Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.


I’m Listening to Jackie McLean right now. The album is "Jackies Bag" and Blue Mitchell has some very tasty trumpet solos on the song list. (tracks 4 - 9 as Donald Byrd, another great trumpet player, plays on tracks 1 - 3)Here is a couple from the session


@pjw81563 , I dont have that one (speaking of Feldman), but beside posted ones I have ’On vibes’ and ’Merry Olde Soul* but many others where he plays as sideman. With Shelly Manne and his men ’live at the blackhawk’ you might have, if not, all 5 albums are great, as well as the work he has done with Adderley (5 albums), or Curtis Amy (Way Down), who was mentioned also here not so while ago

In fact, he aslo redorded with above mentioned Blue Mitchell on ’Stablemates’ album, as well as with Miles on ’Seven steps to heaven’ which he composed. Miles even invited him to be part of his bend after that recoding, but he refused, choosing life of studio musician instead. Have him with Leroy Vinnegar on ’Leroy walks/Walks again, on ’Sonny Rollins and Contemporary Leaders’ and many more.

Again, you should all check his discography, he played on all (first) Steely Dan 8 albums, played from Zappa to Elton John or B.B King...or Liza Minelli....its crazy..

Anyway, speaking of vibes, this album came on my mind, its Roy Ayers first and perhaps only ’proper’ jazz album from 1953.’West Coast vibes’ before he went on the dark side..



I will check thanks ...

I dont have this one ...

Seems good ..


I’m Listening to Jackie McLean right now. The album is "Jackies Bag" and Blue Mitchell has some very tasty trumpet solos on the song list. (tracks 4 - 9 as Donald Byrd, another great trumpet player, plays on tracks 1 - 3)Here is a couple from the session

Thanks @alexatpos for the Roy Ayers clip. Great vibes player and its too bad he went over to the "dark side" for good by the late 60s but the path he took was his chosen one and he was very successful.


That J. Bracken album is an excellent example of one I would most likely have never found on my own, having read about it in the Penguin Guide. The Guide certainly has its shortcomings but overall, it’s had a major influence in my path of Jazz discovery. I was lucky to have bought my first copy during the early 90’s , when there were still many great Jazz titles in print on CD, unlike now.

@stuartk Thanks for posting Joanne Brackeen. I have to admit, I had never heard of her. JFA is my "guide to jazz" Found this and listened to the entire album. Brackeen is a great pianist, and, as @acman3 said, when you add great backing personnel, like Michael Brecker, Cecil McBee, and Billy Hart you have great music!

I enjoyed the album so much I went over to Discogs and purchased the CD. Another great example of the mastery of tenor titan Michael Brecker!

Another tenor titan, Joe Henderson, live with Joanne Brackeen in 1986



I agree, Jackie’s Bag is excellent!  It might even be in the desert island pile.

I had hard time to listen to all suggestions here everyday and pick what i must keep...

It is the results of good dudes crowding with astonishing always better suggestions ..

i felt like a sultan complaining that i had too much beautiful women in my harem ...


And i cannot afford ten more ...


Thanks anyway for the last suggestion i must come back to  her but tomorrow 😉... Because i was sleeping so to speak with Blue Mitchell for a while now ...

But piano is my favorite instrument then ...


Thanks for posting Joanne Brackeen.

You’re welcome -- glad you find her enjoyable listening. She has the capacity to display the sort of power and intensity one associates with McCoy Tyner but very much in her own style. Another underrated talent. Thanks for the links to the performances with Henderson, Brecker.



i felt like a sultan complaining that i had too much beautiful women in my harem ..

Luckily, records/cds don't display jealousy!  



I have too many defects to be enumerated here but jealousy was never in my list as dressed by others ... And i guess it is your case too ...

Anyway thanks for you recommendation stuartk ...

I will check all of them ...😉

Luckily, records/cds don't display jealousy! 

Anyone else love Tardo Hammer?  Listening to Look, Stop & Listen and it’s just great.


I meant, if you had a harem, you might have to contend with jealouly among the women, but this would never happen with your music collection, no matter how many records/CDs you own!   ;o)


Rereading my post i guess it suggest a misreading from my part... Remember english is not even a daily  spoken language where i live... All my life i never used english...

I only read science and philosophy  in english not even poetry or litterature ... Then my mastery is limited at lot ... I prefer to read Dickens in translation ... Slang words , Victorian idiom, the same for Mark Twain ...I read Peirce in english but he was not a great writer just a thinker with abstract vocabulary  ...

The greatest english writer i was able to read was Santayana , he was so mesmerizing to read , i loose the thread a couple times in ectasy with his style forgetting the deep content and he was born spanish  ... But it was an exception ...

I got your point for sure but answered as if not ...My fault ...



I meant, if you had a harem, you might have to contend with jealouly among the women, but this would never happen with your music collection, no matter how many records/CDs you own!

@curiousjim -

"Anyone else love Tardo Hammer?  Listening to Look, Stop & Listen and it’s just great."

Yes, fabulous record. A very well recorded/produced record of the music of Tadd Dameron. Charlesdad2, a regular A'Gon poster, recommended that one. Another fabulous disc he recommended is Oliver Nelson's, The Blues and the Abstract Truth. Have you heard that one?


Dogs woke us up before the sun came up, so I’ve been listening to Bertha Hope for about five hours.  Mostly great piano trio and very pleasant to listen to with a dog on either side of me and a cup of coffee in my hand.

Hope you all are having a great day!

Found this on internet radio (Radio JRiver):


Good to play if you need a boost of energy!

Another find from internet radio:


More subdued...

These are like hidden treasures! Was totally unfamiliar with these musicians before the streaming encounters. Hope you enjoy!


@ho249  Believe it or not, saw Anat Cohen live in my hometown, even found the video on ytube from that event (not great, jus for information)


@alexatpos Thanks for posting the video! Wonderful to hear live jazz, hope you enjoyed the show.

Joanne Brackeen,   Pink Elephant Magic.

I’m doing a bit of toe tapping on this album.

Armstrong for me is the embodiement of jazz...

His voice , his trumpet playing , and his improvising joy ...

I love Chet Baker but only Armstrong is jazz itself ...

My impression never changed anyway my first jazz album was one with Armstrong ... ( the second was Al Hirt 😊)..

His voice is almost an archetype manifested on earth ...


Other great jazz voices exist for sure ... I love Ella Fitzgerald ...Billie Holiday , Chet Baker etc ...

No one exhude irresistible joy with irresistible rythm with trumpet and voice...

I remember also Ray Charles who is with Armstrong no doubt for the same reason ...In a league of their own...



Thanks frogman and Happy christmas to you and your family ...🎄





Started my day off with Norwegian pianist Einar Iversen and am thinking of moving on to Milt Jackson.

Happy Happy everyone.

How do we recognize a jazz master ?

I dont know at the end save we cannot stop listening him ...


Ron Carter is well known...You dont need me to buy this album with him ...

But the surprise is Attila Zoller playing guitar ...

Borderline between ballad and adventure, a singing master ...

The recording is top notch ....



I dont know if they will be accessible in cd before i die , they just discovered 200 hours of recorded unknown session even with Oscar Peterson etc ....😁

I like his higher frequency tone... It sound marvellous on my system ...( especially with my new tube pre-amplifier) . If it sound fatiguing you have a problem with the gear synergy... 😁



Zoller was named among the 10 most underrated jazz guitarists in history by JazzTimes.


It’s starting off as a Hank Jones day.  Here’s Love,  is playing on the box

Anyone here like Gil Evans? Some of Miles Davis' best albums are arranged by Gil Evans. Later, he did terrific arrangements of blues standards like "Spoonful." About a month ago I got "The Gil Evans Orchestra Plays the Music of Jimi Hendrix." Terrific musicianship and just plain fun.


Today’s a Michael Kanan Trio day. Started off with the wonderful “The Gentleman Is A Dope” album.

@curiousjim -Thank you. I have "The Individualism..." look at THAT band!

I'll give your recommendation a listen.

@acman3 -Going to give your recommendation a listen, also.

Just throwing this question out here-if Hendrix had lived, would he have evolved into a jazz-rock musician?


I have difficulty imagining Hendrix moving into harmonic territory that could accurately be described as Jazz but who knows? If I recall correctly, there was at least one session done with horns and he and Evans has spoken about a collaboration but I think it more likely that any additional harmonic complexity would’ve come from Evans in such a scenario.





In 1994, Hammond B3 master, The late Dr. Lonnie Smith, of whom I had the privilege of seeing live 10 plus times before he passed on 2 years ago, released 2 albums in 1994 comprised of studio improvisations on popular Jimi Hendrix songs.

The albums are titled Purple Haze and Foxy Lady. John Abercrombie on guitar and Marvin "Smitty" Smith drums







I like Lonnie Smith ...

But i must confess i like too much Hammond organ ...

I dont know why ...

It is illogical ...I could not discover why ...I can even discover many reasons why i must not like it so much ...

But love and reasons dont partake the same house and dont have much to say to each other  save acknowledging each other ...


What strike me when i was 15 years old with the first Hendrix albums  was the complete innovative sound and creative experience as no one ever seen before...No showmanship artificial, just a true guitar poet ...At this time i was listening mostly Bach and Choral music then i was not an easy customer ... 😁

@pjw81563 -Smith's Foxy Lady is terrific. Thanks for sharing!

@mahgister -Love the fat tone of a Hammond B3, also.

Because of the posthumous CD /record releases, I find Hendrix's music inconsistent. Up to Band of Gypsys, when Hendrix is good, he's really good. The guitar solo from "Machine Gun" is incredible.

Speaking of Hammond B3 players, is anyone familiar with Joey DeFrancesco?

On this song, Joey has a wonderful solo starting at 2:52.

And the rest of the musicians are awesome, too!