Looking for small active STEREO speakers I can throw in a carry on bag and travel with

With my job I travel very often and spend a large amount of my time sitting in front of a laptop in airbnbs and hotel rooms.


I'm looking for the best STEREO audiophile speakers out there that I can throw in a carry on bag and travel with. These will get used sitting in front of a laptop 99% of the time. Probably need something active. Can save the original box if needed if it will help with transport. I am not looking for something that is a bluetooth single speaker, I need stereo sound. I need something that will also work well in crappy rooms. Roon ready would be another bonus if possible. Any suggestions?


Showing 1 response by celtic66

https://www.amazon.com/Peachtree-Audio-Powered-Speakers-Bamboo/dp/B077VBZXDD/ref=sr_1_50?keywords=small%2Bpowered%2Bspeakers&qid=1644290640&sr=8-50&th=1 Spent 10 years contract traveling and working this problem. I was stationary for several weeks so would usually ship ahead to known address. That may well not be your dynamic.