Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I don't  know,  has anyone made the statement  human activity isn't  contributing  to climate change? 
Yes the idea of a universe that is finite and unbounded is a bit hard to grasp. Its kind of like this. Look out in any direction, any direction at all, the view is exactly the same. We appear to be right smack dab in the middle of it all. Which we are. Always. Everyone everywhere is right smack dab in the middle. Dudes on some star way over in Andromeda? Yeah those dudes too. 

We have a hard time drawing this, and its even harder to visualize, I sure never can, but its kind of like this. Mass curves space time. Not a lot. Takes a lot of mass. Even so you have to be pretty close. But Einstein math'd it out and some years later when they observed the orbit of Mercury with great enough precision sure enough, the planet was exactly as much slower as relativistic physics said it should be. So math curves space time.

Another way it has been observed to do this is with very distant galaxies. Yeah here ya go
So now notice how the massive galaxy cluster curved space time around it? The light actually travels a straight line. Its the straight line that's curved. Well it only looks curved because of our frame of reference. Hey don't blame me! I didn't make the rules! Just telling it like it is. To the extent of our current understanding anyway.

So obviously (its obvious, right?) the whole mass of the whole universe is doing exactly the same thing. Curving space-time. Curving it so much it wraps around on itself like a ball.

Only it can only appear that way from outside. Same as the Earth can only appear spherical by leaving the surface and going out into space. Perspective. From here on Earth it appears quite flat. Or at any rate two dimensional. So it is with our finite, unbounded, universe.
There is a relation between gravity and consciousness and I like Penrose because it is one of the first to guess that... But for sure I dont know if his theory, orchestrated objective reduction, interesting by itself, is right....

Perhaps the elementary fact that loosing consciousness, the body is at the mercy of some relatively " free fall", is a more profound metaphor than we first think of, at face value... :)
If there is some underlying force, something after we leave this mortal coil, the answer to all our hopes, fears and dreams, I think it will be something like this:

All the best,
I like poetry and this poem is very beautiful and moving...

 The " ecstasy of reason" or any mystical insight cannot erase by itself  the tragic outcome of life...What can we say to a mother who lost his son  or daughter?  

Silence is sometimes the only equation that is working...

"...the absolute disappearance of anything, makes absolutely no sense at all..."
It may not make sense in this current world we inhabit. Lavoisier and his thoughts. It also may seem scary at times. It does not mean it does not happen. Of course, you could say that decomposing into some carbon (here we go again), oxygen, potassium, and whatever else, means there is no absolute disappearance and you would be right. However, for any meaningful purpose, once a person dies, she/he is dead. Gone. Most of the time wheeled out. Sorry to break you that news.

Nothing to be afraid Glupson, you never break nothing....

Ok now, think with me....

All person is a node in an interconnected matrix, this matrix is mathematically descriptible, and contains an infinite information load...
No one can disappear out of this matrix without a trace...

This is my idea not yours...I know...

It is possible to suppose that this infinite information matrix does not exist, yes, it is a valuable opinion... It is your opinion...

But myself I see , I have seen, this matrix, I can show you this matrix of infinite potential information...If you accept to look at it some hours you will understand...Simple mathematical information by the way...

You can object: this matrix is only potential one, not an actual one...

Your objection is perfectly valid one...

But think about that: between 2 ideas, one is sterile (yours), the other idea infinitely fertile (mine)... what idea will you choose? for sure you are free and can go on negating the fertile idea and entertain the sterile one... Make your choice, mine is made...

Sorry to gives you a so good news Glupson, but we may continue this conversation after we are dead also, I hope your world will not shatter too abruptly... :)

By the way if you read medicinal journal, without any mathematics at all, you will discover some new scientific truth....,Myself I prefer mathematics but it is only taste...

We are flexible being of creative nature, beware: we begins to be what we envision to be...

My best to you … And I apologize for my not so subtle rhetoric but you are a sceptic of a radical kind no?


Don't worry, my world will continue being as shaky as always. I understand the theories and hopes of eternity and I even encourage people to pursue that highway of thoughts, but in reality a dead person gets wheeled out and disposed of. I do not argue most of the people do continue their existence as disjointed chemical elements and may show up in our vehicles, plates, and what not, but they are not exactly what they were in any sense of that thought.

May I guess that you deal with death/transitioning to something only in your thoughts?
I misperceived you Glupson sorry...If your world is shaky, alas my judgement sometimes is, then it is worst ... :)

I will only add that what is wheeled out to the graves is a body not a person... And I know that we are all linked... Then after this illusory but devastating separation I hope to see whom I love... My best to you and my deepest sorry for my rude prose and tone ...

Nothing to apologize for. I really do understand the hopeful view many, if not most, have regarding afterlife. It is just that person may become homeless if there is no body to reside in. It seems to me that those who deal with death often do not have poetic views of it and they shrug their shoulders at philosophical approach to something so mundane. Just ask any cemetery worker.
Thanks for your indulgence toward me and generosity...

But the body is a temporary creation, after death there is another body... Light body.... There is an infinite vibrations scale....I cannot prove that tough... It is not like the more easy concept of the universal memory I speak about today, this is only mathematics...The new body is not explainable with a mathematics I know of...

No one is homeless :) Because anyone inhabit his own world interpenetrating all the others...In a sense all that exist is our body...

The spirit and the body are the same, but in this world there seems to be a great difference between the 2, because the vibration is so low that the connection between the spirit and his body implicate some gap in time and space...But this is only my take...Not a truth...

One of the great genius of the past a true scientist and a seer, Swedenborg, was asked this question: what is death?... His economical answer is the best I ever read : " death is the inversion-transformation of the internal and the external" He was so erudite in all sciences that he was the principal scientific counsellor of the queen of Sweden... He is  on par with Goethe, Vinci, or Newton....He influence all the 19 century literature and culture, so much so, that for example a doctorate on 19 century culture  which will not use his works has no real value, and made numerous scientific discovery...

"No one is homeless :)"
Many of those riding on a public transport to shield themselves from the freezing weather in the northern hemisphere these days would disagree.

The body is surely a temporary creation. After that, it is lettuce and air those who still posses the regular body breathe. There may be mathematics somewhere in there, but in the end it is a "game over" with a losing score.
You are right Glupson...

What is the value of wise man advice in face of tragedy? Only silence and action has value … I am not even wise, and I can only act like all of us...And shut up, (I always forget that say my wife) :)

There is temporary homelessness, and temporary loosing score...That was said by buddha and Christ... 2 fellows I respect a lot... :)

Somewhere a children is tortured, what can I say? Certainly not explaining the mathematics of Pascal bet....

My only point, except for the help we can offer to others in need, is that our thinking process transform us in what the thinking was at the beginning...Beware to think rightfully then... Good night my friend...

a last word: No logic and no mathematic, no science, nothing can replace Love....We all know that for sure...But I need to remind that to me at least .... :)
For anyone still interested in learning:
People should be up in arms over this fraud being perpetrated on us by our own government agencies.
...damn, I 'go away' and y'all go 'introspective' and seriously Serious...*G*

BTW....mahgister, thanks for the compliment back on pg.5....;)  I try to type some sense into my senseless strokes on these keys...

Although appreciative of the 'old Masters", I currently enjoy such:

A Better version on SoundCloud...and still good advice for one's 'puter...*S*

'Life, the Universe....and Everything'.....Yes, Deep Thought....;)

Annoyingly transient...just when you think you've got a handle on it, it's over.  Unless Something interrupts your learning curve...
The Universe
Boy, howdy...there's an awful lot of it, isn't there?  A wonderful wonder to behold, and the Ocean is so big our boat so small.
Is it meaningful to be here?
Beats the alternative. *S*
Enjoy.  Try not to break anything; someone else might like to encounter It.
'Leave nothing but footprints, take only memories.'
Still great advice....

I was raised Catholic.  As a youngster, we got trouped into the church where we got to ask questions of the priest, a pleasant older gent.

True to form, I asked The Question.

"What's it feel like to be dead?"

He blinked....paused...

"You have no feelings, no perceptions; total unconsciousness.."

(Silence from the group...except....)

" will we know if we're in Heaven or Hell...or Purgatory?"

(It got a lot Quieter....and he changed the subject, and our little meeting ended shortly thereafter....)

God will get me for that...."You had to go there, didn't you?"

"Well.....*shrug* (if that's possible, under the 'circumstance'...)

There exists This...if it seems a 'better option'....;)

....get to find out soon enough...;)

Have a you can't. ;)

Tony/Steve isn’t worth the trouble since his claims have been debunked but enough of him lets look at this so called conspiracy our govt is pulling on us. There are hundreds of climate scientists in this country alone not to mention assistants so to pull off this conspiracy they would all need to be in on it and the more people involved in a conspiracy the more difficult it becomes to keep it secret. We can’t stop there since climate scientists in other countries find the same or close to the same results so in order for this conspiracy to succeed they would have to be in on it as well bringing the number of people pulling the wool over our eyes to staggering numbers. I have to give all these scientists and agencies and the other people working in them credit as thousands of people and dozens of countries have succeeded in one of the best kept secrets in history. There can only be one answer it’s the New World Order behind this climate hoax.
New report out showing that hydrofluorocarbons haven't leveled or reduced but increased leading scientists to believe China and India haven't been successful in reducing their output.
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets and Stopping by Woods my favorite poem of his.
*S* Getting 'Frost-ed' on a chilly morning makes it a tad more tolerable...

Thanks, geo....and Good Morning to you and all...
People are so dumb, especially those that wanted to be dumbed, that there is conspiracies everywhere... For sure they are conspiracies, it is one of the impossible secret to keep forever...

People are so dumb, especially those that wanted to be dumbed, that there is no where an encompassing conspiracy that are victorious and truly dominates us... People are too dumb for that, especially those that conspires, and reality is too complex for that long term victory of conspirationists...

There is one exception, some conspiracies are temporarily successful and events going in the same direction transforms these conspiracies acts in new events of the same kind and then habits, there is a reification... Money is an example of that....

Conspiracy is a pyramid of inert stupidity acting like a blind motor....

If you want to understand anything in the universe, know that a plurality of conspiracies exist but turn the page and look at a most basic level...If not, you will be eaten alive by details and signs, lost in futility , fixated in one conspiracy among the others and no more able to really understand...

( I am a bit ashamed to have wrote that after this magnificent poem of Robert Frost, sometimes we awake dumber than we think...I apologize... :) )

End of this conspiracy of mine.... :)

I will repeat here something I just wrote in my thread but it is too much important for any scruple... :)

I just made an interesting discovery....

Why adding different stones help my identical Schumann generators in their efficiency... Why "nude" Schumann generators are less efficient for transforming my acoustical space?

The reason is simple it seems... I stumble to an important discovery in physics, by the way of this article :

The original article is here:

The principle the researchers discovered in Nature is : " Converse symmetry breaking"...

In a word, «"When identical entities interact, they often behave differently from each other," said Motter, who is a professor of physics in Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. "But we identified scenarios in which the entities behave identically again if you make them suitably different from each other."» You must read the article to better understand but it is a short one... :)

Introducing different stones on my identical seven S.G. makes for them easier their synchronization... Then the enhancement produced by the S. G. is more powerful... And introducing among these seven a 8th S.G. structurally different than these 7 identical others, increase again and improve the synchronisation of all the others... :)

Amazing discovery, and an illustration of this important balance everywhere in Nature between symmetry and asymmetry and the process of synchronization itself and his improvement by finetuning the subtle balance between symmetry and asymmetry differences....

By the way the same thing is at the bottom of Mathematics I think....Synchronization between different universes is one of the main feature of the new mathematics by the Japanese prodigious genius Shinichi Mochizuki... For him mathematics is founded on a relative synchronization between endless numbers of universes and their reinitialization histories...These histories comes from the asymmetrical-symmetrical differences between addition operations and multiplicative one …( Arithmetical deformation theory is another name for his inter-universal geometry).This guy recreate mathematics on his own, the story is unbelievable by the way, but his maths are a bit difficult, even for geniuses...For the time being tough not many people understand his theory and the focus is only on his proof or absence of proof of the ABC conjecture...

This will be of interest to some of you I think.... :)

The relation with the topic of this thread or with the "snow" is this:

Water is a sensible equation in the flesh, like a subtle mirror, and perhaps water is the matrix of life because it is the most sensible matter there is, sensible precisely to this fine balance between symmetry and asymmetry...

Perhaps the symmetrical hexagonal illustration of an infinite variations in snowflake is a perfect example of this principle...

VIVA SNOW..... :)

You don’t think I call them Brilliant Pebbles for no reason, do you? 🤗
Tony Heller posts the actual raw data from NOAA and shows exactly how they manipulated (faked!) it in order to turn a cooling trend into heating. Its the actual raw data from NOAA.

Then instead of talking about the objective, proven, obvious fraud, they attack the man himself. Or act like this fact doesn't actually exist.

Who's the denier now?
Yes, that is interesting. But why would NASA do that? On the other hand other data shows the recent years are definitely the warmest on record. That data was released only a few days ago, was it NOAA? What is also interesting is the large number of extreme weather related events that have been occurring. This is not (rpt not) business as usual. What does it all mean, jelly bean?
The datasets from NASA and the UK Met and Berkeley  Earth match the NOAA data so I assume NASA and the UK are in on this cover up  as well. The larger this supposed  cover up grows the harder it is to believe. 
The Climate Research Unit in the UK is ground zero. Hackers got in there years ago and released thousands of emails documenting "scientists" and "researchers" coordinating on exactly how they would fake the data. DYODD dudes. Stop yammering and DYODD. You have no idea how NPC you are until you do.
The UK Met isn’t the CRU but at any rate that incident was investigated and the result was no manipulation of data. The cherry picked emails by climate change deniers which superficially looked like nefarious goings on was easily set aside once they were placed back in context which is why all the investigations showed nothing wrong but don’t let that get in the way of a good conspiracy theory rant. This reminds me of the good old days dealing with the tin foil hats going nuts over fluoridated water and chem trails. Hilarious stuff.
Up next, how the US brought down the World Trade Center and pinned it on Al-Qaeda. Photographs and everything! 🤗
I naturally  only drink distilled  water, rain water or pure grain alcohol to replenish  my precious bodily fluids. I think that's  why these scientists  only drink vodka and never tap water it's how they have brainwashed all these people into falling for this New World Order plot of climate change through fluoridation of water. I bet Heller doesn't  drink fluoridated water either, need to check on that he could really be a plant and will suddenly announce one day this hoax is real trying to get more  converts. Does anyone here know what kind of water or alcohol he drinks? Can't  be to sure. 
MC is doing another classic example of projection. Heller was exposed for cherry picking data and altering graphs. So it follows that he must accuse others of doing it.

This is old news.

All the best,
Its not just a river in Egypt, guys.

Meanwhile, in Davos:

"we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their warnings about the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers...they want to see us do badly, but we won't let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s and the end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing - absolute power to dominate transform and control every aspect of our lives."
These alarmists always demand the same thing - absolute power to dominate transform and control every aspect of our lives."
Which is the battle cry of the right wing, regardless of country. They believe the common man cannot decide for himself and must have some form of absolute power dictate his life. It's the founding concept of Leviathan

It can come in the form of religion or politics, and often a combination of both. It's just another means of control that they decry of others, and practice themselves.

All the best,

Which is the battle cry of the right wing, regardless of country. They believe the common man cannot decide for himself and must have some form of absolute power dictate his life.

Which is why what we have today is so encouraging. Finally a leader not only talking but actually fulfilling the promise of returning more power to the people. Seven regulations abolished for every one added. Actually much more than that. That's what really has them all riled up. Democrat, republican, or whatever, they're all screaming their gravy train is being derailed. That's why massive crowds flock together and stand in line for hours- common people see they at last are getting theirs.

Paranoia runs deep
Into your life it will creep
Starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line the man come 
And take you away
Which is why what we have today is so encouraging. Finally a leader not only talking but actually fulfilling the promise of returning more power to the people. Seven regulations abolished for every one added. Actually much more than that. That's what really has them all riled up. Democrat, republican, or whatever, they're all screaming their gravy train is being derailed. That's why massive crowds flock together and stand in line for hours- common people see they at last are getting theirs.

Nothing like regurgitating what is being spoon fed to you.
The overwhelming majority want investigations into your wanna be despot and a simple majority want him ran out on a rail (tar and feathers optional).

All the best,

No lesson learned.... It seems that people like controversies....Myself I prefer convergent dialogue...In a complex matter, there is no point to argue with a crowd...The best is to speak around some consensual matter... Snow, Audio, cosmology, spirituality; no  religion or politics, this is better  this way...My 2 cents...:)
I just told you he’s abolished regulations and expanded liberty. You call him a despot. Impeachment got no republican votes, and not even all the democrats either, and a couple democrats even left the party and became republican over this sham. This you call an overwhelming majority.

I guess when tens of thousands stand in line just to see him, and still more tens of thousands are turned away when the place is jammed, and a whole football stadium full of fans cheers and hollers and chants for him, well my guess is you have some equally delusional alternate universe version of that too.
millercarbon OP
I just told you he’s abolished regulations and expanded liberty. You call him a despot. Impeachment got no republican votes, and not even all the democrats either, and a couple democrats even left the party and became republican over this sham. This you call an overwhelming majority.

I guess when tens of thousands stand in line just to see him, and still more tens of thousands are turned away when the place is jammed, and a whole football stadium full of fans cheers and hollers and chants for him, well my guess is you have some equally delusional alternate universe version of that too.

>>>>You’ll have to pardon me but that’s what people said 80 years ago about a certain somebody. But I won’t mention any names.
I wont mention name either....

By the way I just see a video of Newfoundland blizzard.... I recommend you to look for it.... It is amazing...

I think what will we do with only my shovel to go out of my house? 
MC, you are so easily swayed. What’s it like to live in fantasy land?
He’s abolished regs so they can poison your water, pollute without consequence, did a HUGE socialist bailout of farmers that he screwed over (3x the auto bailouts), and allow pigs testicles, bladders and crap in ground pork.

He got no republican votes because cults don’t vote against their leader. The ONE dem who changed sides did so to keep his job which he saw as threatened if he stayed a dem. He doesn’t want to go out and get a real job.

As for tens of thousands, big deal. MILLIONS more voted against him. They follow him from state to state like a tent revival show. These are the same stiffs who found The Apprentice deep and Survivor and The Batchelor up there with Shakespeare. He’s stiffed cities to the tune of millions owed for security. He won by a confluence of odd luck, getting less than 1% in three states, which put him over. I’ve seen those "crowds" with the empty seats, the bored ditto heads on their phones, the emptiness outside the stadiums that he claims are full of people who wanted to get in.

You probably think wrestling is real too.

All the best,
That's  some record breaking  snow fall. More than 30 inches in 24hours. Drifts to 15 feet I don't  see how people live in those areas to much snow for me.
30 inches in 24 hours? 
Ya see folk, that's what happens when there's so much more evaporated water in the atmosphere. The largest river in the world runs over our heads, and it's getting bigger all the time.

Earth heats up, water evaporates, water comes down, in one form or another. Simple.

All the best,
He won by a confluence of odd luck,

Yes. With never having run for office he defeated the biggest and best republican field, Ever. With the most primary votes. Ever. Then with a tiny campaign staff, spending a fraction of the money, and with most of his own party against him, and the media, and Hollywood, he defeated the most experienced person ever to run for president.

That’s some confluence of odd luck.

Then again, it turned out the most experienced person ever to run for president had never heard of the electoral college, and thought it was California and New York, and CNN.

So maybe the confluence of odd luck was going up against a bunch of deluded know-nothings. Who’d a thunk?
I was thinking of Mick Jagger, mahgister, who were you thinking of?
In the last 20 years we have had 2 Presdents elected with a minority of votes, in the previous 200+ years that only happened 2 times and 1 time the house decided. If this is something that continues with that frequency it will become unsubstainable and the electoral college will probably be relegated to the dustbin of history where it belongs. It’s just another remnant to get slave states to ratify the constitution anyway. Like the 2nd amendment was as well. 
More to discover