klipschorns, they kick ass for sure

hello folks.   for those out there that think the big klipschorn's are not good enough to be a high end quality speaker, guess what??   your wrong!!   I have been in audio for over 40 years. I have heard many speaker systems over the years. I have very good speakers now in my home. I have good equipment running them.  I picked up a pair of k-horns last week.  1986 model year.  replaced the crossovers with crites xovers.  one tweeter blown.  replaced both with ct120 tweeters from crites. hooked them up to my parasound  3500 amp ( yes, way overkill  )  but I wasent in the mood to move it.  speakers placed where they are supposed to be in the corners of the room.  well let me tell you all it took was 2 minutes to decide these things are the bomb.  I dident hear any of the stuff I been reading about over the last 30 years how these speakers are harsh, no good bass and everything else everybody says about them.  as far as im concerned they are clean, clear, crisp, and loud. did I say loud.  volume starts a 7 o'clock,  at 9 o'clock  your ears start to bleed.  I guess the 350 watts into a speaker that only needs 20 will do that.  and all the stuff I hear about  ss amps these speakers don't like.  only 30 watt tube amps will do or you will hear all kinds of noise.  well, all I can say is bull crap to that.  what I here is a speaker sounding better then just about anything else I ever heard.  I played rock,jazz,classical,  all passed with flying color's. all I can say is you guys out there that think they suck. have your ears cleaned out and go listen again.  yes, the 350 watt power house is going to go before I blow everything up. 
I'm new here but after following this entire thread, the only conclusion I can find is that mission Clooney is an absolute asshole! if he can pull out and clean himself I'd be surprised. he so arrogantly, abrasively, and insultingly shouts from his hiding place, he surely would never confront you to your face. then again he may be that stupid.
I sold My Klipchorns after 15 years of enjoyment, Went to Theil 3.6,s I put up with they,re brightness for 10 years and was only happy when I traded them on a pair of Usher B.E 20,s, with a couple of good subs the full and richness of sound is remanicent to the old horns but cleaner.
   There are speakers on the market for $1,500,000. How many Billionairs are out there anyway and have they got time to listen to the music. wish I was one. I would probably buy a pair and then worry about all the poor people in the world. ahh; you just can,t win.
I still like the Klipsch sound, but until I spent some quality time with the Salk's I really didn't know what else was out there or how good my system could actually sound.

Thanks for sharing.  Sounds like you were a lifelong Klipsch fan until you heard something else.  A lesson that anyone who becomes obsessed with a certain brand (or era) of equipment should learn.  Glad to hear your enjoying the Salks.  I hear that they are fine speakers.


My 2 cents worth... Been a long time Klipsch fan. Started with a pair of Heresy's in college then moved up to Forte's in the mid 80's. I have also owned Cornwal's. I have never had any of the fully horn loaded versions like the KHorns or the La Scalla's or the Belle's. I always liked the sound and always loved how efficient they are. 

Earlier this year, I replaced my Forte's with a pair of Salk HT-3's. Upgraded the electronics as well, had to have more power for the Salks. To me, there is no comparison. The RAAL ribbon tweeter in the Salk's is far more refined and more pure sounding than the tweeter in the Forte's. Midrange is cleaner, they image better and go deeper which really surprised me as I always loved the base in the Forte's. 

Are the Salk's the best speaker made? No, of course not. But they are absolutely ruler flat down to 35 hz (+/- 1.5 db) and they are far more accurate than any of the Klipsch speakers I have owned. 

I still like the Klipsch sound, but until I spent some quality time with the Salk's I really didn't know what else was out there or how good my system could actually sound. 
I've never seen any gear in the forums that can't be picked apart, improved with different drivers, and/or bettered. Speakers or otherwise. 

Name any piece of gear and I'll bet you somebody will tell you cheaper models and more expensive models that beat it- in their opinion anyway.

Nothing new under the sun...

there are not many company's in America anymore that make speakers out of REAL WOOD, if you love your speaker, then you RULE in your CASTLE, I have room full of vintage speakers from Acoustat 6600 to Allisons to Bozak CC and many more, but when I sit down to a pair the music I select may not sound good on one speaker as well as the other,remember the saying ( VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE) my Khorns sound good on my tube VTL'S and my Belle's sound good on my Cary, just like not everyone drives the same car, so enjoy your toy's and live life like it is your last, because some day it will be!!
Re, Wester17's post above, I l recently landed on the Spatial Audio M4 speakers, the little brother's to his M3's.  I completely agree that they are very special speaker, truly, and my first foray into OB speakers.  They are a stunning value, too, and easy to drive.  They sure like tube amps. I am bowed over my them in my system.
The first fine audio system I heard was Khorns with Crown amps in a bar in Mpls in 1973 and I was hooked forever on great audio gear. Their bass response was a visceral experience.   In what they do, they are peerless, clearly among the pantheon of legendary speakers.  I had a pair of Cornwalls, all upgraded with new horns and x-overs, but they simply overwhelmed my small listening room.  The buyer, with a very large room and a tube amp, still loves them. Pity the fool that disses the Khorns as they are remarkable speakers.  Just my take.  
Tomtab; I am not sure if there are many out here who really care whether Klipschorns are considered 'High End' loudspeakers or not, or indeed your passion for them. Why do you care about other audio'piles' views? Its not going to change your belief that they are the best thing since sliced bread is it? and why should it?!! Thumbs up to you, and may your horns give you many hours of unbridled and unabashed listening pleasure.......
Whilst you are not personally being demeaning to anyone,  I feel your post is a tad vitriolic though......................... (smiley face) .
I am more than aware of what can be done with the Klipsch concept. I had Greg Roberts, Volti Audio, build myself a pair ultimate LaScalas in 2011. The crazy thing is, the price to have Greg build them, with 1 inch Baltic Birch, premium Koa veneer, BMS 4592 mid driver, etc, was only a few dollars more than what Klipsch charges for a pair of their Lascalas. Please don’t ask me why so many people grab onto, and hold on for dear life, to a manufacturer, when there is a whole other world of quality out there, for just a bit more, or a bit less. In the past I have tried informing others of the ’facts’. I tired rapidly, due to their refusing to acknowledge their ignorance, and their continued persistence that Klipsch is King. Well alright then, there truly is no talking to ’stupid’. Consequently, I rarely chat on audio forums any longer. Sadly, I find way too many know it alls, who have not actually done a ton of research, purchased products and all that it takes to make an actual experience observation.

Yeah. You're a little late. This thread went down the toilet awhile ago....
I've owned Khorns and submit along with Wilson Audio they are one of the most dynamic speakers that I have owned. To my ears both the Khorns and Wilsons aren't musical compared to some of the other speakers that I've owned...just my 2 cents.
Henry. You got me good..Do you have anything to contribute to this post outside of your personal attack...I thought not...just because I disagreed with you on buying an oppo player over an esoteric...come on lol....i doubt you even know what components going in an original khorn let alone ever owned them or heard them...Wait why don't you post asking ,see if you can find it in a magazine review or call someone lol
yes bill,    the b&k 202+ mellowed out the whole top end of the speaker like i knew it would.   speaker sounds very smooth and balanced.  i knew i bought the 202+ for a good reason 25 years ago.  
Cohort replying here.

It is funny how someone else can argue what another one hears/heard.

I actually believe the B&K 202 probably does sound better than the Parasound 3500 with the Khorns. 

With my 30 year old speakers I too would(have) "update" the crossovers to assure I was getting what the original designer intended.  

Oh, expensive drivers does not guarantee better sound 100% of the time.
Enough of the snobbery and let the man enjoy his speakers.

to clarify my changing out parts.  the khorns i picked up are 1986 units. one tweeter was blown so i replaced both of them with upgraded tweeters from crites. these were over $200 for the pair so im assuming they are decient tweeters.   the crossovers that came with the speakers are the ak2 type which are considered not as good as other crossovers used in this speaker. plus they are 30 years old. so i went with new ak3 crossovers from crites.  the midranges i changed out with a pair of atlas pd-5vh which are replacements for the k55's.  also the old wire was changed out because of the factory wire being corroded.  i did this not because i heard the speaker before i changed stuff out,  i did it because of the age of the speaker and i had a blown tweeter to start with. also, reading up on the speaker i knew it would benefit from such changes.  so what i hear now is a nice sounding speaker.  its not the best sounding speaker i have but its a nice sounding speaker.  i did not listen to the speaker with the old crossover and one good tweeter in it so i cannot tell you of any differences.   all i can say is my khorns  are upgraded to sound as best they can with what i have done to them and im liking the sound. i took out the parasound 350 watt amp and put in the b&k 202+ i have and the speaker sounds GREAT!!   well, thats about it.  what more can i say.
..and having heard the 15" that goes into khorns,what is it another by product from Electro voice...come on now..

missioncoonery --

Don’t go throw out the baby with the bath water. Please elaborate on your "having heard the 15 inch" in question - I’d wager there are many other things than the bass driver itself you’ve heard, thereby blurring your ability to distinguish its actual imprinting in the proper implementation. The 15" EV unit is a fine driver, and one tailored to a specific use (i.e.: in folded horns). The current "ersatz" cast unit from Crites is said to improve on the original EV ditto, while maintaining the TS data crucial for its intended use. A Vitavox AK151/152 is no doubt a more appealing driver going by looks, magnet type and weight (at a vastly substantial price!), as is the like from GPA with their, say, 515 driver - all of which are meant for bass/lower mids (folded) horn use. But are they essentially better than their cheaper alternative? The Vítavox driver I would gather, yes, but to what degree? All of these drivers do not sport lavish specs with 4" voice coils, insane magnet sizes and 1000+ watts RMS - for a reason. In fact it would be counter productive.

I’d say your all-out riling against Klipsch here loses some sight of itself..

Mish. Don't ride on the coat-tails of another poster you think agrees with you. You buried yourself (as you usually do) in this thread a long time ago by telling the OP Klipsch sucks, and that his writing is foolish. You really didn't have anything constructive to give the OP. Don't believe me, just re-read your posts to this OP

  He didn't agree with me, tool..I agree with him!

 And you added anything meaningful?,lol...You and your cohorts are defending the original poster who admitted he replaced tweeters and crossovers,Why ?Well I assume to try to make them sound good. So telling us this and then saying that the Khorn rule is actually mute at best as he doesn't even have original Khorns anymore..The EV t35/k77 tweeter is about the crappiest sound tweeter ever made,period.They can be bought for peanuts and if comparing them in vintage circles to say the Jensen 302 or even the JBL 075,well I rest my case..The 55 driver is not much better..and having heard the 15" that goes into khorns,what is it another by product from Electro voice...come on now..Anybody that disagrees on this site to foolish postings gets piled on,hence no one actually speaks up and says BS

Klipsch could be a whole lot better, a whole lot. To say that they are ’crisp’ is an understatement. Klipsch uses very mediocre drivers. Crisp is a good way to describe that tweeter.....Lol. I wonder if anyone who likes Klipsch has ever heard a great compression driver? Most likely not. This is not an insult, simply an invitation to remain open minded. Upgrading the components that create the sound, is the key to making them a truly good speaker. But, those that really love Klipsch think that is sacrilege.

Simon Mears does exactly that, turn the Belle Klipsch into a much better speaker:


Everything about them has been bettered; the cabinets (both frame and finish), cross-overs, cables, binding posts, drivers and horns. Not least: the implementation of all parts, and the care that went into making these speakers. The driver of the bass horn (and the folded bass horn itself) is the one that most closely resembles its origin (i.e.: the pre '85 K33E square magnet unit).

Perhaps you could say Mr. Mears of the UK does with the Uccello’s from the Belle what Greg Roberts does with the Volti Audio Vittora’s in the US of the La Scala’s. Haven’t heard the latter, but I own the former, and they are truly wonderful speakers.
Mish. Don't ride on the coat-tails of another poster you think agrees with you. You buried yourself (as you usually do) in this thread a long time ago by telling the OP Klipsch sucks, and that his writing is foolish. You really didn't have anything constructive to give the OP. Don't believe me, just re-read your posts to this OP.
missioncoonery only chimes in when someone else says something that he agrees with.   so for the record let me say that  i have upgraded the tweeter and midrange drivers and also the crossover is upgraded. the new tweeter is said to have a smoother freq response.  extended  range to 20,000 kHz. and better sound then factory driver  same with the new midrange driver.  so i guess my pair would sound a little better then the factory setup.  not much but a little.  and thats all that counts.
Klipsch could be a whole  lot better, a whole lot. To say that they are ’crisp’ is an understatement. Klipsch uses very mediocre drivers. Crisp is a good way to describe that tweeter.....Lol. I wonder if anyone who likes Klipsch has ever heard a great compression driver? Most likely not. This is not an insult, simply an invitation to remain open minded. Upgrading the components that create the sound, is the key to making them a truly good speaker. But, those that really love Klipsch think that is sacrilege.
Any speaker that requires gobs of power just to drive them can't possibly reveal all the suttle details that music has to offer, who else said that? So lets give a round of applause for efficient speakers including the Khorns!
K-Horns can work wonderfully with 3.5 Watt low powered amps in a 16X18X8 ft room as long as there are corners,no center channel required.
I am listening to them now
phusis, you read way too much into my comments. 

I realize that K-horns have characteristics beyond volume and that many people love them. But that's the point - K-horns (and horns in general) have a set of unique qualities and they are a good match for those who value those points. I happen to prefer other speaker designs but have zero problem with the "each to their own" concept. 

Not sure what is so difficult about that point.

Nothing difficult about it, other than what I pointed out earlier. 

I'm glad I was wrong.
Klipsch horns helped get me interested in this stuff many years ago. Have not heard them in years.   I would buy a pair in a heartbeat if I had the right room for them. 
Did it again... Front wall - not back wall... Dang. I need to use the preview feature...

Enjoy your speakers, my man! This isn't a spelling bee! I'm glad you like them, I've enjoyed several models of Klipsch through the years and know some Khorn lovers- though I've never had any in my house. I'm not opposed to them- and they don't take up any more space than most others by the time you stay 2-3' from the sidewalk and 3-4' from the back wall. (My current setup) 

Most all of us get excited about what we own and enjoy. Have a good time, it's a hobby, for fun...


phusis, you read way too much into my comments.

I realize that K-horns have characteristics beyond volume and that many people love them. But that's the point - K-horns (and horns in general) have a set of unique qualities and they are a good match for those who value those points. I happen to prefer other speaker designs but have zero problem with the "each to their own" concept.

Not sure what is so difficult about that point.
ooo Henry you got me good...let me call Modwright and see if they can help me with a reply,lol..Please add something to this thread outside a personal attack.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I believe Magico's reference speakers were horn loaded.
Good one Henry.  Did you come up with that on your own or did you call oppo for help with that lol
Wester17 - can you elaborate more between the KHorns and Spatial M3's please?
i have a pair of Cornscals (variant of Cornwall) and am interested in the M3's myself.
I am totally amazed how easily offended some are in this day and time.  As mentioned, we are talking about speakers here not politics, some are acting like the OP insulted their mother and stole their grandmother's entire retirement cache.

I am defending Tomtab for two reasons, one because he did not mean any harm, and two because I think Klipschorns are great speakers.

So there.

I consider myself a neutral observer in this matter. One of my best friends has K-horns, though I don't. It's been a long time since I needed their capacity for "loud", my house isn't a good fit for them, and, mainly, I happen to prefer other traits in speakers. However, for those who want the strong points of a horn and don't mind their drawbacks, they are a great choice.

mlsstl --

One of the misconceptions of horns seems to be focusing more exclusively on their abilities into high SPL's - perhaps your comparison to "muscle cars" above meant to say the same thing? Indeed muscle cars combined with poor suspensions and brakes makes them appear even more brute and simple, like big muscles and little to no brains and more like a Camarro than a Porsche 911 or some Ferrari (perhaps a poor example). Maybe I'm reading too much into your replies, but any claim of neutrality combined with remarks as these is kind of like having your cake and eat it too. Like saying "to each their own, but from an objective standpoint horns are something [loud] like this [and mostly that]." We're mainly talking the K-horns here, and they seem to be your primary focus, but selling them short on loudness is hardly the whole story. To my ears horns more often than not actually excel at lower volumes (and higher as well), coupled with a capacity to emulate the sound of live acoustic music - of which dynamics and effortless reproduction at higher volumes is very much part of. And yes, some of them are rather "colorful," but it goes without saying that non-horn speakers "retract" something from the audible experience in ways that turns it into "coloration" as well.