Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 



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@theaudiotweak  Tom, I still have some nanoflo left over from when Krissy was able to distribute it.  Are you still happy with the improvements.  I was given pause when I learned this application cannot be removed, although I guess the same was true of Total Contact.  Krissy tells me that with an alcohol pad, one could remove the gray vehicle, but the effect was permanent.  I did treat parts of my system and was pleased.  Just got some Nordost Valhalla 2 interconnects and didn't want to take an expensive leap if things have changed with time in your experience.  Thanks.

Hello  Orthomead,

I have no hesitation on applying Nano Flo on every conductive surface. I have treated the internals of my 2 amps, preamp, CD and dac.a portion of the speaker voice coil.I have enough left over to do future components and a brainstorm that may wake me up from a deep sleep. I will treat my daughter's bass rig I bought today after I hear it a few times. Should be interesting treating the pickups on her bass and all around. The nano materials of this product are smaller than any other similar product. Will penetrate the remanates of any previous..All good for me. Tom


Nano- Flo Chris has two AC cables returned by me through an EBay buy and has had them for almost two weeks with no refund nor response to calls or text messages. Retuned with in 10 days of the 30 allotted. Ebay policy is 3 days for a refund 🙈


Reading closer to his return policy it’s one return per family 😳🙄.


Ok send back the $$$ for one and return the 2nd. As of now I don’t trust him to send back the AC cable with his Magic goop on the ends. He accused me of wiping off the goop on the returned cables, not true. 


Buyer  beware,  this guy is not an upright person to do business with. I kept 3 of the 5. When buying from him you’re getting a $25.00 AC cable with magic goop on the connectors but who knows if he applies it or not. Does the magic goop work? Yep but it’s in the hands of a guy who can become another Rick Schulz.


No refund Glory



Cables are in route to Chris and he changes the wording on his EBay ad to one return per family that was never there before when I bought from him on EBay. Cleaver little bugger.


Being raised and having grown up in NY we tend to be outspoken and upfront. Hiding under your bed,Chris, really ticks us Yorker off. Would rather a “F you Glory I am broke and I will pay you off in a few weeks or months but you will be refunded”, would work just fine for us.


Nano-Flo dude wake up and report back to me and answer your blinking phone or return my text messages.

Post removed 

Nano- Flo


”Maybe I'll see you at AXPONA, but a quick history. Gemologist, Jeweler, and gem cutter of fine opal, tourmaline & sapphire. Now pretty much a cranky Old Man that expects agreements to be honored, and not open to playing "negotiation" games. 


Well then send my refund on your 30 day $$$ back within 30 days!

From glory (Gary) 11-21-22 verbatim

75 hours on the cables

From Gary

at 48 they became relaxed and smoother but at 75 they exploded with mind boggling sounds of texture and tonality. I’ve never heard a cable do the opening and revealing of the information on a audio file like this. 
It has surpassed the Hemingway beta AC cable. 

where is it going when we reach 200 hours of playing time, this remains to be heard. Has anyone heard this masterpiece of cabling with over 200 hours of breakin?

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You told me to go through EBay and that I did and you’ve had the cables for two weeks.


Anger in the right situation is called for at times and this is one of them. You have over $3K of my $$$ so return it. Anger management for someone ripping you off over $3K? The management would be refund my $$$ today and I will be healed. 


I contacted you 3x peacefully and you ignored me. Now you come out from under your bed to respond when we could have done this privately off line.


what else do I have to do to get my refund?



i kept  3 and my praise of your goop has nothing to do with the two I returned.

shall I copy and paste you writings that after your vacation you will proceed with the refund?


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Chris, I haven’t known you for four months rather about three weeks you have me confused with someone else I did ask you if I could buy some of your goop one time and didn’t proceed to ask again. Please send me my refund.

1572 post I have

On audiogon for 20 years

enough positive feedback to make one drunk and no negative feedback


I bought 3 AC cables but you told me there was a glitch in the system and was charged for 5. You shipped 3 out to me and told me you would hold 2 at the discount price if I wanted to get the other two and if I didn’t want them after I got them I could return them.

Here is my positive review of your goop.I want you to be successful in your product and selling to us Philes. Your goop is the greatest breakthrough in audio. Nothing comes close to what it does when installed into one’s system. No words to describe what one hears when using with just AC cables.


I told you I needed to sell my Hemingway cables to finance the other two cables, and that I couldn’t do so I returned them. Did what you told me to go through eBay sent them back, and I patiently waited for the refund.


I asked you not to make this a mess and to pursue in a peaceful way, the transaction, and that I would give you a positive review on Audiogon.




I have here given you a negative feedback, but send my refund today and I will contact the monitors of audiogon and ask them to remove all my writings on this thread. You deserve better. Your product is out of this world. I just hope that your character and your integrity matches the awesomeness of your goop.

What is happening? This is so sad. Unfortunate too. One perfect example why many things in audio get such a bad reputation, and the “snake oil” moniker. Very sad.


Nano Flo dude: please give the guy the money back. He already returned your stuff. You have them. Not only the fair thing to do, but also the legal thing to do

magic sauce.

snake oil

try reds cure all lineament, just 2 sips a day, you will be vigil, and feel better than you ever  have.

some of this stuff is plain silly, and the people who open their wallets for thousands for vaseline mixed w a little food coloring applied to a wall plug.

same as the 500 dollar power cord, its called hype truth, you imagine the 500 bills you dropped on a power cord will actually make trumpets circle your ears with magical ability to render you motionless, and add 2 more inches to mr. happy.


from your  (80% homes) breaker box, you have 12ga wiring throughout your home, thousands of feet running upstairs, down, all over, yet a 10awg cord will suddenly transform your shotty house wiring into a magic conduit from which unicorns shoot rainbow chocolate kaka rings through your body, giving you such elation that you spent 5oo$ on a power cord, which oddly enough might give you rapture of the eardrums and make mr chub come out to play.







I brought up in the now deleted thread that about the magical power cable review that Chris/nano-flo had no track record in hifi, had questionable dealings with others and that extreme caution should be taken. @glory if you ever get your money back you will be lucky. 


I said it then and I’ll say it now…you guys should be ashamed. @mikeg your Stereo Times review and Most Wanted Product rating now acts as a defacto endorsement of a potentially unethical enterprise. While Im sur that isnt your intent, leaving that review up erodes your credibility. How unfortunate.

Sooo… Nano-flo describes the flow of “owed money” out of the account?


Glory can sell his cables when he gets them back next week. 

You are off to a great start, a very public spat with what has to be one of the few who actually paid for your cable on offer and your cavalier and flippant attitude toward a paying customer is….unsurprising to many. This is a very small, very niche market and even on the outside chance more of your cables are sold, you are allowing the damage to be done. To many, that’s actually good news…that you are choosing to shoot yourself in the foot rather than to do the right thing and refund a returned “product”. Maybe you should have just jumped straight to the NFT trading card business…maybe NFT cables are next up in your business plan?

@glory: I've enjoyed your posts for years and you seem to be a stand up guy. I appreciate you sharing your bad experience with us. I agree that the Nanoflo product (goop) is outstanding, and I've applied it to most of my cabling. We can only hope that  now this technology is out there, someone more reputable will start producing it at a fair and reasonable price. Good listening, Jeff

Sell them to who? @nano-flo

Who is going to buy them?
You need to be a MAN of INTEGRITY and refund his money.

You related to that guy in the Bahamas?

You’ll send me the cables?.


you need to honor the 30 day return policy. I would take them back but now knowing who you are you will ship me back a $25.00 cable plugged in a few times to make it look used with no goop on them. Sell them here?. I’ve the opinion we here  on Audiogon are brothers in arms and I would never shoot one of my fellow piles in the head selling them a $25.00 cable with no goop on it for $1.5K.

you’re broke aren’t you? No $$$ to refund me. Been doing this to long not to know what’s happening here. Make blinking payments. $1K a month. I would take a vile of goop but you would fill it with mayonnaise as you’ve lost, all integrity in my point of view

@jerryg123: I was referring to producing and selling a product like the Nanoflo (goop) to audiophiles.

mike posted his review on WhatsBestForum as well, it got virtually no traction there. However, one member did post a link to a Greek audio cable company that apparently has some form of nanotube technology that they have employed since 2016 and have patented cables. I have no affiliation with the WBF poster nor any experience with the below company's cables; just passing the information along


Hmmmm, a few hundred Euros for those cables vs whatever thousands Chris NanoFlo charges? Oh well…its been unfortunate to watch this ABSOLUTELY PREDICTABLE slow motion train wreck. Anyone purchasing from this point on, well….its your money and you now have an ethical data point.

Chris could have sent the refund yesterday and it would’ve been an almost  happy ending but zero.

Most threads like this disappear by the monitors but maybe because I’ve been here for 20 years, have so many posts and all positive feedback that they’re allowing us to proceed because this is a breakthrough product but unfortunately, in the hands of someone that has maybe very little integrity.


chris you can make 3 easy payments  💰💰💰 one per month. Let me know please and let’s salvage your character here on Audiogon. 


@facten A few companies from Greece building some very nice products. By all appearances these cables look quite nice.  But we know the ear tells the tale. 

Like I said I have no experience with the manufacturer so I can't comment one way or the other, just passing information along.

@glory I do hope you get this resolved and the Chris @nano-flo steps up and finds some character and integrity and ethics.  Sad that there are people like this in this hobby that brings so much pleasure. There was another guy in Texas called High Fidelity Cables that hoodwinked a few clients. Wonder if they are trade partners. 

So sad and pathetic. 


Post removed 

Gary purchased off a platform that has rules to protect everyone. He flatly refused my offer to refund his money on two overbought cables. After testing the first three he was blown away and said to ship the remains two. Gary requested to purchase my secret sauce off platform, and was told no. Gary makes his own rules and despite the requirement of requesting a single cable return and printing a shipping label through the platform, he just shipped two cables back used and  contaminated and NOT in the condition received. I have followed all platform messages and procedures and they instructed me to return the two cables to Gary which I did, after refurbishing the male ends with secret sauce. 

Used and contaminated and NOT in the condition received? I wiped the goop off he claimed 🙄 why would I do that, Chris? The last two I knew not to do that.

who’s they? The platform messages says 30 day refund and they were returned within 10 days. They instructed me? Who Aliens? Seems like you just made up your own rules. 

I can sell when I get them back?. Why can’t you sell them used with your reapplied goop at $1.5K vs now $4K ?


honor the Ad and return the $$$. I gave you $4.5K for the 3. What a way to treat a future buyer of your products. I told you I would need to sell the Hemingway cables to finance The other two and you said you had a 30 day return policy so….


why did you write in this thread how’s my sale of my Hemingway cables in a smart A$$ way? How did you know they were for sale? Because the last two you sent  were conditional on selling them and I told you that. Refund option has been executed now live up to your end of the bargain.




you are officially delusional claiming the receipt of the two Holographic cables was contingent on you selling the Hemingways. Tell everyone who else’s cables you are trying to return after their 30 period. Let’s try something different here instead of claiming alien abduction, tell me how many fingers I’m holding up. 


you are officially delusional claiming the receipt of the two Holographic cables was contingent on you selling the Hemingways. Tell everyone who else’s cables you are trying to return after their 30 period. Let’s try something different here instead of claiming alien abduction, tell me how many fingers I’m holding up. 



Fair and reasonable is what I am offering. My cables perform better than $20,000 cables at a fraction of the cost, and my product works  



This @nano-flo guy should be banished and I will make sure I tell everyone of my audiophile friends to avoid this unethical, low class, shyster.

Cut from the same cloth as that High Fidelity Cable guy.  


Gary purchased off a platform that has rules to protect everyone. He flatly refused my offer to refund his money on two overbought cables. After testing the first three he was blown away and said to ship the remains two. Gary requested to purchase my secret sauce off platform, and was told no. Gary makes his own rules and despite the requirement of requesting a single cable return and printing a shipping label through the platform, he just shipped two cables back used and contaminated and NOT in the condition received. I have followed all platform messages and procedures and they instructed me to return the two cables to Gary which I did, after refurbishing the male ends with secret sauce.

Reading between the lines, it seems the Vaseline like "goop" wears off after only a few uses? That seems rather shoddy, however, par for the Nano-Flo course it seems. Does he even need a reason to want to return them? What does money-back guarantee mean to you?


You should just refund his money and go back to hiding in the shadows, hoping that a few people here and there read up on your poor ethical practices but choose to buy anyway. Its truly a shame that all of those who have been shilling for you don’t chime in and at least convince you that its good business to NOT be the headline subject of these threads. I for one though am thankful that your greed is exceeded only by your arrogance...these threads are like a moth to flame for you and you can’t resist posting sophmore level snark. It just shows who you are.


I’m going to take a flyer and guess that your products don’t have Cardas, Shunyata, Synergistic nor Audioquest burning the midnight oil for fear of market erosion.

Chris are you even selling these cables after only 4 weeks? Don’t see them on your web page. No wonder you don’t want them. You aborted them didn’t you?  You can’t sell them at a discount because you’re out of the goop on cables business but old Glory can sell them 🙈

@glory You may stand a better chance of getting your refund if you let the others on this thread and on Audiogon bring attention to your plight. Its your money but @nano-flo may lean to the spiteful side of the bleachers so allow him to get frustrated at someone like me or @jerryg123 


You bought a cable similar to a $10 Home Depot power cord, smeared with a Vaseline like substance at a four figure price from someone you didnt know. You might want to try the humble pie and hope that Chris wants this all to go radio silent again.


If anyone is reading this post AND you are considering this "product", just scroll down and if you DON'T see a post from @glory communicating that he received his money back, proceed at your own risk. In fact, proceed at your own risk either way.


please read the instructions on this new technology cable. It is a dedicated product that is to be left as and where first plugged in. This is not grandmas power cable that everyone is selling, made from copper and gold or silver playing. No caps or resistors sticking out each end. The superconductor is real but it also has requirements that you are refusing to address. 

if audiophiles want to ignore this discovery as snake oil or fraud, I can only ask which cable company do you represent?


I am out of this thread at your advice ghasley.


I will post if he refunds me and only under those conditions.

@nano-flo Why would I want to read the instructions? I haven't suffered a catastrophic brain injury, therefore, I'm not a candidate to do business with you. Your product claims are one thing...that is subjective and an arms length transaction between you and the potential victim. If everyone goes in eyes wide open, its all good. You offer money back guarantee and then don't follow through. You should be ashamed and its unlikely you will sell any more when people see this thread.


If, as you say, the end user is only allowed to plug it in once or the "magic" is gone then what happens if the end user moves their system? Or chooses to rearrange the room? Do you reapply the magic potion for free or is your cable as it is, a single use item? I'm so sorry that there are trusting audiophiles that chose to trust you don't appear to keep your word.


You should refund @glory his money and at least you could then fleece the willing going forward. You and your team should be ashamed.


why would you bother to read any directions when you already know everything?


he just shipped two cables back used and  contaminated and NOT in the condition received...

If your goop comes off when the cable is moved, it's impossible to send it back to you in the condition it was received. Also, how was it 'contaminated'?

Man, just do the right thing and refund his money as per your 30 day return policy and mitigate the damage, because cousin, you are making yourself look really bad.