Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening

I'm reeducating myself.... after years of no TT and focusing on just stereo listening.. I had a some early Klipsch Hersey’s and some GENESIS speakers pair with Yamaha receiver and low end turntable 30-40 years ago -- I can afford a higher end setup this days -- so what are thoughts on pairing a luxman l-550axII with Klipsch cornwalls?

I like the Herseys for music in the day.. cornwalls seem to be larger herseys but may well need audtion some of the tower types folks seem to tout..

I still thinking on TT -- but may get a VPI scout or prime -- thinking through the cartridge choices and other things is still a serious education -- recc?

music taster are varied -- jazz to singer vocalist miles davis - linda Ronstadt and a host of others for vocal musics and instruments- soft rock of the 70-80s- to some classical

thoughts -- looking to 15-20K for the refit for stereo listening - but could stretch some if I like the setup


There have already been some very good recommendations. Now, I don't want to rain on the parade, but until you find out what kind of space the system is going to be used in, this is all pretty pointless. Doing your homework in advance is valuable and you will gain some knowledge regarding what is available in today's market. However, until you determine what the room is going to be, choosing speakers should be out. Some speakers are just going to be plain unacceptable, undersized, overkill, etc., depending on the room. And since speaker choices can't yet be made, amp choices are also out. You could decide on your front end though, but do you really want to have a moving company handle your new TT?

Anyway, just my thoughts. Get an idea on what you want for front end components, then wait until you get to WA to buy anything. Visit dealers in VA and WA to see what brands interest you and buy the stuff after you know what kind of room they will be in.

Good luck on your retirement, your move and your future audio bliss. With your budget, you should be able to build a really good system. Heck, for half of your budget you could build a killer system buying quality used items, especially if the room is not too big.

If you like the retro look of the Luxman.  Not sure if a tube amp is an option, but you should definitely also consider the Leben CS600 integrated.  It's made in Japan and they sound wonderful. I believe the amp designer is an ex Luxman engineer.  Detailed, yet it has that tube quality warmth.  Pair it up with a pair of Devore or Harbeth, Spendor speakers.  I recently listened to a Leben CS600 powering up a Devore O/96 and it was a fantastic combination.   You have a lot of choices with your budget.  Listen to has many speakers and amps as you can and buy the one that sounds the best to you.  Good luck!
Not really. I just know that many choose Accuphase after listening to both. Could be more expensive. And you would want to audition the phono sections too. I understand, you want your integrated to last a long time before you upgrade.
But that's "Japanese" sound, there are other kinds of sound. Why not get aquainted with them all if possible? You can't really be sure what you will like most.

The tube replacement would be around $300.00. If you're patient, you may find one around $10K. 

I realized it's on the other end of the spectrum but I wanted you to hear before you pull a plug anything else.  

PS: You can thank me later 😊


Many good pieces of advice here.
From me; I would be in the pick your speakers First camp. Everything else will fall into place after you pick your speakers.

 I am a vinyl guy myself; 3000 LPs - 83 CDs 

Enjoy and Best to you
If you consider Luxman you got to consider Accuphase as well. Do not buy the former before you have heard both.
that AR.. is a bit of monster..... at 16K or so it is a bit much for that part of my new setup given the overall target budget ;-)  how much to replace the tubes????????????

thanks for sharing one end of the bell curve for I-amps

Congratulations on your retirement!

While you’re out and about auditioning components, may I suggest to audition the Audio Research GSi75....



Look at this link:  https://www.musicdirect.com/integrated-amp/luxman-l-550ax-integrated-amp-demo

You can get an open box demo Luxman L550ax for $3745.  That's a solid price.  That seem like a great place to start your system. You could even cart this around to hear speakers at dealers. Or, you could just take the plunge on the Cornwalls.  
not necessary -- but I’m fairly sure I want integrated amp of very good quality versus separates in my starting setup -- I put out some thoughts as a starting discussion to see where the conversation went to help give me some ideas... given where I’m moving to -- I’m expect I’ll have to order online - whether new or used.. another data point -- I did visit a friends home recently -- that retired from my same office recently and he had a VPI scout - audio research pre and amp- some home built speakers and separate phone stage -- He is one that pointed me at this site and has sold and bought here -- . I did decide then I wanted an integrated amp highly rated a - a/b amp for just fewer pieces as a start... hence the insertion of the luxman strawman

There are good reasons to go to numerous dealers and try to piece together your system.   The tough thing about starting from scratch is it's so hard to try out components at dealers because there are fewer than 10, 20, 30 years ago.   It could be really hard to go hear the Luxman with Cornwalls together.  But, the good news is you can audition them in your own space, which is ideal as you can hear them together where they will sit. 

You could, for example, buy the Luxman (say L550 @ $5500) (they are superb amps) and get a new Technics 1200, and the Cornwalls. (~$4k) and jump right in.  Many Luxman's have very decent (if not really, really good) phono preamps so you'd be good to go out of the gate. You could certainly buy the Luxman at a vendor like Musicdirect.com that offers no questions asked returns.  Crutchfield may sell the Cornwalls with a fantastic return policy too. 

Full disclosure:  I have the Technics 1200 GAE and it's superb--but most owners of their own gear say that.  It's built like a tank, is not prone to footfall noise, and is a dream to set up and operate. 

It appears, though I may be wrong, that you want to do amp first approach not speakers first approach. This can be done but I think is more complicated and might limit your speakers choices. 
as noted -- I’m reeducating and will go to some shops around here if possible before my move -- I set the budget to get input and to shop for the redo of new stereo - mainly vinyl listening setup to enjoy these "golden years" -- I get it that my old experience from my "poorer" 70’s and 80’s days is ancient history - hence the education for today

I will be buying the setup after my move to Spokane WA

as noted in another thread -- it seems many places have limited choice on shops to audition things

I like the retro look of the luxman integrated amps -- if that helps a bit on me going somewhat retro here - they have a good rep it seems and have a decent starter phone stage built in it seems - I could bypass this later with separate phone stage as I learn -- other choices?

I'm not about massively loud volumes -- just clear - musical - voice and instrument separation decent soundstage for a moderate sized room -- not really a large room

thanks all for the feedback
The permutations are endless but this rig might suit your needs.
Speakers: http://www.tektondesign.com/double-impact.html
Turntable:  VPI Prime Turntable
Phono amp: Croft RIAA tube
Cartridge: Nagaoka MP500
Amp:  Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated http://www.toneimports.com/
Don’t let high efficient speakers lock you into your speaker choice. Efficiency does not mean better sound. Any speaker that I've preferred always seemed to be on the low to mid sensitivity type!
Yes, with patience and good ear a lot can be accomplished for $20k even with new equipment, and with used you could have $40k-$50k very high level system, far beyond Klipsh and Luxman, I would guess.
$15-20k is a lot to spend on not knowing what equipment to buy and having an old stereo as your reference. Is there a dealer nearby where you could get better acquainted with newer gear?
hard to find speakers more efficient than the Klipsch heritage line.. other suggestion is the larger - tower type  -- probably cannot do speakers that need the larger 2 feet or more from the wall
I’m targeting vinyl -- but I have a large collection of CD’s most bought in the 80 -- I gave my vinyl and turntable to my brother along with the Genesis speaker in the 80’s - I think he still has the LP’s -- I have all the CD’s I have ripped to FLAC files for use "occasionally" on a SONOS setup -- so I may get a CD player again - not sure -- I have not bought a CD in nearly 4 years-- but could use the SONOS player with high quality DAC to feed the integrated on one of the inputs

probably should have mentioned the SONOS multi-room setup -- but I do not use it that much lately
thanks... I pretty much for last 20-25 years have only had a HT type setup with Denon receivers and NHT speakers all round with hsu VTF mk2 sub -- some music listening but not a large amount.. I built up a very large collection of DVDs and Blurays abd even rip this to large storage server for HTPC playback -- but for this project I’m going back in time when I did much more stereo music listening and want a good setup just for that...I be buying vinyl for the most part of this new phase of retro life. I also had some Time Frame 500 speakers for a while in 90’s..

so I do plan to go listen to speakers that I can.. I have good memories on the herseys and Genesis speakers, but it has been so long -- I need to relisten -- I do like the retro look of the luxman integrateds and not sure I want to get full separates for this setup I moving to Spokane Wa in 4 weeks -- from northern VA -- so will be doing the setup after I find a new place to rent in Spokane -- as my first location to live in retirement

as noted TT is hardest to work out as I have not had a TT since 1985 or so

I'll second the advice to select your speakers first. Go for higher sensitivity (i.e. +92 dB) speakers - that will give you a greater range of amplification options.

There is a lot of very good value to be had in the used market, if you are patient and aren't in a hurry.

What sources will you use? You've mentioned vinyl, but do you still have a large selection left over from when you had a stereo? If not, you might want to consider streaming audio (digital files) instead.

Music servers (dedicated appliance or stand alone pc) and DAC technology have come a long way in the last 15 years.

I may be venturing into sacrilegious territory here, but digital file streaming now has the ability to match vinyl reproduction, in terms of sonic performance.

I have both. On certain (hi-res) digital files, my streaming setup can match my vinyl rig, and yet, my vinyl setup is four times as expensive.

Have fun and welcome back!  
Before getting a TT, do you have a stable place to put it?  I have springy floors and I couldn't survive without a wall shelf.  Personally, if I were buying a tt right now and had some money, I might consider the new Technics 1200.  If I didn't have much and just wanted to get my feet wet again, I would probably try a Music Hall 7 - comes shipped pretty much ready to go with a decent cartridge installed for about $1500.  Not a bad tt at all and you can sell it later on if you want to upgrade.  
Well, as always choose speakers first. The rest is relatively easy. And decide whether you will accept only new equipment or some used would do. And..tubes or transistors or it depends. It does take time and effort to get it right.