I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul!

Hello all.
To start here's my system:  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers with DIY 10" subs. JL Audio CR-1 crossover. Rotel RB 981 power amp for the subs. Ayre KX5mp pre amp. SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. Cardas reference neutral interconnects. Kimber 8Tc speaker cables. Oppo BD105 player. 

The system sounds great but it does not move me. I want the music to touch touch my soul. I have been through many different speakers in the past 4 years but I like the Harbeths the most. I feel bored when I'm listening. I'm not sure what to do other than spend more money. Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, more money and equipment will fix not being moved by music just like it fixes all other problems.
I wonder why I now have to log in to respond?  Never had to do this before.

Based on the discussion, I think you might want to wait and save up for some high quality audiophile speakers.  I would definitely look at the SALK line.  The Song3 Encore's are incredible.  You won't find better for $6,000.  If you have to save up for 2 years, it will be worth the wait and if you plan to move wait to then anyway.
Is this stuff for real? It’s as real as a colonoscopy without benefit of anesthesia.
I have been waiting for the Machina Dynamica buy one get one (BOGO) free sale, when I intend to purchase "The Mind Lamp from Psyleron" and "The Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock".  I have been told by a golden eared audiophile whose ears I trust that their impact when used together is cumulative. Of course that audiophiles initials are GK. 
maghister nailed it

another area is your cd transport. Get Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter to absorb laser scatter inside your transport. It’s a BIG deal, as is his isolation springs

Also, I have a 105; go to ebay and get replacement incoming wire loom with Furutech rhodium IEC AND upgrade your power supply. I got the < $120 version. This combo put a lot more meat on the bone, fuzz on the peach...

and yes, room correction as well as subwoofer placement . See YTVs with’ Acoustic Fields’. His subwoofer placement ideas are radical, but they work!

WireWorld Cables new 8 series are huge. and offer in home trial

If you haven't time to go all XLR; good place to start is 105 to amp

After doing some of these things dust off some of those audiophile discs. you may like them now

I think I found it! Ran the oppo directly to the SMC power amp like I was doing before I bought the Ayre. Zero noise floor. Superb detail. I can hear the rooms and reverbs again. I love it. Magical. 

Psycho Audio Man out.
Agree with leemaze. And I think this relates to mood. Sometimes you have to be in the mood in order to be moved. Sometimes you have to have the right setting to be in the mood.

Others have recommended chemicals. I've never used the chemical they were referring to. Not moralizing, my chemical of choice is probably far more dangerous, I just don't need another bad habit. But, I find that a little Scotch or whatever it is you like can help with the mood. I think it depends on the individual's response to alcohol. If it works the other way, by all means avoid it. I find that too much alcohol is detrimental.

Not suggesting the OP develop a bad habit, just saying, get in the mood. Relax. Stop listening to your speakers. Stop analyzing.

Another thing to consider trying. Think of specific music that has moved you in the past whether it is tapping your foot, dancing, crying, escaping/drifting away or goosebumps. Write them down in a list. Organize them by the effect they have on you. Then set the mood, however you have to do it, make sure your cousin is nowhere around, sit down and listen.

If you sit down to make that list and can't.....then you need to listen to more music and fewer systems.
Try turning off the lights, taking off your glasses (if you wear them) and closing your eyes?

That’s my favorite tweak - works every time. 
I think you can convince yourself a new piece of gear sounds good even though it may not.
I'm not sure why I care what anybody thinks! I think my cousin may be my problem! 
Thank for your help carpathian. Sorry to waste your time.
I have just one word for you. Tweaks. Without tweaks something terrible happens. Nothing. Without tweaks CDs usually sound thin, two dimensional, closed in, thuddy, synthetic, bland, and like paper mache. Even on an Oppo.
Let me get this straight. You had speakers you liked but got rid of them because your cousin didn't like them. You previously had a set of speakers (Revels) that "drew you into the music" but you got rid of them for Harbeths. Now you want advice as to what will "draw you into the music"??! Are you serious or are you just getting your chuckles out of wasting the time of good folks who genuinely want to help? This is ridiculous, I'm out.
To repeat myself:

"The problem is in the OP's head......"

That is not meant to be derogatory. But based on everything said by the OP so far there does not seem to be a tangible equipment issue nor is there any lack of moving, well recorded well played music out there.

So if the problem is not external it must be internal.
Well I had the Revel 208 then. Hmmm. I switched the Revels and Harbeths back and forth many times before I sold the Revels. Harbeths always sounded more real to me. I listen critically about 25 hours per week. Too much maybe? 
Good catch Carpathian...perhaps something personal is affecting your ability to enjoy music right now?
@honashagen - I'm a bit confused. A couple of posts ago you state you hear reviewers talk about "being drawn into the music" in explaining what you want in a system, correct. Yet, in a post you wrote last Sept.29 you state..."I just got the MP upgrade and holy crap! More air and heft! I'm now drawn into the music. It takes you into the music...!"
So, what happened in the last 5 months that 'undrew' you??
Deer Creek Audio speaker stands $339...tops in construction and acoustic performance!
FYI, I have no skin in this game nor do I benefit from mentioning any particular brand.
JBL 4312G...$2500 msrp from Music Direct with 60 day trial!!  Ask for Rodger, mention my name Dave B from West Chester, Pa and you should be able to get a decent discount.  I got $600 off my 4429’s:)
I can enjoy listening to the equipment.

But not for long and that is not what makes me turn it on every day.

If that was the point of this hobby for me and I could never be satisfied with what I heard then I would get a new hobby.

There is nothing wrong with that being the point of listening as long as its what makes you happy. If it doesn't make you happy AND makes you poor then that's just nuts.

You can take a nice trip to Italy on what most of us have tied up in speakers. Some of us could spend a month there.

Or two.

Think about it.


I haven't heard a JBL in years. I don't have 5K to spend though. Maybe $2500. Suggestions?

Oregonpapa nails it...it’s a sick curse!  I chose to go for what makes all my music sound alive...no chin scratching needed.
Honashaen sez:

  • Could it be I’m always listening as a recording engineer!

Maybe you’ve hit the point. I have a friend who plays the guitar. He’s great at it and has his own band. He studied guitar and music film editing at Berkely school of music. He spent time as a music film editor. He told me that it took many years before he could enjoy a film without constantly criticizing the editing. I have another friend who has spent a lot of time in the recording booth. He has a tendency to listen to the recording before enjoying the music. If there is the slightest thing off in the recording, he doesn’t want to listen to it, no matter how good the music or performer is. Its sort of a curse in a way.

Not as sick as I friend:). That’s why I re-evaluated my priorities in listening. I also would overthink everything...Gahhh:(). Getting a truly Dynamic speaker with low distortion and zero compression at high volumes was my solution and my only regret is not doing it sooner so I wouldn’t have spent all that money!!! They also sound great at low volume. Tone is more realistic and they have no discernible colorations that I can hear.

Speakers in the last 4 years:

KEF 107, KEF LS50, Dyn Audio Countour 3.3, Golden Ear Triton2, Totem Acoutsic Hawk, Anthony Gallo Reference 3.5, Spatial Audio M3 Trubo S, Harbeth C7es3, Revel F208, Tannoy XT8F, Tannoy XT6F, Magnepan MMG, Elac Debut B6, B&W 703 S2. Maybe more. As my old man would say  "I'm a sick potlicker" 

Maybe I'm still not conveying what I think I'm looking for. I always hear reviewers talk about being "drawn into the music." I have seen my cousin cry when listening to certain classical music. I rarely get goose bumps when I'm listening but it does happen. Maybe I've never truly experienced a deep connection to the music. Could it be I'm always listening as a recording engineer! Does the snare sound perfect? Is the vocal right? Can you hear the room? Does the recording make the speakers disappear? Is there too much high end? Not enough low end? Crap! How do I change after all these years? Even when I'm out at a live venue I'm critical of the sound. Am I screwed? Is there such a thing as an audiophile shrink?
Definitely should have a box of tissues nearby when touching your soul ;))
Its always possible one does not like music as much as they think they do. More interested in the gear? Other things? Too many distractions perhaps?  You never know.

Touching one’s soul is tricky business....

At least two people have responded that they can help the OP in ways no one else can but only outside of the Audiogon environment. @dave_b  even suggests that none of the advice the OP has gotten here is honest or practical and that he can solve the OP's problem....but only privately.

One wonders why such special knowledge and application can't be shared in the forum?

But, unless dave_b is a psychologist or psychiatrist I don't think his advice is going to help either.

The OP has already said he has heard two systems that have met his criteria  for soul touching and he got rid of one of them based on someone else's advice and is no longer 'touched' by the other one.

The problem is in the OP's head......or soul.
Some smokeable herbal substance never fails to enrich the listening experience!
Honashagen....step out of the echo chamber and breath deeply.  Message me if you want honest, practical advice that suits your musical desires!
@OP, I’m in Chicago suburbs. You’re welcome to come by to listen to some of your music or mine on my system.  I’m not suggesting my system is for you or great for everyone. But the number of brick and mortar dealers has dwindled and its hard to hear systems put together for synergy’s sake.  

I have two different setups—SS and tube.  I also have it setup to do hybrid-tube pre with solid state amp.  I have a tube and regular DAC.  I also have a SET 300b amp. Many probably have more than I but I have a good options to suit my changing moods. 

Some days i want a burger. Some days I want fish. Other days vegetarian.  And it’s no different in hifi for me. 
In the past his system has blown me away but not the last time I heard it which was about 3 weeks ago. It was good but not OMG good. I need to hear a $100K or higher system I guess. No good audio stores around here any more. I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing. It's like when you are listening to your system and maybe reading a magazine and not paying close attention to the music and something comes on makes you look up and say wow!
Honashagen ...

Let's see if I get this straight. You were happy with the sound of your Anthony Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers, then gave them up based upon what your cousin said? 

Here's my advice... purchase another pair of the Anthony Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers and then keep your cousin away from your system. 

It doesn't matter what other's think. It matters what satisfies you musically.  

@Honashagen, Have you listened to your audiophile cousins system, and how does his system sound to you? Is it moving your soul? Does it sound better than your system or how does it sound compared to your system?
I'd also have to ask if you have recently been to any high end audio stores, and how did those systems sound to you?
This thread is like being in a cave with insane audiophiles shouting at each other!! If you have to play only “Great” recordings, then your sunk. A system should deliver the energy, vibrancy and dynamic swing of the music to excite your soul like a live concert. Most audiophiles sit quietly before their systems in a semi comatose state of delusion listening for minutia, obsessing over their gear. It’s all so contrary to actual music being played...music gets loud, dynamic and fills the room with energy. Get speakers that can do that first, then pick your gear accordingly. Listening to music like a lab technician is nuts. If you also use it like elevator music, get Bose and be done.
Vinyl, tube components, SET, high quality power conditioning - you will get soul...and music you like, not audiophile recordings...though some are very good