How far from the back wall are your speakers?

I like very much the sound from my Totem Staff speakers, although the are 4 ft 4 in from the back wall, a little far into the room than the suggestion from Totem. Just how far are your speakers from the back wall? My lisening room is 10 ft wide by 17 ft long.
Lots of variables here as others have mentioned. Very generally I find, if the speakers are up to it, the further you pull the speakers into the room the greater the perception of depth to the soundstage along with a better sense of venue space and scale if it's on the recording. Conversely, the closer you put them to the wall the depth of stage will shorten but you'll obviously get more bass reinforcement and an increase in solidity of individual images at the expense of a sense of venue space and scale. It's not unlike the difference between sitting in the first row for a performance vs. sitting more toward the back.

Anyway, my experience with Totems is they do a great job with soundstaging and portraying depth if it's in a recording, so if that's important to you it might be worth experimenting pulling the speakers even a little further into the room to see if any additional benefits (mine are 5' from the front of the speakers to the wall, but my room is about 23'x13'). In the end it comes down largely to personal taste and what you value in music reproduction along with how the speakers couple to your room. The great news is you can play around with it as much as you want, and it's a free tweak. Hope this helps and best of luck.
I'm a proponent of the Rule of Thirds...

So the center of speaker drivers are 80.268" from the front wall.
58 3/8 inches to middle of midrange driver center to back wall. What is recommended in Verity set up guide based on room ht. 8 ft apart center of tweeter to center of tweeter, 8 3/4 ft from listening chair. Perfect fit.
The backs of my speakers are 6 1/2" from the front wall which makes the front of the speakers 23" from the front wall. Having a smallish room (10' X15') precludes optimum placement yet I still get pretty good sound.

All the best,
My preferred distance would be 1/3rd into the room, with my listening position 2/3rd into the room. In my room 1/3 is not feasible for the speakers so I use 1/5th the distance and 2/3rd for the listening position. This was the starting point, and small adjustments from there were needed to dial it in.
The proper distance from the front of the speaker cabinet to the wall behind the speaker is entirely dependent on the particular speaker and it's interaction to your particular room.

Unless your speakers are specifically designed to be placed right up against the wall (ex. Audio Note, Larsen, etc) you will need to use a little trial and error. I have not yet found a formula or modelling application that is 100% accurate.
Aside from dipoles, OB's and omni's, the amount of BSC integrated into the speakers generally determines the distance the speakers should be placed from the wall. Unfortunately, that's not an advertised spec. Also found that getting too close to the wall causes a suckout in the upper bass/lower mids as lower bass gets reinforced. I imagine that some speakers compensate for that as well.

So, what I'm saying is that every situation will be different and just try to find the right balance.

Saying that my particular speakers are some-odd feet from the wall doesn't help anybody. Espescially if WAF dictates decor.
That's the front wall; the back wall is the one behind your head. Mine are 30 inches from the front wall.
My speakers (Odyssey Kismet Reference floorstanding speakers) are 21 inches from the back wall, although they were designed to be used in that way.
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I have a pair of sttafs and like the best well into the room . . . As far as 6 ft from the wall.