Jeff Rowland, what happened ?

I haven’t seen anything new from Jeff Rowland in the past 3-5 years. A lot of their equipment on their website say suspended with nothing new coming out. I wonder if the brand is on its way out?

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They have the rowland 555 amps which are well reviewed. They do not update their website because they are busy. Thats the vague answer I got from Jeff himself. 

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who knows,  

I lost respect for them when they started wrapping class D modules from another company in their fancy case work and charging ridiculous money. I’m not against class D in anyway, just against a company taking electronics from another company and upping the price to the ridiculous range.

I am hoping that Jeff and crew will continue on with their excellent work. I also noticed what the OP said in his post, there are now several products that are ’suspended’.

Maybe Jeff wants to retire? If so, i hope that a replacement owner can take his place and continue with the line, along with what occurred at ARC.

I heard Jeff was ill....this was years ago.  I had a Model 7 which was great..I now have Ayre

Former Model 5 owner.  IMHO, Rowland jumped the shark when they transitioned to Class D.  Rowland owners always knew that they were paying a premium for the beautiful casework, but paying for a third party class d module wrapped in expensive casework was the last straw.  That is when Rowland became a marketing company 


I emailed and included a link to this post. My email was sent yesterday.

I told him I do not work for Audiogon but wanted JRDG to be aware of what people were saying. If I get a response, I will post it here. I have received nothing as of yet.

I lost respect for them when they started wrapping class D modules from another company in their fancy case work and charging ridiculous money.

Class D modules are semiconductors made by semiconductor companies like TI and Ice Power. 

The job of boutique amp makers is not only an artistic case, but to add a custom Class A input stage and custom power supply.

Why not use the stock input stage and stock power supply that the modules come with? The goal is to generate audiophile distortion harmonics so the Class D amp can mimic the sound of Class A/B. 

The latest models use Pascal Class D units and are excellent.

The collaboration with Danish Thomas Holm made outstanding sounding products.

I for myself had several preamps from Jeff Rowland in the last 20 years and now own a fantastic Daemon. Sonically it is fascinating, HP phono module, DAC, everything in a big nice box. You can use it as power amp or as preamp only, many ways to combine it with other gear. Or just use it as it is, a complete all-in-one solution.

Otherwise I listen to Kondo, Zanden, etc., so I really appreciate organic and natural sound, and Jeff Rowland delivers it as well in its way.