
Which offers superior sound- jumpers or a separate run...or is there no difference? 

What’s the general consensus...?

Showing 3 responses by infection

It seems my inquiry is being misconstrued as regards misrepresentation of myself! 

Ok I'm using Gamut M250i mono blocks, Revelation Audio Labs speaker cable & jumpers & Tannoy DC10T speakers. 

I just wanted to know if the difference  between jumpers & a separate run (regardless of manufacturer but each of the same series) is of a significant magnitude or is minimal. 
You agree that "there will be no consensus..." so no-one will have an opinion via empirical knowledge...?

Also, you're not paying attention - jumpers or separate runs of the same cable. I have not mentioned anything about the comparisons between one run & jumpers & a double run of inferior cable. 

Thank you jl35 & knghifi for understanding & absolution from pretentiousness!