Well, glubber is fine with me. It is fun to see how little you can guess correctly. Geoffy, toffee, coffee, eee, eee, eee... |
I honestly don’t see you as a clubber. I see you more as a glubber, which might not be much consolation.
Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
I am always for clubbing. As long as there is no entry fee. Meetings as often as possible. We can even make geoffkait a guest of honor so he does not feel lonely. |
I believe he is, fellow Gloopy. Hey, we should start a club! We could hold meetings and have secret handshakes and......no? Ok. |
I disagree about the ease of leaving a Harvard program. Some graduate student in a Harvard Chinese History PhD graduate studies program could not find a “real world” job. So he simply stayed in graduate school as a teaching assistant. In that program for at least 23 years... |
An example of an unfunny Harvard joke. Harvard is a hard school to get into but easy to get out of. No, wait a second! That is a funny joke. |
Somebody wake up Geoff. The men’s NCAA game is over. VA won. |
If there is a worm in the bathtub, then you should ask for a different room.. |
Geoff, if there's a lady in the bathtub, I'd ask for a different room...
Not if you’re one of the worms.. |
Why couldn't Batman go fishing?
Because Robin ate all the worms!
See, not all jokes are funny. Wait. That IS pretty funny....
Geoff classifies his jokes for my benefit. |
"A funny Harvard joke." Aren't all jokes funny? |
A funny Harvard joke. A freshman from the South is walking around campus on his first day. A little bit lost he goes up to a Senior and asks him, “Can you tell me where the Student Union is at? The Harvard Senior, responds, “Here at Harvard we’re taught to never end a sentence with a preposition.” The freshman, rephrases his question, “In that case, can you tell me where the Student Union is at, a$$hat?”
If you attach a single NDM thingy to each ear lobe, then be prepared to be blown away with the improvement in SQ of your audio system.
That is a stratosphere of audio reproduction. I cannot follow that. I waive white flag.
Still, I cannot but wonder if NDM placed in my refrigerator would make yogurt feel slightly more organic.
We can discuss cables here, if you want. In fact, I just affixed two NDM thingies to my DAC output IC’s going to my Teo Audio Liquid Pre passive preamp. Huge boost in inner detail and space from my ATC SCM20-2 active monitors..
I can’t wait to affix a few NDM thingies to my analog turntable platters.. |
Ok, I will not follow celander's threads. It is creepy to follow threads that are not about differences in cables, indeed.
My fault.
Wait, I thought the threads were out here in the open to be followed.
04-08-2019 3:48pm, celander wrote:
“Uber, the nice nice padded walls in that room are actually acoustic room treatments.”
I must have had too many cups of coffee today. I meant to say:
“Uber, the NICELY padded walls in that room are actually acoustic room treatments.”
☝🏻 Creepy stalker alert! 😂 |
I have to give celander a credit. His threads somehow stand out of the audiogon routine. They end up being friendly and amusing.
Is there a way to "follow celander's threads"?
thecarpathian, "Since I posted first, I get to be Gloopy!" Not so fast, pick anything else but gloopy. That is what geoffkait likes to pet me with. |
Uber, the nice nice padded walls in that room are actually acoustic room treatments.
Is that the one with the nice padded walls and no windows? |
That doesn’t work for me. I moved to room 237. |
You might want to check. I don't think Room 101 has a bathroom.
I thought I was in Room 101.
I forgot one: 1010: Machina Dynamica
Did Dan just try to hijack his own thread? Is that even legal?
Here is my room hit list for Friday morning at AXPONA 2019: 16-Aster: Shelter 384: Schiit 354: Fern & Roby 362: ATC/Lone Mountain Audio 442-444: Glenn Poor/Technics 452: Aesthetix 478: CPT A/V; Emerald Physics 552: Xact Audio 546: Linear Tube Audio 606: Linear Tube Audio 652: CAT 670: Benchmark Media Systems 696: Linear Tube Audio 1429: Sanders Sound Systems 1440: Durand Tonearms & Evolution Acoustics 1480: AGD Productions 8415: Linear Tube Audio 8470: Etymotic Research 9424: Mag-Lev Audio Hope to see some of you in the rooms! Dan |
+1 Michael but with out the tickling. I don't want to see what that would do to Geoff, he is kind of like, on the fence (of sanity that is) as it is.
michaelgreenaudio A few days ago I received my sample from Geoff and my responsibility is to find where I think the product might work the best and for who, looking for what. Geoff at this point is as high on my list as the company who sent us their $25,000.00 mono block amps. Wouldn’t it be totally cool if Geoff created the perfect CD tune? I think it would be anyway. Wouldn’t it be great if Geoff really was the smartest guy on campus? Wouldn’t it also be great if all Geoff has been trying to do is get us to relax a little, and we simply didn’t understand his sense of humor? Wouldn’t it be great if at the end of the day we realized we were all family? Michael Green
@mapman - what took 14,000 posts, for Mike to admit he wants to tickle Geoff all over? GACK! So much for eating tomorrow...... |
@jetter- Man, that's a little severe. I just shuttered uncontrollably for a bit and lost my appetite for the day... |
Since I posted first, I get to be Gloopy! |
I would like to know has anyone tried the NDM on a front loader WITH a cd mat like the Marigo crossbow? I would like to try the NDM but it does not look like the disc would clear the entrance of my Oppo BDP-205’s transport with the disc resting on the squares AND the mat atop the disc-(although once spinning the disc would probably clear the squares on the tray) |
OMG! It’s the Toxic Tickle Twins, Gloopy and Loopy! |
"If so, I think some of us should still hold Geoff down and give him a serious torture tickling from time to time."
I just cut off my fingers right after plucking my eyes out.
Mazel Tov Geoff! It only took over 14000 posts. Is that some kind of record? |
"If so, I think some of us should still hold Geoff down and give him a serious torture tickling from time to time."
That’s not creepy at all... |
michaelgreenaudio A few days ago I received my sample from Geoff and my responsibility is to find where I think the product might work the best and for who, looking for what. Geoff at this point is as high on my list as the company who sent us their $25,000.00 mono block amps. Wouldn’t it be totally cool if Geoff created the perfect CD tune? I think it would be anyway. Wouldn’t it be great if Geoff really was the smartest guy on campus? Wouldn’t it also be great if all Geoff has been trying to do is get us to relax a little, and we simply didn’t understand his sense of humor? Wouldn’t it be great if at the end of the day we realized we were all family? If so, I think some of us should still hold Geoff down and give him a serious torture tickling from time to time. Michael Green >>>>>>Apparently it takes longer than I would have guessed to get the answers to all of Michael’s questions, were they a foreboding of things to come? 😳 If finding answers was easy in this hobby we’d all have the best systems in the world. As I oft say, there are many reasons why getting to the bottom of almost anything in audio is not so simple. Aside from any sort of ulterior motivations folks might have, you know, perhaps professional rivalry, trolling, psychological predisposition, tweakaphobia, thou shall have no other gods before me syndrome, the nocebo effect, personal grudge, etc. and just looking at the obvious problems with testing ANY audio product - cable, CD player, speaker, CD tweak, iso stand, audio feet, etc. - The tests results will only be as good as the test system, whether there are mistakes in the system, e.g., Polarity issues, consciousness Directionality of Fuses and Cables, room treatment IQ, vibration isolation IQ, hearing skill/ability in distinguishing subtle differences, skill in hearing obvious differences, testing a number of times to establish confidence in results, don’t even have to mention time of day, weather, and many other factors that affect sound. Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitches I’ll recruit my army from the orphanages I been to St. Herman’s church and I’ve said my religious vows I’ve sucked the milk out of a thousand cows
You have to agree that a lot of what Geoff says , on this subject at least, does make sense.
My NDM treated Pioneer DVD/SACD player does sound fuller and more musical all round.
Now tbh my acquisition of a C.E.C belt drive CD transport sounds even better on Redbook CD and I wish I had some of the NDM left to try in this but alas it all went into the Pioneer and the Sony Discman.
But I was suitably impressed enough to say that I will buy a pack from Geoff when I get round to it.
It’s now clear to me that one must wake up pretty early to beat Geoff to posting here. |
I understand where you’re coming from but when I say signal to noise ratio I’m referring to the optical SNR and the downstream analog SNR which depends on it. By reducing background stray light in the CD transport you increase optical SNR.
Of course, as you say, all sources of noise and distortion in the system should be controlled and minimized, too. The claimed SNR of 90 dB for CDs is achievable only if the system can handle it which, obviously, in most cases it can’t. That’s why the humble LP or cassette oft sound more dynamic than CD. As for the claimed Dynamic Range of 90 dB, many CDs are overly compressed so there goes your dynamic range spec down the tubes! |