
Responses from coffee-jerk

The Streamer-Dac-Preamp Chain
A one-box Streamer/DAC/Preamp that is Roon friendly, and DOES sound good is the Naim NSC222.  Quite glorious actually.  If you like it, Naim has an upgrade path, which is an external power supply that replaces the 222 internal supplies.  However, ... 
My wife weighed in…she wants piano white tower/bookshelf
I will second (or third) the PSAudio speakers.   I also listened to them at the factory, and was quite impressed with each of the four price points.  I own one pair, and planning to buy the next size up.      
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
NHT 3.3’s.  I think they were 120 lbs ea.  Interesting speaker.  I loved Ken Kantor, but cursed his name every time I moved.  Emailed him once to tell him.     That (sexist) WAF was no joke.  The 3.3 had a very low WAF.  “Those would look great i... 
Best progressive rock album side
TOOL Lateralus or TOOL Fear Innoculum  
Your single most significant purchase mistake?
I have had good luck with a couple of items discussed here.   1. I was a very happy owner of NHT3.3, after pairing them with what seemed to be the right amp and cable combo (BEL Mark IV and cardas wire).  2.  Bel Canto: nothing but good luck with ... 
Suggestions for an integrated upgrade please
I may be off topic, but I just love love love that you mention WAF in the same post as NHT 3.3’s.   I had 3.3’a for almost 20 years, and man they visually take over a room.  At my house, the acceptance factor was exactly “zero”, or whatever score ... 
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
Puscifer - Existential Reckoning, Conditions of my parole TOOL - 10,000 Days Massive Attack - Mezzanine  
Looking for an old Stereophile review ...
It wasn’t the NHT 3.3 or 2.9?  
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system?
Gin, and maybe snacks 
What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???
A larger, heavier version of something I already have.   Delivered when my wife is not home.  
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
Any fans of Brown Electronic Labs (BEL) out there?    I had a 1001 MkII, was sad that I let it get away, so had to pick a MkV the first time I found a used one.    Wonderful amps! 
Did I damage my speakers?
I have those amps, but don’t have anything helpful to say except to leave them on all the time. I turn mine off when I go out of town, and they definitely sound the most ’natural’ the second day after powering up. But it doesn't sound like the pro... 
What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?
They won’t sound like anything until you actually try them.  Hopefully you have access to a decent system.   Borrow some good cables.  You can find great cables for $1,000. And you definitely won’t learn anything from members of this forum who hav... 
What Makes your System Special?
It sounds like someone is playing a freakin’ banjo in my living room.  And then it sounds like Nick Cave is getting it on in my living room.   My dogs bark at it.   My kids think I’m a little weird, but I catch them using it. I guess it must be wo... 
Favorite cable brand.
I have had a lot of BEL, then the mid-price Cardas.    Recently upgraded my balanced interconnects and speaker cables to the designs of Colin Wonfor, sold by ABCaudio in the U.K.    Colin was the original designer of the Telerium Q cables.   I am ...