Looking for an old Stereophile review ...

There was a review in Stereophile 10-20 years ago about a slim tower speaker using pro audio drivers, very obscure company, presumably gone now. My recollection was the drivers were inexpensive, too, and the reviewer was very impressed overall. I think these were highly efficient, too. Anyone know which issue this was? Or the name of the speaker company and model?

@coffee-jerk those models weren't very efficient, which goes against what the OP said.

Any luck finding the article greg7? You have me curious as to which speaker it was.


@larryro2 you are quite humorous.  Or are you series?  What is wrong with Stereophile's reviews?  Maybe you know something that we do not. 

In the J Gordon days there was no advertising. But then that was more than 20 years ago.

Doubt anything was reviewed in Stereophile that was an obscured company as companies have to pay for advertisements to get a review. You sure it wasn’t in Stereo Review?

It's the Dynamite by Acme Speaker Co. designed by Dr. E. Fudd. The review was by Wiley K. Oyte. His reviews are despicable. 

Even if you figured out what it is, are you gonna search for a used one and buy it, based on that? Why not ask for input regarding slim efficient towers, if that's what you're after? 

@yogiboy Just Fantastic post! Cheers,


Not enough information to go on. need some other detail, at least one more relevant detail... to sort this out. an answer is only as good as it's corresponding question.

guess i dont see where you are going with this....and if you find it , then what ?