Is there anything to help using a computer from digital noise not that expensive

I have all good  quality Ethernet cables cables and USB cables , but coming out of my computer i I have a Ether regen  coming into the computer ,nice clear signal from the router, I have been told on the computers other end noise from theUSB out from the computer ,Sonore wants $1500 , these littlejitter bugs ,and Ifi audio are worthless.

my system sounds good under the circumstance , but I am out of work for a year with a cervical fusion operation , monies are tight , if anyone knows of anything please chime in I  have my $$ expensive usb coming out from the computer into the dac . Uptone used to make something but parts no longer available ,

thanks Much.


Intona 7055-C USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Isolator. I finally broke down and got one of these. Shop around as some places sell it cheaper and reasonable shipping. This thing killed a ground loop issue for me. The small ones either didn't work very well.

I have all SS drives a big linear ps linex with Roon and $3500 in digital cables ether regen ,and just setting up fiber optic with 2 uptone ether regen s

thanks for the tips I will check these out.,

If you read my comments I just had a cervical fusion ,a streamer server I know Is much better I spent $20 k last year doing upgrades and the streamer is next year the innous mk3 s on my radar 

but I was looking for a stop gap until I have $5 k for a good one ,thanks much.


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There is a great debate on whether digital is just digital (1's and 0's) or if a streamer makes computers look like beat up cars that should be in the junk yard. 

the thruth is in the middle.  It is a debate because there ISN"T THAT MUCH DiFFERENCE.  I've listened to several absolutely fantastic systesm in the past year streaming through a dedicated computer.  Many use a Raspberry pi.  

Sure maybe a streamer is a way to get another 1/10 of a percent after you have the other problems solved.  But if you can't afford a streamer right now, don't sweat it.  I know there are emotional rants all over the internet designed to make you feel like a second class citizen streaming through a computer, but you aren't.  

Relax and enjoy your system.  Someday you'll add a streamer, and maybe you'll be able to tell the difference. 


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The biggest issues I’ve found with PC’s are two fold:

1 - Galvanic isolation of USB. Some DAC’s have it built in, some do not. If you can’t solve this, go optical. This causes excess jitter and/or audible humm.  In other words, a ground loop can show up digitally or in the analog stage with different symptoms.

2 - PC power supplies are terribly noisy.

A cheap, hospital grade USB isolator ($30) will fix 1, but with some DACs won’t work. I haven’t tried the iFi isolator with a power supply.

Keeping your PC, especially laptops, power supply out of your audio power supply chain is important. Don’t put it on the clean side of a power conditioner.

Ethernet however is inherently galvanically isolated. Again, if you are concerned, consider a hospital grade 4kV Ethernet isolator. Also useful for surge protection with long runs.

Interestingly, trying to keep your PC power supply isolated from your audio gear may in fact cause ground loops, since you want to plug the PC and audio gear into different branch circuits.  This is why a good conditioner like Furman with LiFT/SMP can help.

Computers are inherently noisy, if you have already tried jitterbug and iFi USB purifier than the next option will be to replace your computer with a dedicated audio streamer or server. I’ve heard folks had good results from iFi USB purifier but it’s not a day n night difference…


Have you tried the iFi iPurifier 3?  Maybe it’s time to consider getting a dedicated streamer and ditch the computer.