Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?




Showing 27 responses by tsushima1

“ I have seen very abusive posts addressed to me “

I don’t recall anything left published of the nature that you allude to! Could you provide examples ? 

“ I’ve started posting more to the "What’s Best" forum these days they seem to have less radicals there.


 Curious indeed . i am not a member there however I am acquaintance with a couple of long standing members there that have expressed concerns to me at the number of vociferous rats that have jumped ship only to bring disharmony and conflict to their calm in the eye of a storm forum.


Oh Deary me … You have gotten yourself in a right old twirl haven’t you!

For the record Myself , Master_ Wabbit and your latest fixation @czarivey are entirely individual corporeal entities, 

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So are you going to address the question regarding your snivelling running to the mods or not ? 

Oh Deary me … You have gotten yourself in a right old twirl haven’t you!

For the record Myself , Master_ Wabbit and your latest fixation @czarivey are entirely individual corporeal entities, 

 Report this

Interesting use of the terminology “ My Man” were your ancestral family  involved in the slave trade ?

Really !!! The concept of having two topics open in two separate tabs on the same site is too much for your mind to handle 

Oh my , you are having a touch of the vapours …

Under which of the reporting criteria have you gone snivelling to the mods


As my wife’s paternal ancestor was exactly that , taken from his home in Guinea and made to work cotton plantations in Virginia as a slave in the 1860’s , you seem to find this amusing ?

Well …@thyname that was the most racist and disgusting post that I have ever read on any HiFi forum and you should be removed from this place forthwith.

I have the screen shots and shall be taking the matter up with the site owners who have your IPN details on record.



Or perhaps @mahgister you might recognise damage limitation from an outright racist individual as per my post above … I have screen shots of even worse  racist posts from this individual that I will share with you via PM if you should wish

You mean the post by @noske that you have had removed where he recollects several posts of a racist nature posted by you in the past ?

That is not an “old “ screen shot , this took place a matter of hours ago and there are much worse … 


And the posts by @jerryg123 observing  the same racist behaviour from you that you have had removed from this thread ?

Lol .. Like all racists that I have met face to face … ultimately a coward