High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

I been trying cables almost non stop for the last 4 or 5 years and this stuff is on another level.
And how many times have we all heard this before? And how many months will it be before the next coming of the cable almighty will appear from the clouds only to put to shame these miracle cables that suddenly make the system sound "broken"?

I suspect that such a system has probably gone through an equal amount of changes elsewhere over the 4-5 years time period. Perhaps if some of the previous cables were still lying around to be tried in the existing setup, these "new" cables might not be so miraculous after all.
@Calvinj, I still seem to be under moderation ... hopefully my post will make sense when it appears :)
@Calvinj, sounds good ... how much do the CT-1 cost and do you have a link to where you can buy them :)
@yping. I have also been demoing the best of the high fidelity cables ultimate reference series. It is up there with the best of the best if not better. It has a great realism and natural sound. We put it on the veloce ls1 and the veloce saetta monoblocks today. Vienna acoustics speakers. Natural transparency was off the charts good. We had a really great listening session. Brad mehldau trio. Hailey lauren. Cecile Salvant. Ahmad Jamal. Jazz and vocals with a lot of instruments. We also tried it on kendrick Scott oracle. It was fast transparent and very musical. The vocals were some of the best we heard today. These cables are very special. Ddraudt is right when he says you have to hear them to understand why we say they are so good. When you try cable after cable and you hear these. You know it's special. Try them out. I been trying cables almost non stop for the last 4 or 5 years and this stuff is on another level.
Hi guys,
It's amazing to me how Ozzy and Siddh's postings about HFC have not been responded to directly! Quite incredible considering the enthusiasm...
Petieboy12003, Thanks.
Glad your trying the HF URR PC and I'm very interested in your findings.
It was amazing within 3 hours but got better for 300 hrs. in my system.
I've had so much to be excited about in audio this past few years. So many new uplifting and educational listening sessions with each level of HF gear. It's like discovering audio all over again with each upgrade.
Since the higher levels of the High Fidelity line do more magnetic conduction, they demonstrate even greater improvements over electrical conduction. Lots of musical stuff happening that i didn't think was possible so It's been the greatest time in my decades of audio.
Magnetic conduction becomes more amazing to me the more I research it. And there are soon to be magnetic conduction components as well. I thought, when I first read about Magnetic conduction, that it was a world changer! I am even more convinced several years and 100 tests later.
Cheers D
Rick Schultz has garnered recent acclaim here for his cables. It is unfortunate that he was ungracious when I recently purchased a pair of Steinmusic Harmonizers from him. One was damaged. He admitted he was reselling them and did not open them to inspect before shipping. Besides refusing any compensation he was surprisingly disrespectful in his communication with me -- totally unprovoked. I would have expected a wiser response from him.
Ozzy, I have heard the Hidiamond in two systems...both that have previously had HFC CT-1E's. I find the HD's to be excellent cables. Very musical, open and detailed. I have not had the opportunity to hear the Ultimate's, but the Enhanced were also exceptional cables.
My personal experience has success with mixing the two. Nice body, prominent bass, good extension, and no lack of detail. With full HFC loom, the presentation was thin...my system, perhaps. Now, with HD speaker cable, P-4 powercords, D9 ic, and HFC CT-1E ic my system is pleasingly the closest ever to live. I would love to try the Ultimate ic's. Some attractive deals on the 'gon. I am tempted
That is, both of these cables are digital. The source is from my Bryston BDP2
Ok, so right now I am playing my direct stream. Connected it to it is a HiDiamond Ref XLR and also the coax High Fidelity CT-1U digital. There is virtually NO difference when I toggle back and forth.
Dave(Ddraudt) for what it`s worth i do take your posts somewhat seriously, even if they do seem a bit hyped, and i have respect for your approach. Your enthusiasm is uplifting mate. Especially everything AC related. After all AC IS the true source.
I too like tweaking as i mentioned before. Maybe not quite to the extent as yourself. But who does?
"A truth in Audio, what one has not heard, one does not know"
Totally agreed!
For those skeptical on some of Daves posts... he has been around for a while and has allot of experience with the "darker side" or maybe more controversial side of audio.
I still remember the interesting Soundstage article from some years back involving Dave. Cool stuff.

Dave i wish you could hear the Phasure gear in your system!

HF URR is on the way!
Yping...welcome to the discussion...i can second what Ddraudt said as i have tried a lot of the 'best' cables over the last 30 years and the HF cables are truly the best...by far..of all that i have tried.they are just so very musical..TRY THEM..
Yping, Welcome! one suggestion is Just reading the last two pages in stead of all 20.
Current update, Magnetic conduction is superior to electrical conduction. From mic to speaker coil, the whole system is actually
about Magnetism. So far we have been using electrical conduction and electricity to deliver, store or augment the original magnetic pulses and also to get a bigger magnetic pulse at the speaker.
AC is made from spinning magnets. electric motors use magnets to turn electrical energy into motion. Adding powerful fix magnets ( made with electricity) to there signal path or power path amplifies the magnetic signal. Copper wire will pass a magnetic pulse but because it is a very lousy magnet, it works extremely inefficiently.
I've tried every level of High Fidelity Cables and the are GREAT!!
They do things other cable can't. Many who have not heard them think it is impossible. You can rent a pair from the Cable co. or borrow one from a dealer. The higher levels, Ultimate and Ultimate Reference are breathtaking and can cost as much as a car. They work better because that have unbelievably powerful magnets with unbelievably high costs. No one is suggesting you buy them without hearing them. My suggestion… Enjoy the Music! D
Petieboy12003, your question
"So Ddraudt, basically you are saying i/we should not hesitate to get these URR P-cords right? "
Reply- I was adding my voice to the HFC experience with the HF URR pc's, thanks for asking. From what I am experiencing, I surely would recommend to serious audiophiles to try one. To Me, it transports a system to uncharted territories of Real. To you , it may be just words on a screen from a guy you don't know. To some, I am the Guy big audio industry folks go to to get ideas and suggestions. to others, I am a research facility working with other research facilities On "NO LIMITS AUDIO" The limits refer to time and money.
I blog in hopes of sharing something helpful and interesting, though, of what I speak is often beyond the experience or understanding of some readers. It inspires some and upsets others each for their own reasons not related to me.
A truth in Audio, what one has not heard, one does not know.
Mostly what I do is- Enjoy the Music! D
Yping, I really don't know what you mean. Are you wondering whether there are cables beyond the Ultimate References, or pcs beyond the Ultimate Reference Rhodium, or an ac filter beyond the Waveguide ac filter?
@ddraudt: Dave, thanks for the mention of Baltic Birch - have just replaced my laminated glass shelves with some 18mm ply of genuine Russian origin - great result!
Currently demo-ing some U spk cables, and awaiting arrival of U i/c's - big smiles!!
Enjoy the music, Nick.
Calvinj, I had kept my LSA Statement around after it had been updated to the new "plus" version even though I was using the BMC M2 monoblocks on my BMC Arcadia speakers as a backup for either an amp or integrated amp to replace my preamp. It turned out to be very fortunate as one night in late Jan., one M2 failed. I put the Statement in and was amazed at how good it was. From Feb. thru mid June it was my only amp.

I used it while evaluating most of the HFC gear from the CT-! Ultimates through the Ultimate Reference, the Ultimate Reference Rhodium pcs, and the Waveguide power center. Even my experiences with the Star Sound Tech Apprentices largely rested on the LSA Statement for amplification.

I think you know Rick Schultz. He heard the Statement when demonstrating his power cords. Yes, I am now back to using the M2s and get more channel separation with them but the LSA Statement is exceptional.
@tbg did you ever run an lsa statement amplifier with high fidelity reference or ultimate reference cabling and did it sound good? What was your opinion on the lsa statement.
So Ddraudt, basically you are saying i/we should not hesitate to get these URR P-cords right?

Chris, yea that is similar to what Gary said to me a few times at the beginning before he took the plunge.
You really should ask him his experience.
1:The NOS1/XXhighend system is basically plug and play and way easier than using CD and infinitely more convenient and most importantly so much better sound. In less than a few hours use i can promise you will never look back in any way
2:6moons review had unique problems with their system and kind of made things come across to the newbee reader as more complicated than it really is. Also remember XXhighend software no longer requires any of the adjustments or configuration since that review. NOS1a is now totally immune to any noise or interference from computer source. It is more plug and play then ever before and we can now save $$ on cables as well as having better sound.
3:NOS1 now sounds allot better since that 6moons review and scarily can only keep getting better as windows improves and meanwhile Peter keeps improving his amazing software and even recently coming up with the world first `a` upgrade. This source is world first and world class in more than 1 way
4:Peter is there for us supporting all NOS1 users almost instantly if ever need be. Support is A++++++
5:You can always get your money back, but no one has returned yet
6:Ha you can`t be too worried about hearing if you play with these $$ high end cables...

I wont say any more. But i really encourage to keep a open mind on this option and maybe read more of Peter`s site or at least have a quick chat to Gary. Most of us know him here on Audiogon... he is well respected. Gary has been around allot longer than i.

Anyway,yea, this is a HF thread. I shall chime in again when i try the UR/URR range soon.

I just read the review of the Phasure Dac and while it sounds good I must admit I'm getting a bit old to start again with yet another music source , I also think its ironic that as we get on in years and can afford to get better and better equipment our hearing capabilities diminish proportionately ..... now , back to my CT1's allowing me to enjoy a 10 year old cd -:)
HF URR PC further insights. Hi Friends, an adjunct to my power cord report of 6/27, with another 250 hours on the cord or 300hrs total
there is more, much more. The extension, power, silent background, speed, tone, texture, involvement, emotion all obviously improved.
I muse as beautiful music washes over me, This is so real- Wow-
how can I describe even better than amazing? It's so many little clues to give more of a sense of live. A cymbal gives off a wider range of tone and texture as I "see" the symbol tilt and float in space as it's struck. The bass drum has more power at lower notes than before and I can hear the tone and texture of the drum head much more clearly. Vocals sweet organic breath floating effortlessly in the air. Tunes we enjoyed were so improved they sounded like different music performed by more talented folk. Stringed instruments sing like never before and I can hear the materials used to build them like they were in my lap. Much harder to listen without getting lost in the music.
I hope YOU are enjoying music! D
I want to see pics myself dave, come on, a cell phone pic will do it for me, if you do, post here that you did, cheers to you dave!
Jazzonthehudson, Thanks for the question. The answer is not simple and photos are even harder. Can't post pics here and I'm not a camera person. And it is not photogenic (ugly mess) Perhaps I will do a thread someday on "MAD Tweaks"!
Good tweaks can be system dependent and listener specific which is one reason why manufacturers can't add or recommend tweaks. The other is that it makes their products appear " in need of help".
Hence a DIY approach. Much DYI is about low cost methods but there is another DIY that is only about the best possible sound at any cost in time or money. I live there.
"Super-isolation" stems, in part, from that and the possibility the more is better sometimes. If one isolation shelf works well,,, what would two isolation shelves sound like??… If one damping block improves the sound- how many blocks can I put on before the sound degrades? ( answer 2 to 5 blocks).
I will describe what is currently under my CD starting from the floor up. Floor-my design of cork glue and wood. then 4" x 3/4" pine plywood blocks to, Stillpoint mini's, to 18 x 21 x 2.5 inch iso shelf -then ply blocks- Stillpoint mini's- 14 x 18 x 2.5 inch iso shelf -wood ply-Stillpoint mini's- CD player. One stillpoint fits exactly underneath the center of where the CD sits while playing.
The top is off the CD player and i've added 21 damping devices inside.
ALL shelves and blocks made by Stan Goudge of Cedar Park Texas.
I hope you can see now how complex it is to describe even with most details left out. Decades of experimentation on every facet!
Pictures would help I know. I hope to work on that someday.
Enjoy the Music! D
Calvinj, as I am now in my NM small room, I am hesitant to say too much about this dac although I am already greatly impressed. Also it is just a prototype, and I'm to get the production version which would include the computers within it in about 60 days.

Also, it has been so revealing in this system that I am quite aware of daily improvements as well as tweaking the system, such as going from the Stillpoints OEM isolators to their Ultra SSs. When this settled down, I will make comparisons between what I hear in double DSD versus what I hear in 44.1/16, etc. I have already done some of this while still in Texas and been greatly impressed. The sense of being present at the recording was greatly improved by the greater detail in particular the decay of notes.

This unit will not be cheap but nowhere near as expensive as the dCS four piece gear.
" I will be adding a dac soon. I'm just doing research on them now."

Calvin, i was going to send private msg but hopefully this benefits others. Look i don`t want to harp on but seriously i`m only doing you or anyone reading this a huge favor.
PHASURE NOS1a 768kHz filterless USB DAC from the Netherlands!!
I already mentioned the `a` upgrade in my earlier post which is one of the most significant upgrades in the history of digital.
Just ask long time Audiogoner Gary Anderson(Glory) or anyone else who owns one. Funny how this is the only DAC never ever seen on the used market?
It`s also funny because it always takes so long to try convince people a properly designed SS DAC can wipe away any tubed source. Took me a whole year to convince Gary. Ask him. Now ask him how much NOS1 destroys his prior high end Lampi DAC. Gary says NOS1 made Lampi sound broken.
Try search the whole net for anyone proclaiming that properly set up NOS1/XXhighend is beaten by any other source. Good luck.
Don`t be put off by NOS1 wining blue moon award by a country mile "lonely at the top" or all the almost too good to be true talk on the net. It is true. Simple as that.
Whether it`s Meitner, Lampizator, PBD, Concert Fid, EMM labs, Esoteric or some other USB DAC etc etc. I bet nothing shoots out a cleaner signal than NOS1. Nothing else out there has the same specs design or concept. Read the Phasure site and all the endless posts. Soon common sense and logic prevails with out even hearing the thing.... then you hear it..... revolutionary!
CD is so dead. SACD was a improvement but dying.
NOS1 isn`t another typical sideways move. NOS1 is a clear jump forward well into the rosy future of digital front end audio leaving everything else in dust.
Cleanest clearest smoothest most natural dynamic signal out there with zero grain or edge or any nasties. Totally clean and neutral. Yea you heard all that before right just like me. Nup. Not like this. NOS1 is TRUE clean!
IDC who mods what or customizes this or that. Fact is no one designs or understands audio like PeterSt! You can add or change all the electronic parts you want. If the winning foundation design is not there......
This DAC is the heart and soul of any system. Get the playback source right and everything else makes so much more sense. Then there`s such a clearer picture.
Yea most of us think we got a great source. So did i. But this source is better than your source! Simple. Just take a chance on this baby(60 day money back G)and thank me later. Nothing else like it. No not no other DAC like it... no other SOURCE like it. Especially considering the price.
There is no one like PeterSt either. The guy is one hellova sic puppy! One of the nicest most helpful punctual guys in the world too.
4.5US - best buy in audio ever! You wont find one used.
To some of you guys pretending to ignore this post... did you see the 4.5K part??
I seen some guys still buying >10K CD players FFS. Which NOS1 has already way proven to easily destroy SOOTB.
This DAC is just way more significant than any 10 or 20K cable upgrade. It`s not even funny.
I dare anyone to spend some hours reading the Phasure site and not be hugely impressed or at least hugely curious.

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@Jmcgrogan2 , regarding using the CT1's as a phono cable , did you use the normal CT1 cable or the dedicated phono version of the CT1 ? Presently I'm using a Furutech Ag 12 R4 between tonearm and phono stage and a 2 metre Ct1 between phono stage and preamp . I have been told that phono interconnects should be kept as short as possible and 2 metres could result in some signal degradation , but that's just something i was advised , I'm no guru or technical expert . Eventually I hope to have a CT1E between the tonearm and phono stage , unless I wind up buying an integrated amp with phono module in order to simplify my life , in which case I will use the 2 metre Ct1 that presently runs between the phono stage and pre . I must admit , for the price , the Furutech isn't too shabby .
@Ddraudt: can you describe in detail about your "super-isolation", some pictures in your system if you were to set up, would help a lot.
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@tbg I will be adding a dac soon. I'm just doing research on them now. Looking forward to your observations of your sound soon.
Chris_launder, I have always used Rightway Audio Isolators, which are no longer available. They are ceramic with a brown glaze and look much like what you used to see on low voltage power lines. One can rest cables in the groove. I have tried cardboard, wood of different types, and the special and anti-static foam in which chips are shipped, and other ceramics, but none have been the equal of the Rightways.

You can see the contraption I use under the HFC UR speaker cables in my review of these cables on StereoTimes.
your welcome Dave, on another note, your recent post to me, that's the kind of post I like dave,straight up, no holds barred honesty, oh, do not worry about being modest or humble, I myself do not do that about a system, now I may be nice or polite to memebers when I should not be, try to keep myself out of flame wars, you know what I mean?, Ha, Ha!, they seem to find me at times, I try not to pxxx people off, but because I am so direct, and forward, I suppose I do sometimes, that's what I like about you, you do the same, and have the same passion for music and systems as I do, cheeers to you Dave, keep the great post coming.
Thanks Keith for you post.
"07-06-14: Audiolabyrinth - I also enjoy reading Dave's cable journey, I bet his system is incredible!"
I think it IS incredible buy that's MHO. (Not humble really).
I did have the founder of the Houston Audio Society over to listen Saturday and she used the word Fantastic to describe the sound.
Long time musicians with extensive recording studio time have been impressed. Audio reviewers also (Not at all humble I guess). I'll stop listing by saying many golden eared folks who are honest to the point of rude have said they never heard anything as good.
Hope your enjoying the music too! D
Chris_L, I use a number of things to raise my cables. I find Epi wood
in 4x4 pieces of varying heights work well on my power cords. Epi is very hard to cut because it is so hard but does not have the negative
ringing effects of stone, metal, plastic, ceramic ext.. I also damp power cords and cables from vibration.
On Magnetic wave-guides, I use a combination of isolation platforms and Stillpoint mini's. ( plus damping and shielding )
The Iso platforms are built buy a friend Stan. We spent years perfecting the design. Right now I am using 6 different sizes of iso bases in my system and have musical benefit by using "super-isolation" on some components. (= a stack of 2 iso bases and 3 levels of Stillpoints ) Obviously--For audio crazies only. But the sound, WOW!!!
Going back to the main purpose of this thread, I have set up a small system in New Mexico and could bring only part of my Texas system. I brought my new music server, four pieces of HFC gear, including 2 pair of 1 m. Ultimate Reference ics, one set of Ultimate Reference speaker wires, and one Ultimate Reference Rhodium pc. A Stillpoints rack using two of their component stands with four of their Ultra SSs mounted on them. I should also note that this is a very small room, namely 13 x 10 x 8, which I long ago treated with Zilplexes.

I have endeavored this last week to optimize this system and have greatly satisfied myself. I am still missing much of the involvement that I have in Texas. I believe that it is the HFC pcs that are missing with their low noise level and resulting revelation of great details, such as the decay of notes. I am also missing the Tripoints Troy Signature that contributes much of this also.

I can only await returning to the heat of Texas and the rest of my system including a 24 x 18 x 11.5 listening room, but I am contented with what I have versus last year in NM, no HFC and a more basic music server.
Calvinj, exactly! Hence my prior post regarding components matter.
And this is exactly why i love what 1x Teo cable did/does to my system. But of course i got attacked by a couple of the HF police when i stated my opinion regardless of my system or needs. Why do you think i don`t bother contributing much to this thread?
For what it`s worth i now own Teo`s very best silver ref IC. Even more expensive than HF top line UR cable unfortunately. I`m so grateful and lucky that i manage to find great prices with all these high end cables!
Considering my system - Teo is the only real chance of adding a touch of quality/natural color e.g. touch of timbral warmth weight etc of the highest order(unlike horrible little glass bottles full of noise) without sacrificing finest detail and extension or sound of venue etc. High end Teo is like HF and some unheard super tube? love child. Is very expensive though unless you go for cheaper Teo but honestly that would only be advised under certain system/taste circumstances as Calvin is talking about.

But anyway i really do like HF cables so far. Allot. Very much looking forward trying the UR+r power cords and of course UR IC. I already have a strong suspicion the power cords are going to be something special.
Of course comments on this thread has helped my confidence..... sort of
@ chris_launder. @ Petieboy 12003 Thanks for your observations. We all have different systems and different tastes. I all depends on what on what a person likes. Any posts I have made I made to let folks know what high fidelity ultimate reference did in my system. Different systems maybe different things. It's good to take our time and have long listens. I hope y'all like the ultimate reference if you try it. Cheers.
Chris, i personally just use Shunyata Dark field 2.
They seem to work as well as a couple other more expensive risers i have tried in the past. Not exactly the prettiest but can sometimes find a pack of 12 at a real cheap bargain.

I think Petieboy has hit the nail on the head , simplify and go for as few , but highest quality possible , components & strangely enough I was also about to type a post about the H F ( and other top notch cables ) also theoretically should be nothing more than a conduit to pass the music along unhindered .

May I ask which cable elevators you guys ( & gals ? ) are using with your H F cables ?
@tbg. Were you a Political Science professor. That was my major at Howard Payne University. Did you ever know a professor named Henderson Lee Cravens. He was my mentor and one of the greatest checker players in the History of Texas. @tbg@Ddraudt the essence of music stuff is really good I've tried it on a couple of CDs. I'm going to take my time and make my system the best I can. Thank for the good advice fellas on the tweaks
Calvinj, I agree with Tbg that Essence of Music makes the best disc cleaner by far and I actually does let you her more of the essence of the music. I also recommend Marigo Audio' Labs "Ultima Signature Mat" and
Hifi Tunings Disc demagnetizer (demag not in production) as the very best mat and disc demag I have used. It would be pointless to me NOT to use these 3 items as the greatly enhance music quality and enjoyment in my system and helps show what the HF cables can really do. I also use isolation, damping and shielding tweaks on all of my HF Magnetic products to further increase the gap between them and conventional products. I also use a lot of Stillpoints everywhere.
Ozzy, i know to some extent what these cables can do. Give it time to settle mate CT-1 should open up some. Yea maybe a cook will help. Do you have direction correct?

I believe CT-1 and `E` are fairly good no doubt even though i did sell mine. I shall be trying UR+r pc`s soon and also UR interconnect against my reference cables. I will chime in with my thoughts in the near future.

Regarding some of the other posts - Yea IMO a couple of these guys on this thread do seem to go a bit over the top haha. But hey i`ve personally been accused of the same thing regarding PeterSt`s amazing Phasure and XXhighend gear. It`s all good fun right.
Anyway let`s just remember, at the end of the day, all a really good cable is suppose to do is sound more like nothing. Allowing the signal to pass as unhindered as possible. So in effect bringing out the best, or the truth, of our equipment.
The equipment is still the most important thing considering we have cables allowing the truth. The best cable is always no cable. So in reality when we get all excited and amazed at what cables such as HF brings, more nothingness or less distortion noise color, we are actually technically getting more excited hearing what our equipment/system can really do(Unfortunately to hear this kind of `effect` in it`s higher form it seems we have to go all the way to the top of the HF, or similar cable, line which means $$$$)

But of course we all know this. We just sometimes tent to over emphasis the cables effect, or non-effect, since these type of cables are only becoming available more recently.
Having said this - I also have heard my modest relatively cheapo 2nd system sounding rather spectacular with very high end cables but still no comparison when they are connected to my reference system. And in certain circumstances i guess if we don`t really get very excited about what cables such as HF bring then in actual fact we are probably simply realizing more of the truth of our equipment.

Personally i`ve been concentrating on simplifying my reference system(apart from tweaks) as much as possible partially to avoid paying excess $$$$ for more cables that do `more of nothing` and of course to obtain the purest sound as live.
Genius designer, PeterSt, has recently come up with a groundbreaking upgrade with his DAC making it immune from the source - rendering quality pc`s and usb cable on source basically obsolete. And his complimenting speakers do not require usual speaker cables. Amps/X-overs are built-in hard wired on the same board(inside phase plug) and designed specifically for the speakers and DAC. No mismatches, or taking chances, only one of the cleanest possible synergy/purest signal flow with no degradation all the way from source to open baffle drivers at 118db sensitivity. Cables such as HF are just another compliment.
Not only do i feel supremely confident i have some of the best equipment out there but now the only cables i have to worry about is 1x IC and a few pc`s. Which of course should sound like nothing as much as possible(e.g. High Fidelity).
It is rather nice to save all that $$$$ having so few expensive cables in system.
I believe the approach of minimalist, but wisely chosen best quality equipment as possible, and as few cables as possible(quality cables), is the way of the future for 2-channel audio. Let`s just hope that such cables can one day be afforded by all.
Calvinj, thanks. I really pay little attention to these people. I used to be a college professor and we had student evaluations. I had mainly favorable but once in a while I would get, "I would have learned more if the professor had been more entertaining."

I would suggest that you try Essence of Music cd treatment. This is not just a polish; it fixes cracks in the surface of the cd. I am in the process now of redoing all cds that I ripped to my hard drive with those that I've treated.
Lak, Ozzy, hello! about cable cooking and breakage in magnetic cables.
Even though the used Ultimates have 1000 hours on them, they will still need to settle in and effect YOUR system. It's manufacturer calls it magnetic permeation but whatever one calls it it takes time to sounds its best like most audio products. Cable cooker is for wire and this is not wire, so although cooker gives you slight improvements, time is the only solution. suggestion- relax and enjoy the music!
Note for the whiners, I answered this question before so add it to your pointless and ignored complaints. Sorry your lives have left you with only bitterness and negativity and a need to share that. Love D
Lak, I will put it on my cable cooker when I return to work. I guess I expected more from this used cable with all the acclaim.