Looking for small active STEREO speakers I can throw in a carry on bag and travel with

With my job I travel very often and spend a large amount of my time sitting in front of a laptop in airbnbs and hotel rooms.


I'm looking for the best STEREO audiophile speakers out there that I can throw in a carry on bag and travel with. These will get used sitting in front of a laptop 99% of the time. Probably need something active. Can save the original box if needed if it will help with transport. I am not looking for something that is a bluetooth single speaker, I need stereo sound. I need something that will also work well in crappy rooms. Roon ready would be another bonus if possible. Any suggestions?


Maybe a couple of Bluetooth speakers? Most are small and by definition are active. 
I use a single Rokform G-Rok speaker on the job and golf cart. You can use two from the same source not sure if you can get stereo performance out of them. 


https://www.amazon.com/Peachtree-Audio-Powered-Speakers-Bamboo/dp/B077VBZXDD/ref=sr_1_50?keywords=small%2Bpowered%2Bspeakers&qid=1644290640&sr=8-50&th=1 Spent 10 years contract traveling and working this problem. I was stationary for several weeks so would usually ship ahead to known address. That may well not be your dynamic.

My son uses Genelec 8010A Studio Monitor for his mixing and they are very good for the size

I travel quite a bit for work as well, so I can sympathize. I don't think speakers is the way to go however... first, hotel rooms are notoriously noisy and thin-walled. I won't want to annoy the other guests with my music. Plus the size of packing speakers would mean that I would check a bag each time, which is such a time waster... I pack carry on only for anything less than 10 days.


I would highly recommend getting a good pair of headphones and a good DAC/headphone amp instead. Better sound and much more portable.

I wouldn't call them "audiophile" but I am happy with Audioengine HD3s on my desk.

I have Audioengine A2 speakers at work and they do ok.  It seems like headphones might be a better option, but I wear glasses and have people coming in and out of my office all day, so it's easier to pause my iPod that it is to remove headphones.

If you have space to the front wall the Audience 1 + 1 is good (owned it). There is a Magnaoan desktop speaker that is also good and needs similar space up front.

The Audioengine A2+ is not that great but easy to move. I have this in the house but not plugged in anymore.

I doubt any small speaker will sound as good as the RAAL SR1a headphones. I have about 20K of gear to play these headphones, but you can also use the following $800 amp.

Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in California

When I switch from my 2-channel to the RAAL late at night I do not feel as if it is a step down. Another compliment I can make is that they do not sound like headphones. I am not a fan of the sound of traditional headphones.

Not going to lie, you’re probably best with a decent pair of headphones and small headphone dac/amp. No small active speakers will get you the same quality, full-range sound as a decent headphone setup. Headphones will also be smaller and lighter to carry around.

That said, I have a pair of Audioengine HD3 speakers ($350) on a computer at work that are surprisingly good for their size. Audioengine A2+ are a bit cheaper and well reviewed also. I wouldn’t bother worrying about roon ready or wireless on the speaker since you can just run them connected through the laptop. If your budget allows ($999 via accessories4less.com) Kef LSX are probably better, but they’re also a bit bigger and a bit heavier for your bag. Anything beyond that I wouldn’t want in a carry-on.