Himalayan SALT Lamp

I love the looks of these for my listening room. Are these ok to have in the same room as electronics?
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These lamps don't only emit soft ambient light, they also have a lot of health benefits. They are a must have in every living room but with some precautions as they evaporate water sometimes which may destroy your table surface. Many stores have salt lamp for sale but there are only few with original Himalayan salt products. So, choose wisely

To benefit from the lamps, make sure that you have an original one made of pure Himalayan salt. If it does not gets wet in moist conditions or has a bright light, it is not the authentic pink salt lamp. The original lamp has a soft glow and gets wet in a moisture-rich environment.

You must add a a lava lamp in the vicinity of the salt lamp. I'm telling you my bass was deeper and my highs were higher.  Or is it just because I live in MI and the "dangerous weed" is legal for all.  I'll have to think about that for the next 14 hrs while I contemplate the universe.
Best to all
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I don't there is any kind of issue in keeping a Himalayan Salt Lamp in your Music room. I do have one in my bedroom where I usually spin my records. It emits a nice low level of lighting and suits perfectly with the music. Buy decorative lights like this and it definitely gives the room a very warm, peaceful look to it.
yes, you can but don’t place it on the top or anywhere near at your electronic devices sometimes it leak due to humidity i use it when i rented a place my room smells like an old wood every time i come home salt lamp help deodorize my room
Where’s that tool bag that talks trash in the speaker forum, surely he has something to say about this.
That’s nothin’! I have a Mind Lamp, 8 colors. Plus I control the colors by mind over matter. 😳
Salt lamps are ideal for your study, your office or even for a small room. All our high quality Himalayan salt lamps come with a rosewood base, stainless steel screws, a UL approved cable with on / off switch and two light bulbs. Unique Mineral
pla·ce·bo ef·fect/pləˈsēbō əˈfekt,ēˈfekt/noun
  1. a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.

I don't have one but I think they are attractive.It would be a nice night light and if it helps purify the air even better:)
I don't even know where to begin. I was completely blown away by this lamp. I am a salt lamp fanatic and this lamp is my sixth lamp I own. It is my goal to have a salt lamp, or several, in each room of the house. Here are a few benefits of having Himalayan salt lamps in your home:

- they purify the air of toxins and dust
- they neutralize positive ions that are emitted from electronics such as TVs, computers, Wi-Fi etc.
- they encourage deeper and more peaceful sleep
- they are soothing and add a beautiful decorative flair to your house

I, personally, notice a big difference in the air quality in my house after just a few hours of having these salt lamps on. I keep them on all day and really notice a reduction in my allergy symptoms.
I’ll give you another insight into what they do. Nothing. The salt lamps are supposed to work via pyroelectric effect, giving off charged ions when heated. The only problem is the lamp provided doesn’t get the salt hot enough to produce ions. And replacing the bulb with a much more powerful bulb doesn’t help. Ion production is virtually zero. Been there, done that.
Hi there! I saw the discussion on the salt lamps and wanted to give you good insight of what they are and what they do. I don't want to sound harsh but in the last couple of years I had to study them and became and expert. I have even started a informative website about the salt rock lamp and their health benefits called HimaSaltLamps. So if you have a question feel free to ask me.

I will start with that it doesn't affect electronics. Just do not put it close to such as the salt is hygroscopic and will attract humid from the air and it will eventually begin to melt. 

The salt lamp as you already know attract the water from the air and the harmful practicles with it. When the rock becomes wet and you have the lamp switched on it will evaporate the water again in the air, except this time it will be purified and will contain minerals from the salt. This process will also generate negative ions that will neutralize the harmful positive from a TV for example.

The only thing you have to do from time to time is to clean it gently with a damp. Nothing else.
Took the big plunge at Bed and Bath last night. It's kinda Pink/orange, and has a dimmer so you can adjust brightness. The Beatle's Ruber Soul never sounded better. Forget my careful speaker placment, and the great new mono reissue.
I think it was the light (-:
I have a flickering flame lightbulb in the salt lamp in my listening room. A lightbulb of higher wattage made the lamp too bright and distracting. Love it.
Actually that particular lamp is thought to improve the sound when in the room due to the pyro electric effect, I.e., the salt generates negative ions when heated by the light bulb. Unfortunately, the bulb supplied in these lamps doesn't produce sufficient heat to produce ANY ions. Oh, well, they look pretty neat.
As I said, the globe in my room has had no effect on my equipment, and it does look cool.
I just want a cool looking orange light, that will do no harm to my gear. I have no interest in learning anything else about a SALT LAMP. I apologize if I hadn't made that clear. Cheers -Don
A very interesting thread. I hire a retired Indian Medicine man weekly for a Dance around my Turntable before I listen. Best results I have when it is raining outside. Now I ask myself, can I improve soundstage while using a SALT lamp???
Appreciate many of the responses so far. I was in an Audio Shop last week, and they had a couple nic-nacks that gave off a soft orange light. One was a globe, the other this plane piece. So I thought of the Salt Lamp because I had seen a nice orange one in a local health food shop. I would certainly keep it on a side table, and not on the same rack as my electronics. It's supposed to sweat a little moisture, if I understood correctly. I'm still going to proceed with caution.
Could the potential corrosive effects be along the lines of "sea air"? Healthy to breathe maybe.

I'd avoid it if I had to choose, but then again I'm not so crazy about the darn things to start with. I like my expensive audio toys better. So choosing is easy.
In addition to the above sage advice, I can tell you I have one in my room with no ill effects on my system whatsoever.
Dr. Lirpa (of Audio magazine fame)in his hypothetical systems had concluded that Himalayan salt lamps had an effect on how NOS tubes sounded compared to your generic Russian or Chinese tubes. He also deduced that if your system used germanium transistors it improved the sound. He also suggested channeling either Timothy Leary, Ching & Chong or just the mere gentleman Johnny Walker while using the lamp in your listening room.