Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?



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What?  I'm not at all following what you're saying.

Are you saying you feel your posts are being removed while following the guidelines?  You are reporting posts that you feel need to be removed and aren't?

That by posting about personal responsibility is sucking up?

Or that we need a gibberish translation tool?

quoting Whoopi Goldberg in "Jumping Jack Flash "


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Rules exist because contributors are unable or unwilling to comply with the very basic guidelines  of a place of dedicated to audio related inquiry.  If everyone would conduct themselves within these very simple guidelines no threads or posts would need to be removed.

  • No rude or condescending behavior
  • Audio related issues

Even allowing this thread to exist is pretty lenient as this isn't truly an audio related issue. 

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It is until one of your threads gets removed because of posters just out to destroy open conversation with negative, rude comments.


+1. This place would be better for all if we simply observed that simple premise. And in my time here, that seems to be the overriding standard that moderators here such as @tammyholt apply. Sorta a Golden Rule for an audio forum. It's been a good approach, imo.

Why Are the Forums Moderated?

  • Updated


Audiogon strives to maintain a site that is informative, focused, and dynamic. In order to maintain a low signal-to-noise level, we moderate the discussion forums in a number of ways.

  • Threads are kept on-topic and relevant to our members.
  • Threads are removed if they are repetitive or not of interest in the long-term.
  • Threads are closed if the standards of discussion are losing ground.

We discourage rude or condescending behavior, but at the same time, we encourage active cooperation and passionate disagreement about audio-related issues.


I was listening to this very song (newly installed spare bed/computer room mini system) when I came upon your post.

"Sharp SD-EX111 mini system/Polk RT15 speakers/DIY Canare 4S11 speaker cable/BMI Whale power cord/TrippLite surge protector".

Now switching to "Francoise Hardy" as I don't have "60 French Girls" on CD.





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Well …@thyname that was the most racist and disgusting post that I have ever read on any HiFi forum and you should be removed from this place forthwith.

I have the screen shots and shall be taking the matter up with the site owners who have your IPN details on record.



@thyname seems to have an issue with race and religions.

He has been warned about this in the past.

He made a comment the other day about people here being schizophrenic and off their medications.

There is no cure for sociopaths like him. I have some interesting Anti Semitic PM's form him and threatening to hunt me down and kill me in 2025 after the elections.

He also is totally different over at Whats Best Forum.

@tsushima1 do not let an old racist sociopath like thyname get to you.

Kill him with kindness.

They hunt in packs too. Like the clan.



So are you going to address the question regarding your snivelling running to the mods or not ? 

How ironic 


Ooooohhhhhhhh….. Am I supposed to feel bad now? What are you getting at? Breaking news to you: I don’t give a flying fruck about your ancestry family tree. 

Now… let me watch a show real quick. I will be back with you soon. Internet will be here tomorrow. It’s not like you have a lot of other pleasures in this life 

As my wife’s paternal ancestor was exactly that , taken from his home in Guinea and made to work cotton plantations in Virginia as a slave in the 1860’s , you seem to find this amusing ?

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Interesting use of the terminology “ My Man” were your ancestral family  involved in the slave trade ?

So are you going to address the question regarding your snivelling running to the mods or not ? 

My man. It’s going to be a long night for you. It’s still very early here. I have plenty of time to be with you 😉

Really !!! The concept of having two topics open in two separate tabs on the same site is too much for your mind to handle 

Oh …. Pinkerton. Do you ever sleep my man? It’s like 1 AM in UK. As your iPad also shows.

Aren’t you a little coocooo?


And how many Facebook Audio forums you are posting at the same time Stu? I see you have multiple tabs open. Get a life psycho


Oh… two Audiogon forums tabs open too. Clearly posting under at least two usernames. Sick

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Oh my , you are having a touch of the vapours …

Under which of the reporting criteria have you gone snivelling to the mods


Oh Deary me … You have gotten yourself in a right old twirl haven’t you!

For the record Myself , Master_ Wabbit and your latest fixation @czarivey are entirely individual corporeal entities, 

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Oh Deary me … You have gotten yourself in a right old twirl haven’t you!

For the record Myself , Master_ Wabbit and your latest fixation @czarivey are entirely individual corporeal entities, 

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