Insightful article by Roger Skoff "Paying For Nothing"

Yep here I go lets stir the pot, not really.

Was not sure where to put this as it is well written and covers every facet of our, hobby, obsession, passion, cult.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

I am an in-phase low power tube Bot.

While doing nothing to alter the musical signal becomes increasingly possible as our industry continues to learn more about the way things work, the basic facts of physics militate against our ever being able to completely achieve it.

THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO A SIGNAL THAT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON IT! Despite all the well-meaning but uninformed people out there (a surprising number of whom even have the credentials to make you think they ought to know better), amplifiers, cables, and many other things that have been attacked as making no difference actually do.




Showing 1 response by mapman

Oh no! We’re doomed! I will be exorcising all my amplifiers that modify that signal  asap.