I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?
THis is the funniest thread ever!

Ironically, it has little to do with high end audio though.

Scot, if it's any consolation, the same thing happened to me years ago and I have the record sleeves to prove it, and I am able to laugh about it now!
Sorry Scot, owner is responsible. You know how slick the cat can be :) I have 2 cats and they are smarter than many humans I've met...

Keep an eye on the cat! She's plotting her next moves to agitate you as we speak!
You know I think I am blaming the wrong creature. My wife is the one who locked her in there. She was putting my clothes away in that closet. Because of course she gets the closet in our room. I get the spare room closet. Typical. Think I'll have to take it out on her!
Hey Scott,

Don't sweat the PETA idiots who can not recognize that you were merely venting. Personally, I found your post, and most of the responses, very funny.

Good luck in replacing all the sleeves!
Humor is the best medicine :) Trust me PETA idiots, I wouldn't hurt a anything. In fact, I even catch and release my fish
Scottht, you may have been kidding, but we can't read your mind. Pets have been known to suffer for these sorts of things.

And yeah, I'm an animal lover and can also laugh at the pet jokes!

Another thing about cats, I sometimes think we're their pets, I bet they're planning their next manipulation right now.
My cat used the grills on my first speakers as scratch posts. As all (sane and normal) cat owners, I constantly plan to make stew out of her, and somehow end up spoiling the beast even more. What sorcery is this? If the vile creature but released me from the grip of its mind control powers...
Is this the little bugger?
[url=http://www.funpicsfree.com/photogallery/funny_Pics_041208/funny%20crazy%20cat.gif]Bad Kitty[/url]
Buff... "the microwave is your friend".. I am rolling on the floor... that hit me just right! Kill the cat.. by all means...
Is waterboarding illegal to the cat? How about Tazer?
One for each record....OK, just kidding:)
Saw the response from Cajunpepe and had to chime in - my cat LOVES opera! She usually just goes away with pretty much anything else, she does not like it, especially if it's loud, but play opera (she is partial to classic italian works) and she stops mesmerized, staring into space toward the speakers. Really funny...
My dog is partial to classical guitar and certain forms of progressive rock.

His favorite tune is "Seamus" by Pink Floyd.
Scottht. Do you ask your wife to approve your audio spending? That may be her first attempt to rid you of the audio hobby - destroy the software that is hard to replace :)