Now, where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, "The system is built around the philosophy that everything matters." Its on my system page. Oh and the crystal radio he mentions? Built one as a kid just as he said.
Steve Deckert builds on this same philosophy, only he calls it zen.
From my system page:
The System is also built around the philosophy that the ideal component does nothing. The perfect component does not sound a certain way. It does not impart, it does not detract. It is not there at all.
From the Roger Skoff article:
True “nothing” isn’t possible. And even trying to approach it as part of the quest for sonic accuracy is both difficult and expensive. Regardless of how it may be stated, that’s what much of the cost of good audio gear goes for. When Dire Straits sang about “money for nothing and chicks for free” they were inadvertently correct, at least about the money part. “Nothing” doesn’t come free, and the more of it you want – the more accurate and unchanged you want your music to be – the more it’s likely to cost.
Great minds, etc, etc.
(Now that's stirring the pot!)