Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




Another day and no refund @nano-flo you have zero credibility now. 

Sad and pathetic. 

Glory, there are a number of YouTube videos explaining how you can talk to a live person from eBay.  Check them out.

One can not talk to EBay on the phone nor PP.. I returned the cables by FedEx as it was shipped to me by FedEx only to learn EBay uses USPS. Ebay  gave me a label after I posted the cables back to the Flo. I do have an order number and a return ID number.


I opened a dispute with PP and my CC company said PP takes 10+ days to get back to me. Flo got the cables back over 10 days ago with a written text that he received them.


PP gets the $$$ back from EBay and if PP drops the ball my CC will take over from there. Having no experience with PP protocol I should have shipped using their label. I am sure PP will get the $$$ back.


signing and receiving Flo’s goopless cables today would have voided my refund I believe and I was not tempted to sign for them. Why he would ship them back to me I don’t know.


if anyone can supply me with a EBay tele number that I can talk to an agent would be helpful.

If a CC was used he should have recourse with the financial institution also.

In cases of this type the consumer is afforded more protections than the retailer or seller. Right or wrong,

This all seems so childish and would have been resolved quickly by a legitimate business. A real businessperson would not want all this bad press over what is a pittance compared to the lost sales and tarnished reputation of this alleged company.

Sorry but it seems so shade tree, the business that is Nano Flo or whatever their name is.

@glory A did purchase through Ebay correct?


If so, be sure that you communicate to Nanoflo only through the Ebay messaging system. Send a message every day that you are requesting a refund and return per the original listing. Ensure that you are following the Ebay rules to request a refund and return to the letter. Be sure to let Ebay customer service know that you are trying to return as the ad stated in the right way and do so multiple times prior to the 30 days running out. 


Nanoflo has a contractual obligation with Ebay. In addition to a contractual obligation with you. Ebay is "judge, jury and executioner" so to speak with their relationship with Nanoflo as well as the relationship between you and Ebay. What they say and do is final.

Returned cables just came with a signed signature required.


I signed the refusal.

@ghasley ​​​​@thecarpathian I agree.

It is all up to you @nano-flo this can all end with a simple refund. 
Hollow threats and poorly written posts are not working. 
Today is your day and it can go either way.



@ghasley ,


Chris, just do the right thing, man. Get some positive mojo flowing  to you instead of all this negativity your inviting into your life. The Universe is an amazing mechanism of positive and negative energy flow and you're a magnet for either one. Your choice.


@nano-flo hoping today is the day where you and @glory find an appropriate way through this completely avoidable situation. Its not difficult to do the right thing and honor the spirit of your transaction.

@thespeakerdude true dat. I read a few of the articles and immediately donned my tinfoil hat and wondered if they had been silenced by the corporate man.

Post removed 

+15C, pretty cold "room" at 267GPa was the claim. Earth’s core pressure. Way higher than bottom of the ocean. Nature pulled the article because the validity of the claim was in question.

I guess some of us can test the cables in afterlife.
(in the depths of hell.)

Luckily, I am no hurry to prove or disprove it.😎

+15C, pretty cold "room" at 267GPa was the claim. Earth's core pressure. Way higher than bottom of the ocean. Nature pulled the article because the validity of the claim was in question.


This has been nagging me for a while: the claim of "room temperature superconductors." Such a thing was created back in 2020 (google it), but can only exist at massively high pressures - like, bottom of the ocean pressures. At the very least, such a claim is misleading. At worst, it implies either snake-oil chicanery or scientific ignorance passed on to duped customers. 

I was away from the computer for a few hours and I missed a scrum.


@nano-flo take a deep breath. Think back to all the times in your life when you dug in on a tenuous position. We’ve all done it, we’ve all learned from it. You may not like refunding the money, but that was the deal you made…satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.


All the Audiogon community has done here is rally around a trusted fellow member @glory with years of positive feedback. Even though I am not a candidate for your products as Ive consistently maintained, I dont wish you ill will. Frankly speaking, if you talk to any lawyer they will look at the facts here and politely decline to get involved UNLESS you pay as you go. I wish I didn’t know what I’m talking about but even if you have a case, you are $50,000 to get to discovery. Between $100-$150,000 to get through discovery and don’t think the average opposing counsel won’t ask for EVERYTHING in discovery. That means you will have to provide all business records of Enterprise Coatings since that is where the cables are being hosted and sold, besides Ebay. Venue is also an interesting challenge. When your deposition is being shown to a jury of average Americans, they may struggle to understand how you gained cable expertise from scratch in addition to proving true all of your claims.


The bad news? Its difficult to prove intent, even if there were inaaccurate statements made and the worst news of all? Its next to impossible to win a fee shift to the other party.


@glory  may or may not have a claim through Ebay as well as other avenues. Thats for him to determine. Once again, this whole mess seems to be the result of you wanting to punish a buyer who simply wanted a refund as your original Ebay ad offered seemingly without restrictions. Last but not least, when listing on Ebay you basically sign all of your rights away, ceding that to the sole discretion of Ebay.


Best wishes while you ponder the best course of action. You know what the right thing to do is…

Post removed 


i never had any agreement with Miller, he simply wanted to take over. 
you’ve been warned

Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. 

I am not sure the head is in the vice, but the $ owed, are held with a monkey grip.

Gotta love it when they get so irritated they resort to vague legal threats!

What's next, push us off the swings at recess?😛

@thespeakerdude Ol Chris maybe in for it himself and brought up on fraud, false advertising etc.

We all have to keep in mind that Mr @nano-flo has had run ins with members here at Agon and hung @just_krissy ​​​​@millercarbon out to dry on a business dealing with his cable goop. 

His record speaks for itself. 

Good luck proving you have a real room temperature superconductor. When you cannot prove you do, and that you have insufficient data to even claim that, you would be clearly into misrepresentation. I will let the lawyers decide whether it was fraudulent. Given that the whole value of the cable could assumed to be in the alleged superconductor treatment, if it does not have that property, then the value goes to near 0, the purchaser is damaged and the misrepresentation is fraudulent.

It matters not what Gary or Glory or anyone said or did, as you have a money back guarantee as per the original Ebay listing. Claiming that he scraped the goop off? Good luck claiming that he did that or that it would even be possible to insert into an outlet without that happening naturally. Of course, Nano-Flo did not correct another post on here (by another user) where the statement was made that the treatment is permanent. Given Nano-Flo's high involvement in this thread, one could conclude that was tacit acceptance of this statement as fact.

@thecarpathian  Nice


The word your looking for is libel, not liable.

And slander doesn't apply as that pertains to the spoken word.

How can we defame your character?

You don't have any...


Who is this MikeG who appears to have made new accounts on numerous audio forums just to promote this product?  That is strange behavior. I wonder if it fully legal.

As my lawyer would say, "Discovery is going to be a bitch. For them."

Good luck proving you have a real room temperature superconductor. When you cannot prove you do, and that you have insufficient data to even claim that, you would be clearly into misrepresentation. I will let the lawyers decide whether it was fraudulent. Given that the whole value of the cable could assumed to be in the alleged superconductor treatment, if it does not have that property, then the value goes to near 0, the purchaser is damaged and the misrepresentation is fraudulent.

It matters not what Gary or Glory or anyone said or did, as you have a money back guarantee as per the original Ebay listing. Claiming that he scraped the goop off? Good luck claiming that he did that or that it would even be possible to insert into an outlet without that happening naturally. Of course, Nano-Flo did not correct another post on here (by another user) where the statement was made that the treatment is permanent. Given Nano-Flo's high involvement in this thread, one could conclude that was tacit acceptance of this statement as fact.

I have also copied us audio mart and "whatsthebestforum

Whatsthebestforum?? Is that new?

And yet again; It’s libel, not slander. You’re not a very quick study, are you.

I have also copied us audio mart and whatsthebestforum slander as well, please ignore the cease and desist 





The word your looking for is libel, not liable.

And slander doesn’t apply as that pertains to the spoken word.

How can we defame your character?

You don’t have any...

And which Gary are you talking about since you have two of them confused with each other. Did you straighten that one out yet and take down your libelous statement about our Gary?

@nano-flo  Sorry you are not getting the benefit of the doubt.

No, I will not cease and desist. 

Did you read this rubbish you posted? 

Have you been drinking? 

​​​​​​​I had a stroke, and I am more coherent than you.

Be a man and give Glory his refund. 

I have copied pages 12, 13 & 14 of this thread. 
gary Anderson has lied repeatedly to to you and several members have joined in blind attacks against me, me invention, company, intellectual property, Mike G and stereo times. Slander, defamation of character, liable, disruption of business are serious issues, including spreading these slanderous rantings to other forums. 
gary paid $1500 a cable, not $7500 and he has lied repeatedly to gain the favor of a few of you. He refused a refund and wanted the cables and MORE. He’s also lying about contingent of selling his Hemingway to pay for these, however eBay has all that documentation. Cease and desist. 
Chris Arnold, Nano-Flo, NanoFlo. 

I have copied pages 12, 13 & 14 of this thread. 
gary Anderson has lied repeatedly to to you and several members have joined in blind attacks against me, me invention, company, intellectual property, Mike G and stereo times. Slander, defamation of character, liable, disruption of business are serious issues, including spreading these slanderous rantings to other forums. 
gary paid $1500 a cable, not $7500 and he has lied repeatedly to gain the favor of a few of you. He refused a refund and wanted the cables and MORE. He’s also lying about contingent of selling his Hemingway to pay for these, however eBay has all that documentation. Cease and desist. 
Chris Arnold, Nano-Flo, NanoFlo. 



Glory’s best remedy is still through Ebay and Paypal and his credit card company.


Our best remedy as fellow audio enthusiasts is to ensure that Chris Arnold and Nano-Flo are radioactive when it comes to fleecing any more of our fellow audiophiles. I will hold out hope that Chris is working through something personal and will eventually do the right thing.


Regarding legal remedies, is it theft or is it fraud? I have three different law firms on auto dial but if they answer the telephone its an automatic $500 and the clock starts ticking by the quarter hour. I'm not that curious LOL.

@ghasley I really do not think @nano-flo has a shred of dignity or a conscience. 

Looking at his business history he has moved from one scam (oil additives) to another (gun oil and cable goop). 

With this in mind and that the amount that Chris has absconded with ($4000.00)? Glory should contact the AG in Illinois and file a complaint for Grand Theft and this could be Wire Fraud also.

How much money stolen is a felony in Illinois?

$500 in value, or theft of property exceeding $500 and not exceeding $10,000 in value, is a Class 3 felony. $500 in value, or theft of property exceeding $500 and not exceeding $10,000 in value, is a Class 2 felony if the theft was committed in a school or place of worship or if the theft was of governmental property.

Be sure to report the false accusation to Ebay, they can edit/filter his ad

Any chance that @nano-flo refunded your money once he realized he had mistaken you for someone else?


I texted him concerning his error but no Apology and the false writing concerning me is still up on his ad on the eBay site.


Any chance that @nano-flo refunded your money once he realized he had mistaken you for someone else?


It sure doesn't reflect well for the future of Nanoflo if they can't even afford to refund those who choose to return their cables within their 30-day money back guarantee period.


Anyone considering a purchase should do their due diligence to ensure if the risk is worth it.

@nano-flo as you are discovering, the path you are choosing is MUCH more difficult to navigate than simply honoring your word. I know Ebay well enough that you will either end up refunding @glory or the user NANOLUBE will lose his ability to sell on that platform. Paypal same outcome. 


Why do you insist on blatantly doing something so unkind and unethical? Please don’t be offended that several here declined to accept your cables for free. In my case, it has nothing to do with whether I believe your products are pleasing to some. It is completely in the camp of until you show positive character and a moral compass I dont want anything to do with Chris Arnold, Enterprise Coatings or Nano-Flo.


You have it in your power to fix this mess and most of us will go back to our regularly scheduled programming. We all have better things to do.

Love this one about @nano-flo 

Having followed this circus ever since Chris' first post over a year ago (or two) on the other site, the conclusion I have drawn after reading the thread(s) and delving into the creator's outside website is that this is a Webster's dictionary example of snake oil salesmanship. Perhaps the most blatant example I have encountered in hifi.

It's total cowpie.

Some at WBF are chiming in on this.

Stereo Times and the author are losing cred along with Chris.



Guns, Watches, Engines and now PC goop, think the windows have closed in all channels.  

Close Window GIFs | Tenor

Post removed 

@holmz LOL…brusk, brusque or brisk…

@thecarpathian well said. +1,000


@nano-flo rise and shine…this day carries with it the opportunity for you to reclaim your integrity. It isn’t difficult, you just have to decide you want to be better. It starts with keeping your word and refunding to @glory his money. I did a quick google and lo and behold, a record of your lack of follow through is emerging. There is still time for you to act but the window is closing.

@nano-flo I have zero interest in trying your products. You are a man of questionable ethics and integrity, my only interest is in you coming to your senses and refunding Glory his money.

I am repulsed that you would even make such a blatant attempt at bribing myself and @ghasley  with your product.

The only way to make us go away is by doing what’s is right. Issue the refund as outlined in you original terms of sale. 



do you want the adapters or not?

Not. How can you fail to see this is not about the efficacy of your product, it’s about you showing a little integrity and honoring your own money back guarantee. Your sad attempt at bribery isn’t going to change that, and it isn’t going to change the fact that we will continue to point this out until you do the right thing. In it for the long haul and not costing us a dime. How much will it end up costing you?

Listen, its ok if you are having financial troubles. Its not ok to steal. By the way, how was your order flow today? Brisk

@ghasley FTI: Brusk is spelled with a “u”.

There is no data…still waiting for you to post.


Listen, its ok if you are having financial troubles. Its not ok to steal. By the way, how was your order flow today? Brisk?

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