How to shop for an integrated?

I live in the NY metro area, and I’m looking for an integrated. I’ve been researching and reading about audio equipment for years, and now I’m ready to buy.

The problem is, most stores don’t seem to have much inventory or carry about 2 manufacturers (leaving one in my budget). They say things like “we only carry this manufacturer because they’re the best”, or “we stopped carrying that other manufacturer because of...”. Even if it’s an amp I like, I’ll hear “but the next one up is so much better, unfortunately I don’t have it to demo” or “I only have the higher end model, but the one you want pretty much sounds the same “.

And of course you’ll find similar with the speakers, making it nearly impossible to get an idea of how different amps sound with different speakers. Some don’t even have a turntable to use to demo.

It seems like I’ll need to heavily rely on reviews because it’s very difficult to sit down and really compare in person.

Conversely, I used to live in Singapore, and that was so much better. There’s basically a multi level shipping mall filled with high end audio stores who each carry a significant amount of inventory.

I’m hoping for some good suggestions.

Ugh...I’ve spent the last several months agonizing over the same. I’m not going to tell you what I think you should get. I’ll tell you what I got and that I’m pleased as hell. I ended up buying an Arcam SA20 integrated amp paired with B&W CM5’s and an SVS SB1000 sub. I knew from experience Arcam and B&W have good synergy.

If you buy from a place like Crutchfield, if they have an amp youre interested in, you can try it out and if it’s not working out you can send it back. You can do this as much as you want. I know you would probably like to hit the jackpot on the first shot, and you may, but the important thing is to get it into your house and listen with your speakers, your room.

They have a great staff and they aim to please. Use their website compare tool. Email them. Call them. Ask a lot of questions. Good luck. Can’t wait to hear what you end up with.
John Rutan/Audio Connection played the Belles Aria for me with some Vandersteens and what I heard, to my ears, was pure bliss. He and his staff are great to deal with and he's authentic. Audio Connection is a must visit for anyone who's serious about audio and hearing music in all its glory!

Just an FYI, the “highly reviewed” Parasound Integrated is NOT Class D, it is Class AB.  
concur with leftears on belles - it is very good

not much marketing fluff, but david belles has designed many great sounding amps over the years, always transparent yet musical, never harsh

naim is another to pursue, it has it’s sound, but it can be very nice sounding

hegel is another great one
I listened to the highly reviewed new Parasound integrated but not for me. I guess just not fond of Class D amplifiers. The reviewers all say that the amp they are reviewing is different and doesn't sound like a class D amp. I hear Class D. For a couple bucks more you could pick up their 200 preamp and 275 poser amp that is  class AB. Just me, you may like them.
Just call Rutan and let him explain why Belles is special.  It's not a big company so you won't find formal reviews all over the place.
About the NAD, there’s really nothing specific that I was looking to change, but I’ve been thinking about replacing it for a while now. For starters, I bought it in Singapore, and it runs on 220V only so I’ve been using a transformer/voltage regulator which is a bit annoying and can’t help but question any impact to sound quality. Also, when I got it I wanted surround, but have recently been exposed to vinyl, and find it to be an absolute game changer, so my focus is now on stereo audio. Also, I’ve never forgotten a conversation with a sales guy in a high end shop (think they sold Krells), and when I asked which is the best AV integrated for stereo audio, and the answer was “there is none”. Plus it’s quite large and heavy. Want something better looking too. 
From what I’ve been reading, I’m quite intrigued by the Belles Aria. Most of what I’ve read has only been on forums and only one formal review. Just curious as to why? But from what I read, seems lots of people are very impressed and see no reason to change. Plus, I like that it’s made in upstate NY (I’m looking at the Spynx v3 for similar reasons).
Check out Raven audio.  Call Dave Thomson in Texas.  He is one of the owners of some of the best affordable integrated tube amps.  Dave is extremely knowledgable.  Raven offers a money back guarantee so if you do not like it you can return it.  The only issue is you might have to come up a little bit on your budget, but you will never have to buy another amp.
I live in Az and did visit the Audio Doc in NJ.  No pressure and you can listen to a hell of a lot of equipment.  So that is a good option for you also.  

What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you, and what would you like to improve upon over your NAD?
Unless you want to buy a Mac, the Belles Aria Integrated is what I would buy.  I heard it at Audio Connections driving a pair of Vandersteen 2CE Signatures II and it was a sound I could live with happily ever after.  The store owner John Rutan is one of the most honest, nicest and knowledgeable people in all of Audio.  His music collection is also second to none.  It’s a great place to purchase a stereo and very highly recommended.  
The obvious suggestion is the Belles Aria integrated.  You can audition this in person at Audio Connection in NJ, or call Johnny Rutan and he will tell you all about it.  This really is a shoe-in solution to your question.
Check Parasound their integrated is quality built and comes with everything. A decent used one is certainly available in your price range. Class A rated by Stereophile.
I was originally going to suggest that you move to Des Moines (the West side in nice), but it now looks as if you are making progress.

A few amps to add to the list...

-Belles Aria -w- phono
-Croft Phono Integrated

Thanks for all the replies, I didn’t expect so many by morning.

For those who wanted more details, the budget is roughly $1500-2500. I currently have Dali Ikon 2s, but need to replace them with something more aesthetically pleasing for my wife (i.e. Sonus Fabre Sonetto 1 or 2). I understand why it would be better to pair the amp and speakers now, but don’t want to pay for both now. I’m coming from the NAD T785 (now back in the box as my stereo is getting relocated in the house) and want stereo only. My priority is analog, but I’m adding Sonos (have the Port), so I do want decent digital sound and I’m highly skeptical of the DAC in the Port. I’m therefore open to either built in or separate DAC. I don’t want to compromise on the analog just to get a built in DAC.

 I have a space constraint (mainly depth of 16”-17”). Here’s my shortlist:

Rogue Sphinx v3 (would need to pull out cabinet and let a bit hang off the back)
Rega Elex-R
Hegel H-90
Moon 240i
Peachtree 150 or 300
Creek 50a or 100a

This will be located in my living room, that opens up to the dining room. Relatively small area (not a big house). I think the optimal listening position for stereo is about 8’ from the center point of the 2 speakers, and the new speakers will be book shelves on stands.

@audiotroy I think I spoke to either you or Dave briefly after you called me shortly after I filled out your contact form. So far I’ve only been to Manhattan, but would be open to going to JC if you can prepare a few options. Happy to make an appointment and bring some vinyl.

 Thanks again.

Your problem is that you live in NY - lol.  Join an audio group in your area and ask people around you.  You might get to experience their systems and learn

   765 posts  08-14-2020  5:29pm

I think more information is needed. Your proposed budget, the speakers involved, the room size, type of music being played, and any sound characteristics you prefer.

Op we have currently integrateds from rega peachtree unison research musical fidelity hegel micromega naim atom,star, nova Krell t+a,nad masters,anthem,parasound synthesis,s coda and a few others we can special order

Speakers kef,elac,quad,legacy,goldenear, atc paradigm, artison rehym,waterfall,jern

Digital 432evo servers,nsd,naim,bricasti, lumin baetisifi m2 tech
You are just going to the wrong shop we have the widest and most diverse selectionof gear in the tri state area we are 3 miles outside of the city and we are open and doing safe demos

Please contact us as you can see we arevery well stocked

Dave and troy
Audio intellect nj
I think more information is needed. Your proposed budget, the speakers involved, the room size, type of music being played, and any sound characteristics you prefer.
That said, the Schiit Audio Ragnarok is very musical can be ordered with a built in dac and phono stage. $1500 and up.

I’ve actually heard of that shopping center you speak of.  Too bad there’s nothing like it in NY.

Sure, direct side-by-side comparisons of the components on your "Wanna Buy" list may not entirely be in the cards, but the NY Metro area has got to be a veritable candy-land for high-end hardware. Phone a bunch of dealers. Ask them what they got. Tell ’em your stories, your tastes and what you currently got. Make an appointment. Look serious but mellow when you show up. Twiddle some knobs. Bring some vinyl & CDs, or ask ’em if they can stream your favorite tunes on Qobuz or Tidal. Listen with an open mind and open ears. Be disciplined when they pressure you to take one home for a spin. In any case, it won’t be long before you’ll have a pretty good fix on what you want to take home.   Finally, oh yeah, do your best to actually make the purchase from the lucky dudes.
This is the information age.If it’s available for sale it’s been tried & there is a TON of info on just about any integrated on the market..I myself LOVE integrated amps,especially with built in DAC functions..As a matter of fact I’ve demo’d a dozen different ones in my home system & another dozen on the road..I consider myself highly educated on today’s integrated amplifiers..Start with more info here,budget,room type & size,listening habits(LOUD,normal or low level),room acoustics(hard & reflective,soft surface everything or in between),types of music listened to should do..
You’ll get specific recommendations & the more that reply a pattern will form in which units to start investigating...Read EVERYTHING you can find on your choices,ask more questions here..Honestly it's almost impossible to get a bad amp now days,some are better than others but even the extreme entry level can make a highly musical system...Same goes for speakers..IMO NEVER in our history has so much great sounding gear been available so inexpensively..

Eventually you will either have to go seek out the gear or buy & try unheard..I’ve always had good luck following this method...
Have you listened to any live music lately?You need to hear different musical instruments in different acoustic rooms to have a baseline as to what real music sounds like..Good luck..