If not an Oppo 205 then what?

So I was going to purchase the Oppo 205 but now that Oppo will no longer produce it people seemed to have bought them up all up and are now trying to sell them for 2 or 3 times the original $1200 price. 

If I wanted to go with another brand what would you recommend? I want the unit to have Dolby Vision, HDMI 2.2, 4K, etc.

I guess I got lucky in the Oppo lottery cause I got my Oppo 205 in mid September.
Ones for sale (205) here my goodness!...honey call the police...i think theres a robbery's in progress...i missed my calling on the 205...having the 105d and dont know how well my hearing at my age would justify purchase just for cd's...i did do the firmware upgrade yesterday and that thing seems to have a little more mojo going on yo...
The Oppo players are today’s current rage. Let’s see what replaces them going forward. 
Since the announcement of Oppo discontinuing production I’ve been tempted to sell my ModWright Oppo 205 which I bought used a couple years ago.
 i have no idea how a stock 205 performs however the ModWright is spectacular with live concerts on DVD and movies in general and I’ve further enhanced its overall performance by using a set of Symposiums Roller blocks 2+ under it , that was immediately transforming to overall picture quality and sound .
So if your waiting for delivery of the last production run or looking to purchase a used 205 I highly recommend ModWrights upgrades .  


In several communications I had with Oppo since I got on the list in Feb, they never told me I would or wouldn't get a unit or that they were overbooked.   They simply said they would begin notifying people in the order they applied when the units started coming in the fall.

If what you say is correct, I forsee a healthy resale market of 205's at a big profit for quite some time.

Will be interesting to see if they had that many more people sign up than what they built for this production run.

I kind of suspect they made enough to cover the people who got on the waiting list, as they had plenty of time to order the components.

For those that  signed up in May for the encore run, they are being contacted to pay for and get their 205s.  

Just did it today and mine is now shipping tomorrow for arrival on 9-14.
So today an email arrived from OPPO and my 205 is ready to be picked up at their office in Menlo Park CA.

Even better! Nicely done. I still have a 105D that's less than 2 years old.  And I don't use it as my primary CD player so hopefully it will be around a good long while. 

Kindest regards 

Oppo is making huge profits by selling direct. They cut out their distributor and dealer network. They will continue to release this product over the next 12 months. The suckers who bought product with the intent to flip at gouging price rates are going to be disappointed. Patience will be rewarded. 
... Electrocampianet ..

Oppo, a Chinese Co with a pic of the Golden Gate Bridge on their front page ... I don’t get it. And now stopping all production out of the blue.  
Thousands of People are on the OPPO List. You have no chance in hell if you "applied" after May to get one. This has been confirmed by OPPO itself to others that have directly inquired about their orders. Go ask OPPO and they will tell you if your SOL.
Does anyone else have their name on the Oppo 205 list for future purchase?  I still get info from them that late Sept. they’ll have some for delivery.  I bought my 203 direct from their Menlo Park office last year.  Seems they have a client list.
I signed for the wait list on Oppo's website. Thanks for the tip! 

And thanks to all of you for letting me in on some options. 

"Also Cambridge Audio as well are in the Oppo’s price range for universal players."

"CAMBRIDGE and OPPO share the same DNA with the same motherboard"

Before I purchased my current Oppo 105, I owned a Cambridge Audio 751BD which was a great performer. Same platform as the Oppo 95. I switched to the Oppo 105 only because I found one on my local C-list for a steal and to use it’s DAC feature.  I was actually looking for a CA 752BD, which does have a DAC feature, when I found the Oppo 105


Check the Oppo website.  I believe they are considering one more production run of the 205.
Option (1) CAMBRIDGE and OPPO share the same DNA with the same motherboard

Option (2) a Superior audio and video: check out the ARCAM UDP411
I moved up to an ARCAM when (IMO) it bested my prior CAMBRIDGE in terms of both audio and video performance for HT. (I use a standalone high-end CDP for my 2-channel audio )

Marantz makes comparable players as the Oppo's. Also Cambridge Audio as well are in the Oppo's price range for universal players.

bummer no headphone amp on the Panasonic.  Was looking at Oppo 205 for that as the headphone amp on my receiver is not that great.

Panasonic is coming out with their NEW upscale 4K player in the fall. Looks like it was designed to compete with the Oppo 205. Analogue outs, better video processing. Dolby vision plus the new HDR10+. No list price yet though.

Budget level Samsung or Panasonic..
Mid range,Yamaha...Thats as far as my budget goes so any higher I have no idea...