be a winner. 


Thanks man.

The DAC is still being evaluated. It is definitely more relax than the Chord. But, the bass is not as fast as I used to though.



It probably needs additional hours of use. But I understand, the DAC has to satisfy you, not me.😀


@viethluu I kinda hate to bring this up because it involves spending more $$$, but just saw this review and the Musician Phoenix DDC seems to take the Aquarius (and Pegasus) to a much higher level of performance. Just fyi…

Sorry.  I’m still planning on picking up a Singxer SU-6 for my Pegasus because that also provides nice benefits, and as much as I’d love to add the Phoenix it’s just not in the budget for me. 

@soix The DDC is my project for next year, buddy. I am pretty sure the Phoenix DDC will improve the DAC further.

Food for thought, there is “Mercury Streamer” that is about to come out, converting ethernet directly to i2s. That product has the potential to destroy all DDC competition in the market. It is made in the USA as well.

@viethluu Thanks for the heads up.  If the Mercury can provide performance closer to the Phoenix at a price closer to the SU-6 I’m all in.  Hey, it’s nice being able to look forward to adding a DDC in the future knowing you’re gonna get a significant performance boost.  Not many things in audio electronics are such a sure lock. 

there is “Mercury Streamer” that is about to come out, converting ethernet directly to i2s. That product has the potential to destroy all DDC competition in the market. 

There is already the Mano ULTRA mkIII Farad Music Streamer and it is not that cheap at $1000 (without taxes).

I highly doubt it will be easy to beat a dedicated quality DDC.

The Singxer SU-6 is already highly praised. GoldenSound wrote this:

Overall, the Gaia is a great DDC with perhaps the most comprehensive feature set of any I’ve tested.

Those wanting the absolute best performance should still look to the Singxer SU6.

Still the SU-6 was beaten by the Phoenix. In the Musician Phoenix DDC Review Sandu Vitalie wrote:

Musician Phoenix ($1699) VS Singxer SU-6 ($750)

When Phoenix replaced it, I have felt a massive intake of fresh air, like I opened windows towards my music. Micro-details hopped on board and I could better see the contour of the notes compared to the SU-6.

Leading edges appeared by a tiny bit sharper and I could easier follow their trail from inception to decay.

With Phoenix, the key word was focus, as it was moving the spotlights towards the smallest nuances and what was already impressive on SU-6, felt by a hair clearer on the Phoenix.

In my case, Phoenix changed the fate of three high-performance DACs, some were only marginally improved, while others felt like listening to higher tiered versions of themselves.

Besides repelling all types of noise and improving the pace, rhythm and timing, Musician Pegasus became highly energetic, Chord Dave a lot smoother and relaxed than ever before and Aquarius a lot clearer and 3D sounding.


Good suggestion, I will check out the Mano. I do not know a lot pf European product though.

My goal is still conventional DDC through USB connection, so it will be either the GAIA or the PHOENIX.

Check this

The Chinese gods are laughing in the skies 😂

This is the Gaia

3ecdcb918d3047ad1358a13a28632fd5 (1)-min


And this is the Phoenix


The good part is that the Gaia is available on the used market for about $1500.


In the Musician Phoenix DDC Review Sandu Vitalie compared the I2S vs USB on the Musician Aquarius DAC.

II. Musician Phoenix + Musician Aquarius via I2S

The audible difference wasn’t only immediate and apparent as it was with a Singxer SU-6, the difference was actually bigger to my expectancy levels.

On its own, Aquarius is a mighty fine sounding DAC, certainly up there with some of the nicest R-2R DACs I’ve tried to this point, but when locking the signal via I2S from the Phoenix, there was a serious jump in resolution and ultimately, dynamic range.

I would never call the Aquarius as muddy, grainy or soft sounding via USB, but it felt that way when I started my comparisons. 

I2S is better than USB in the Aquarius.

I have already known they come from the same designer. Where else can you buy this quality of r2r for this low price?



i2s should be better than usb for sure. But, I am out of $$$$ for a good DDC now. Let’s wait for next year tax return season!!

For most DACs it seems that I2s or Coaxial are always better than direct USB.

I have been using this with my former Pegasus and current Lab 12. It’s the cheapest and fuss free way to provide I2s and Coaxial from a desktop.


I'm planning on getting the Audio GD DI-20HE DDC in a month or so.

It has been recommended by my UK dealer. 


Thanks for the link.

Coaxial supports less resolution than the USB and I2S. That is a deal breaker for many.

Regarding if the I2S was better than the USB, it depends on which interface was implemented better. For example the Holo Audio recommends using the USB, while Denafrips/Musician recommend the I2S.

I had this discussion on another thread (check below), I was then "certain" that the Innuos PhoenixUSB was the way to go because of the huge number of recommendations and positive reviews. However, after I got more feedback on the thread I realized it really depended on which interface the developer invested more in.

Note the Phoenix here refers to the Innuos PhoenixUSB.

Blake wrote


I was hoping Srajan at 6Moons would compare the Phoenix, Gaia and some other D/D converters.

While the review is not yet finished, in his review of the Denafrips Avatar, Srajan notes that he did compare the Phoenix, Gaia and through extrapolation to another review, the Mutec MC-3+ USB. While the comparison was not perfect in that he compared Phoenix going to the Terminator Plus usb input, whereas the Gaia was going in to the Terminator Plus I2S input (there was no way around this since Gaia doesn’t have USB output, and the Phoenix only has USB output), the ranking of best sonic performance was:

1. Terminator Plus + Gaia with the Terminator Plus "clock out" feature engaged upstream to the Gaia.

2. Terminator Plus + Phoenix

3. Terminator Plus + Gaia without Terminator Plus "clock out" feature engaged.

4. Mutec MC-3+ USB

Dante Rivera compared his Terminator USB vs I2s in this YT video. The I2s is best. However, this seems specific to the Denafrips DACs. For different DACs I think it depends on which interface is implemented best.

Both Koso and Chameleonracks have the Holo Audio Spring 3 DAC. They preferred the USB interface over the I2s. They used the USB interface in combination with the PhoenixUSB and Intona USB Isolator, respectively.


Here is a curved ball.

The Musician Aquarius/Pegasus DACs don't have a clock out for syncing like the Terminator. Therefore, " if " the ranking Blake wrote (below) were correct, then:

Aquarius/Pegasus + PhoenixUSB   (USB interface)

would rank higher than 

Aquarius/Pegasus + Gaia without its "clock in" feature engaged.  (I2S interface)

Oh dear lol


the ranking of best sonic performance was:

1. Terminator Plus + Gaia with the Terminator Plus "clock out" feature engaged upstream to the Gaia.

2. Terminator Plus + PhoenixUSB

3. Terminator Plus + Gaia without Terminator Plus "clock out" feature engaged.

4. Mutec MC-3+ USB


@auroravengeance Did you have to do anything to get the Douk to work with the Pegasus?  I have both but I get no sound when trying to use the Douk into the Pegasus’ i2S input.  Thanks for any tips. 

@soix I am using Windows 11 and the Douk is plug and play. I connected the Douk to my Pegasus using cheap AmazonBasics HDMI cable and it worked like a charm. The Douk will appear as XMos XS1-U8 on your Windows so make sure you select it as the system output. Roon infuriatingly does not use it by default and I have to manually enable it again after each Windows update. 

@tjag I used the I2s with my Pegasus and I had to say the difference with the USB input was minimal if any, but I still used it anyway because with the Douk I could actually adjust the volume in Windows. Without it I had to reach to my amplifier volume knob. With my Lab12 Dac1, the difference between with USB and Coaxial is more significant, probably the coaxial implementation is more well thought out. 

Post removed 

 juanmanuelfangioii   -    Trere is a dealer for APL  hi fi  in America  -  APL USA

I have APL  DSD AR dac now  and it's great - extremely detailed and dynamic sound, converts all pcm formats to DSD - I bought it blindly but it was worth it.  - outstanding dac.