Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 

I was wondering what took you so long.
Three days ago I replaced my PS AUdio Stellar set (all 3 of which was resting on your Promethean Springs), with my Audio Alchemy DPA- 1 and DDP-1 + PS 5. I decided to place them directly on the John Boos boards. The music was very warm tube sounding, rolled off. 

Yesterday, one by one, I put a set of P springs under them. One  by one the sound became more open and lively. Another amazing product
I hate to be a spoil sport but that’s actually untrue. Can I say that?
If I have been keeping track correctly, everybody who reported using this NDM did report that it works. It has been only a few reporters, but they were positive about it.

Even with such a small, and easily biased for whatever reason, sample, I would say it is worth trying for intended application. That takes into consideration relatively low price of the experiment.

The thread has been a success. It answered the question "does it work" sufficiently while providing entertainment with theories "why it works".

We’re presently waiting for at least two folks to file their reports, the second person is apparently the victim of some kind of USPS mail Delivery fiasco underway in the great state of Florida. In the meantime, I’m perfectly willing to provide my own results, you know, if things get a little dull.
Anybody else tried NDM? Please chime in now before this thread loses all relevancy..
I always assumed AXPONA was where all the losers from CES went to try to recover their losses. In fact I was told AXPONA is CES spelled backwards. 
I just looked up Stanley Kubrick and his involvement on the Moon. Not that interesting.

However, there was a link to a much more audiophile-related and important topic. The moon is only four miles away from Earth. It is closer than some neighborhood grocery stores.

That changes the whole gravitational waves, black holes, and what not theories. Even directionality may be affected.

In practice, if the spring is appropriate and we, one by one please, get free from Earth’s gravitational forces, next AXPONA could be on the Moon.
The most obvious use of springs from a historical perspective was when Kubrick was filming the faked Moon landing on a movie set outside London somewhere as a favor to NASA, under extreme pressure to make a “show of force” to the Ruskies that particular day. Springs on the shoes of the actors who played the astronauts, at least one borrowed from the making of 2001 A Space Odyssey just prior, possibly Kier Dullea, made it appear they were walking on a low-gravity lunar surface. Kubrick stated later in an interview he got the idea from watching Roadrunner cartoons. A side note: it was Kubrick’s wife who came up with the line, “One small step for man, one giant step for mankind.”

You actually have something that is called Super Stiff? Good for you, and the end users. Can you elaborate? mapman seems to be interested in all aspects of increasing listening pleasure.

It depends how much listening pleasure you get from laying down. As geoffkait points out, springs are very important in whole story. Mattress manufacturers have always been a step ahead of audiophile community.

It is a great feeling to free yourself of gravitational constraints. Every child on the trampoline would gladly attest.
OMG! I forgot the most obvious one. My own Baby Promethean and Super Stiff Springs! It might not be very obvious to the average person but springs are anti gravity devices. It’s a good feeling to get free of gravitational constraints. 🤗 Springs, ironically perhaps, are one way to reduce mass of the audio system. Even Michael Green would have to sign up to that concept. How could he not sign up? 
I am considering what the effects of gravitational waves might be on my listening pleasure..... 

OK done.  Does that make me a bad person?
"...there are some audiophile tweaks that correct for or take advantage of gravitational forces..."
The most common of which are colloquially called "equipment racks" and "speaker stands".

I read more about black holes and related topics in this thread than ever before. Which was not that hard, to be honest.
Do you have a hifi tweak to correct for those gravitational waves too?

>>>Funny you should ask, Moops. Well, not funny like a clown 🤡. But as it turns out, there are some audiophile tweaks that correct for or take advantage of gravitational forces, (which we now understand to actually be ripples in spacetime. Pendulum type vibration isolators - like my Nimbus Sub-Hertz Platform of yore - employ the force of gravity as a means to damp the pendulum motion (albeit rather small) of the isolator, LIGO project to detect gravity waves also employed a similar but much more complex pendulum isolator as part of its comprehensive program of seismic isolation. But more to your snarky question, there are several PWB Electronics tweaks that address the deleterious effects of gravity on sound. If I recall correctly, the coloring of the inner edge of CDs BLACK has something to do with gravity, as well as painting the outer edge of the CD VIOLET. Obviously the color violet is unrelated to either visible red light or invisible infrared light. These treated (I.e., programmed) BLACK PEN and VIOLET PEN tweaks also apply to LPs. I’m going out on a limb here, and speculating the BLACK PEN around the inner edge of the CD is in a sense replicating a BLACK HOLE in the center of a galaxy. But that’s pure speculation.
You don't say!

Do you have a hifi tweak to correct for those gravitational waves too?
There’s nothing new under the sun. Hubble photo of black hole release date 2014.

Then, the following year was this.

The first direct observation of gravitational waves was made on 14 September 2015 and was announced by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations on 11 February 2016.[3][4][5] Previously, gravitational waves had only been inferred indirectly, via their effect on the timing of pulsars in binary star systems. The waveform, detected by both LIGO observatories,[6] matched the predictions of general relativity[7][8][9] for a gravitational wave emanating from the inward spiral and merger of a pair of black holes of around 36 and 29 solar masses and the subsequent "ringdown" of the single resulting black hole.[note 1] The signal was named GW150914 (from "Gravitational Wave" and the date of observation 2015-09-14).[3][11][note 2] It was also the first observation of a binary black hole merger, demonstrating both the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems and the fact that such mergers could occur within the current age of the universe.
“...captured by a team of Harvard scientists and astronomers.”

>>>>>>”OK, come out with your hands up!”

”A global team of astronomers, led by Harvard scientists..."

>>>>>”A team of astrologers led by Harvard global conspiracists.”

"Received my NDM..... We now return to our regularly scheduled nonsense."
Come on, give it a chance. Maybe it works.
Received my NDM from Geoff, thank you. When time permits, I shall install it and share my impression. We now return to our regularly scheduled nonsense...
The title of that video says...

"...captured by team of Harvard scientists and astronomers"
while the text under the video starts with...

"A global team of astronomers, led by Harvard scientists..."
Are all global astronomers from Harvard?

Is there a description of what "led by" actually means?
I implore you, gentle readers, how stupid do they think we are? The speaker in the video who, I assume by his demeanor, is a Harvard scientist, 😬 says the black hole dimensions fall out from Einstein’s field equations. That’s ironic since Einstein never got on board the whole black hole train, as it were. Toot! Toot! 🚂. Fake news! A tempest in a teapot.
The Harvard press conference rumpus regarding “photographic proof” of a black hole is a perfect example of fake news. Whereas NDM is real news! See the difference?
I am trying to figure out which one was first or which one is more powerful in sucking it all in. NDM vs. Black Hole. It has not been clearly deducted yet.

As of today, I am also puzzled by possibility that celander and geoffkait are the same person.
Although I usually try not to feed the beast ,but black hole sensing is at least relevant to me for now.

Only because while in vacation in Reno we watched a show in Reno State University planetarium on Black Holes which touched on the huge black hole that was now "viewable" in our own galaxy.

Pretty darn interesting in all honesty not that I can remember much of the technical side of it.
Old Hubble photos of black holes. (And illustrations). I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears Harvard is a little late to the game. Furthermore, LIGO Observed very good evidence of black holes two years ago when they observed gravity waves produced by black hole merger. I’d say better evidence, actually.
"...wouldn’t it be more impressive to show us a photo of the supermassive black hole located right here in our galaxy?"
Too late, NDM absorbed it all.
My bad ...lmfao

Yes this thread is guaranteed to make anybodies head spin!

I guess I meant Geoffs product forgetting it was not actual Geoff who created this thread.

I blame lack of sleep on that oopsie!

Gad Zooks! Even I’m confused now! 😳 Uber’s arrows are pointing to mapman. Is mapman the troll?

Say what?

I guess as the OP you are allowed to troll your own thread of course......
Breaking Gnus!! 🐂 🐂 🐂 

Researchers announced on April 10 the discovery of fossils in the Philippines that they say were from a species closely related to humans.(Rob Rownd/UPFI/UP-ASP)

By Ben GuarinoApril 10 at 1:00 PM

Please welcome a possible new member to our band of upright apes: Homo moopicus, whose teeth and bones were discovered in a cave on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The remains represent a new species, scientists concluded in a report published Wednesday in the journal Nature. 

Our genus, the Homo in Homo sapiens, contains multitudes, including the thick-browed yet sophisticated Neanderthals and Homo erectus, a nearly 2 million-year-old species that may be our direct ancestor.

It appears the Dark Matter may absorb one’s senses of wonder and  humor as well. Tricky stuff!
I don’t imagine Moops will take umbrage at that comment since he doesn’t know what umbrage means. To make matters worse he doesn’t know what penultimate means, either.
I was wondering how that penultimate post would be addressed to avoid becoming the death knell of this thread.
It appears Geoffy Downer is off his meds again today. Or maybe got some dark matter in there where it does not belong? Lighten up! Pun intended.
Yeah, like we needed more proof. Give me a break! The Hubble has provided awesome photos of black holes for a great many years, anyway. Harvard must be feeling a little down in the dumps. Besides, isn’t this another example of providing evidence that shows nothing and claiming it’s something. Furthermore, wouldn’t it be more impressive to show us a photo of the supermassive black hole located right here in our galaxy?
I perceive no secret passwords, nor do I acknowledge that females cannot participate.
I just checked audio forum protocols and it turns out that troll OPs cannot devolve. That would be the equivalent of water running uphill. That seems pretty intuitive. I suspect what are needed at this juncture are a few over the top reviews. 
This has "devolved" into what seems a boy's club board for this topic.  Not of interest, to me at least, probably most others who have curiosity around Geoff's NDM.