
Which offers superior sound- jumpers or a separate run...or is there no difference? 

What’s the general consensus...?

I took the liberty and sent an email to Mike Morrow regarding this topic. Full disclosure: I do not own any Morrow Products or am affiliated with Morrow Audio. I use Audioquset, Nordost and Straigtwire.
Here is his reply:

I recommend the following...

BEST: Double runs of cables. Reason, lower capacitance and inductance from the runs being separated.

NEXT BEST: Use bi-wired cables (bi-wired cables have two connectors on the amp end and 4 on the speaker end). when doing so, the amplifier "sees" the drivers in the speakers better.

LEAST BEST: Jumpers, but hook them up this way: Install the jumpers, but hook the speaker cables to the mid/high binding post. This way the mids and highs do not pass through the bulky jumpers that come with the speakers. The sound is better!

Mike Morrow

I've always scratched my head as to why one cable run and jumpers would sound different from two runs of cable since they are usually coming of a single set of amp binding posts. In the case of jc1 monos there are two sets for each channel serving low and high frequency. I personally use one run of Analysis Plus Big Silver Ovals and same in 12" jumpers. The tweeters opened up more when I took the factory straps off and added jumpers to my Tributes.

My Nordost dealer stated that Nordost would no longer sell internal biwire cable because they belived a single cable plus jumper sounded better, but that a single cable plus jumper was not as good as a double run of cable.
I remember at one time Transparent also recommended jumpers but later, offered internal biwiring.   Manufacturers cannot make up their minds!

I tried every combination and always prefer 2 separate runs.   2x cost but well worth the investment.

I experimented with jumpers and then switched to two runs for bi wiring. Two runs were WAY better. I use the Cardas banana plugs on the amp end of one set of cables ... and that was a nice improvement as well.
Ps: Cardas speaker cables out of your wallet range, and they are for most, try cables, and speaker cables offered by Wireworld technology, Davies, Florida! Wireworld intro cables are magnificent for the money! Their intro HDMI cables are biggest bang for buck there is!!!!!
Jumpers! Cardas clear jumpers save u a lot of money! Bi wire cables are great!! Also great price! I know, my cardas reflection cables are bi wire! Cheap way is standard cables and cardas clear jumpers! Jumpers for each speaker, around 150.00 to 175.00! Shop eBay!!! Cardas clear will provide no signal loss! They are best jumpers in world!!!!
Based upon the "original" and re-aligned posting...TWO Runs Baby. Have always seemed best to me - from Amp to Speaker...and sometimes I Know it's because of the visual appearance. But Damn It - More. Better. Best. ...and seriously - "jumpers" are just wrong when you got heavy duty HiFi. "Come-on-Man!" 

Biwires are okay - but seriously Go All In and make it a "Full" Double Run. Save up your pennies and then pony-up!  

Regardless what my amplifier has - duel or single output binding posts - I stay convinced: Make it a "Full-on" Double Run. "Seriously."

Trust Me, it'll make you feel good, because it sounds Awesome.

@zephyr24069 .  Thanks so much for your informative insight based on all of your experience.  I really appreciate you sharing this as I too am trying to evaluate what sounds best.  I will go with your second scenario as I have a good pair of AQ CV8 full range cables w/ DBS.  I'll look for matching jumpers from AQ!  Regards.........

Sorry for the delay in responding,...work and life took time away since my questions to the OP.  With monos you are already setup well in a number of ways for either configuration. You haven't stated what you think you are missing and why you are contemplating this but putting that aside, here are some thoughts both on-topic and 'near topic'....

I've wired speakers in all possible configs,...based upon that, here are my prefs;

- internal bi-wire: tried it for quite some time and it is preferable when you cannot have someone build or cannot find a matching set of high quality jumpers to your cables (some manufacturers won't build them or simply use the flexible ends conductors of their cables to build a set of simple jumpers. All that stated, to use IBW, you have to start with a speaker cable with enough conductors and the right topology to allow for a clean and effective IBW to be made; several manufacturers (AQ is a good example) will tell you that only some of their cables can be made into an effective IBW config

- full range set of cables plus 100% matching jumpers: the best I've heard overall for temporal, phrase and frequency coherency; particularly true (IMHO) when you are dealing with speaker cables (and jumpers) that use ribbons+metallurgical combinations that are extremely fast & energetic but retain warmth and musicality.  I mention this because having any jumper that bridges high and mid+high terminals must not introduce any timing issues, no matter how small.  With the right set of cables and jumpers, this is by far my favorite whether using a high-quality stereo amp or mono-blocks

- shotgun biwire (non bi-amp): I've found this particularly effective viz. increasing overall dynamics of the system and clarity of bass versus mids & highs,  even with a single stereo amp or 1 pair of monos.  I did eventually stop using this config and reverted to the above (full range cable plus 100% matching jumpers) due to my choice of cables and a touch better temporal and phase coherency, i.e. better overall imaging, when I removed the extra full set of cables from the system and went back to a single set of cables and jumpers.  All that stated, I did enjoy several iterations of my system with mid-to upper line AQ, Tara and other speaker cables in shotgun biwire config.  At times I even saving money compared to going with their absolute top of the line cables and was able to achieve a step up in the system for less.  With Tara it was particularly interesting to hook up as the cables I was using featured totally separate positive and negative cables so a pair of cables was already 4 cables (2 for left, 2 for right) so imagine a shotgun biwire setup of this meaning 4 distinct cables went to each speaker,....fun to try to layout and isolate cables to say the least...

- shotgun biwire (bi-amp); was only able to do this with dual stereo amps and found that horizontal biamping was superior for clarity of bass, mids and highs individually when doing horizontally but that vertical bi-amping was superior for overall temporal+phase, i.e. image clarity.  The ultimate solution would have been to have 4 monoblocks in this config versus 2 stereo amps (less distortion) but over time, taking powercords, interconnects, etc...into consideration, this is the most complex and costly config choice keeping everything at the same level and doing it right so to speak....

Hope this helps and does not muddy the waters at all. Have a great day!

Grover Huffman proposed silver jumpers to the tweeters on my 2-way PMC's, which he regarded as a superior solution to  "bi-wire".  Worked out great. 

I see no reason for the jumpers to be the same as the main speaker cables. 

Well, here's yet another take.  I've been using AZ Satori shotgun biwire cables (spades) forever and slightly prefer them to a single run with my speakers.  Then Chris Sommovigo (then from Stereovox) recommended in addition to the shotgun cables I should try also using his jumpers with banana connectors at the same time.  I was pretty skeptical but agreed to try it, and I'll be damned but there was a noticeable improvement mostly in the form of tighter and quicker bass.  I pulled the jumpers out and sure enough, the bass sounded relatively looser and sloppier such that the jumpers haven't been removed since.  Now, I can't be sure if the improvement is due to the physical design/sound of the jumpers versus my cables or something like reduced resistance, but I suspect it could be a little of both.  I guess my bottom line point is that even if you're already using a shotgun biwire configuration there could still be meaningful benefits to using quality jumpers.  And it could be a relatively cheap tweak.  Sorry if I went off topic here. 

Nordost has indicated that they have identified a negative phase shift using standard IBW. 

My Nordost dealer stated that Nordost would no longer sell internal biwire cable because they belived a single cable plus jumper sounded better, but that a single cable plus jumper was not as good as a double run of cable.
I have used a bi-wire set of Nordost speaker cable for years and recently upgraded my Valkyrie  (sp?) to Valhalla series 1 in a shot-gun configuration and had a set of Valhalla jumpers made to accomodate the 4 binding posts on the back of my speakers. Interesting when I started the process my local dealer indicated that Nordost had re thought the approach and believes the single run with jumper set up is better over a bi wire cable arrangement. I really like the improvements the new cable and set up make buts its difficult to separate what impact each is making.
bifwynne; if more people compared 10 or 12 gauge Romex for speaker cables they might be shocked at how good it sounds!

Fwiw, some speaker manufacturers have given opinions in the past regarding wiring preferences.

You might contact Tannoy or a knowledgable distributor or retailer. Or post a question for other owners of your speaker model. They may be able give a qualified opinion.

Hope this helps-
Hi Al,

Been away for a while.  Hee hee.  I like your response. 

Ya know, some time ago, I offered to compare 10 or 12 gauge Romex for speaker wires instead of my Kimbers.  I got to put that project back into my bucket list of things I need to do and report back ....  
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You agree that "there will be no consensus..." so no-one will have an opinion via empirical knowledge...?

Also, you're not paying attention - jumpers or separate runs of the same cable. I have not mentioned anything about the comparisons between one run & jumpers & a double run of inferior cable. 

Thank you jl35 & knghifi for understanding & absolution from pretentiousness! 
For fairly extensive discussion of this question, see this thread and this one.  Quoting from myself therein:
Having followed many prior threads that have addressed this question, I can say unequivocally that a clear consensus has emerged. That consensus can be stated as follows:

It may or may not make a difference. If it makes a difference, it may or may not be for the better.

-- Al :-)

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I have always preferred a double run over jumpers, with internal biwire my least favorite. It is system dependent, but the double run can be significant. Then there is the cost issue, so if you compare a double run to a more expensive cable with jumpers...
It seems my inquiry is being misconstrued as regards misrepresentation of myself! 

Ok I'm using Gamut M250i mono blocks, Revelation Audio Labs speaker cable & jumpers & Tannoy DC10T speakers. 

I just wanted to know if the difference  between jumpers & a separate run (regardless of manufacturer but each of the same series) is of a significant magnitude or is minimal. 
Reading the post you seem to be asking whether using jumpers of the same cable is preferable to using a "shotgun bi-wire", i.e. 2 identical runs of the same cable to your speakers.  People can help with this by way of of advice as many have been through this but we will need some more info;

- what are your speakers, current amplification, and cables?
- why are you considering this? what do you feel you are missing currently?
- are you planning on purchasing a 2nd amplifier to do the shotgun bi-wire, if so, same brand/model or different brand or model?

Your question cannot possibly be answered without a bit more info...

One easy option depends upon your speakers; if you have more than 2 binding posts on the back of the speaker currently (you must or the question is moot), how are they "strapped" together per channel?  Did the manufacturer include simple copper speaker straps?  What are your speaker cables?  I found that, at least in my setups, that going to a bespoke set of quality after-market jumpers identical to the speakers cables in use at the time was always a good move but your mileage may vary.

Before spending money, it's best to lay out what you have and what your goals are so you can get some more advice (IMHO).
There will be no consensus. Only if you have identical cabling used for both will one be able to make a judgment in one's opinion which is superior. If the wires are not identical, then there is no basis for declaration of which is better. 

Change the brand and or model of wire and the entire affair is open ended again.