High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 20 responses by siddh

I have had CT-1 ic's in my system for slightly under a year with excellent results. I replaced Virtual Dynamic Exodus and Genesis cables. Prior to the VD's I used FIM Gold's throughout. I have owned a variety of cables including Siltech FTM gold and silver, early generation Elrod, early Wireworld, mid-line Audioquest, NBS, Purist Dominus and Proteus, early mid-grade MIT's...and these are the ones I remember. I also auditioned a set of Indras for about a week.

These cables have contributed to the evolution of an audio system, which includes many, many component changes, spanning the last 25 years. This leads me to submit similar declarations as from those above, in that, the cable must be considered part of the aggregate system. Knowing of these previously used cables, in my opinion, offers little to base a decision on their system synergy until inserted into that specific system.

That being said, the CT-1's presented an openness, frequency extension, and depth of stage without the glare, stridency or haziness some of the other cables introduced.

In the summer I added a Hidiamond 8 speaker cable...a cable that continues to improve with break-in and performs extremely well in my system. With the success of the CT-1 ic's and the suggestions to complete a full loom I recently supplanted the HD with a High Fidelity Enhanced speaker cable. The cable has merely 25 hours on it, but initial observations may prove to be a bad fit. The loss of gain has required an increase in volume setting that I am uncomfortable with. I assume break-in will deliver improvements in delineation, separation, and density. But, at least for now those qualities are lacking, especially in comparison to the Hidiamond.

I hope the cables come around to equal the benefits of the HF ic's. I will give them another 50 hours before making final judgement. Unfortunately, due to a tube amp the play time is limited to 5 hours per day.
Hey Knghifi, I now have approx. 35 hours on the HF speaker cables. Although, I believe it is quite short of the deserved break-in, the presentation is entering a more delineated and transparent panorama of music. As of yet, it does not offer the slam and impact of the Hidiamond. This may come. Something about the bass with the HF that I have not experienced with my system...an immediacy...a start and stop to the woofer as dictated by the source material. Very realistic, in my opinion.
The drop in gain continues to frustrate. Rick has explained the Enhanced cable bears an increase in resistance, in turn removing distortion. I am unclear of the physics involved, but he suggested the need to turn up the volume.
I would like to add the Hidiamond 8's were gelling extremely well, lacking just a bit of you-are-there....the venue being brought into my listening space. The HF cable, as it continues to morph, gets my Avalon Diamond's that much closer to the Vandersteen 7's...the most realistic speaker I have heard.
I look forward to adding another 20-30 hours of playtime. If, the HF does as lauded, I may set aside the chase for "more". Conversely, if they do not achieve these expectations, the Hidiamond cable should satisfy...that is until I hear the Vandy's again.
I am listening to the third side of Anathema...a live performance. It is very engaging.
Hi Fplanner200, thanks for the reassurance of time and patience bringing the HF to where it need be. Did you notice a drop in output gain? With my low output cart., this poses a problem of having to jack the volume knobs way up.
Rick is sending me a set of "low resistant" speaker cables. I will let you know how they compare. With the regular Enhanced set, depending on source material, the gain has become slightly less of a concern. Yet, some material just seems to require more drive. My amp, CAT JL-2, seems to run at the top of it's capacity. Something, I have not earlier experienced.
I have been following this thread since it's inception, mostly due to my interest to upgrade from CT-1 to E or U cables; and after numerous unbridled laudations by Ddraudt, I must say the comments are losing credibility. Each incremental move in the cable chain has been proclaimed and celebrated as the ultimate in music reproduction. Can it get better? Not until the next upgrade. I appreciate Ddraudt's enthusiasm, but for me, this expression of reverence hints at excessive glorification...

"At 9 hours I put the old cord back in and UGH!!! pretty awful!"

Sorry, no intention to offend you Ddraudt or any other followers of HFC, but please take in account that over the last two years the extolling is threatening to become saccharine and insipid.
Ozzy, I have heard the Hidiamond in two systems...both that have previously had HFC CT-1E's. I find the HD's to be excellent cables. Very musical, open and detailed. I have not had the opportunity to hear the Ultimate's, but the Enhanced were also exceptional cables.
My personal experience has success with mixing the two. Nice body, prominent bass, good extension, and no lack of detail. With full HFC loom, the presentation was thin...my system, perhaps. Now, with HD speaker cable, P-4 powercords, D9 ic, and HFC CT-1E ic my system is pleasingly the closest ever to live. I would love to try the Ultimate ic's. Some attractive deals on the 'gon. I am tempted
Please share the changes the CT-1UR interconnect will go through. I am using it as phono cable...so not high current running through it, nor continuous hours of play time. The first 10 hours were quite good, but the more recent 30 have been flat.
Thanks, Steve
So Tbg...what changes had you noticed in your system during break-in? After nearly 30 hours I have a rather hifi delivery. Lots of detail, but little body and less involvement, especially compared to the Hidiamond the HFC replaced.
Thanks, all for the input. I intend to allow for break-in, considering how good things sounded when they were good. The brightness and lack of mid to deep bass makes for an uninvolving listening experience, and of course, thinking the cable being used for phono may take forever to perform as you describe, has me torn about 4-6 month's of unappreciated audio.
After several attempts to allow HFC cables a proper break-in...mostly due to HFC model upgrades, I am pleased to proclaim my system is sounding more musical than ever. I have a combination of HFC UR interconnects, Hidiamond speaker cable and power cords, plus an HFC URR power cord feeding the conditioner. Lower noise floor, better extension, excellent and non-exaggerated imaging/staging...and plainly, less colored throughout.

That being said, I share the sentiment of some, who feel the unrelenting barrage of superlatives by the daily crowd is not merely tawdry, but suspicious. These cables, in my opinion do not require iterated and re-iterated laudations from the same 5 or 6 members. I mean we get it. You love em...can't and will never wire with anything else. I get it. I can see comments when upgrading, but reports of another night of bliss? Does begin to smell.

The discussion on price is another story. All the wires I have bought have been on the used market for substantially less than retail. Sabai, I do not know if your home-constructed cables perform as well as, or better than HFC...you'll never know until you try a set...so what's up with the attempt to disparage a product you are inexperienced with? I personally am blown away at how well my system sounds with these cables, but I do not feel compelled to convert anyone, nor do I know how well they might perform in other systems.

I do wish the gushing would end. It detracts from the substance and leads me, and apparently others to believe an on-going loop of marketing has intruded upon this thread.
Tsushima1...are you experiencing a drop in output with HFC speaker cables? I did with Avalon/CAT based system; so tried the low resistance cable with little improvement. Shame, since the sc was quite exceptional. So, I stuck with HiDiamond sc and power cords, but have HFC CT-1 UR interconnects and URR power cord feeding power conditioner. If, I had the funds I likely would buy additional HFC power cords. Additional thought...the combination of HFC and HiDiamond , in my set-up, is extremely satisfying. Delineated without being thin or etched; slightly warm, but never bloated or lacking in resolution; beautiful imaging...Avalons just disappear.
Hi Tsushima1,
I have only had the opportunity to try the CT-1E in both regular and low resistance. The low resistance offered a slight improvement in output, but negligible at best. Rick was very helpful in assisting; explaining additional time and break-in may be necessary, but the trial period of 3 weeks ran it's course...I returned the cables.
I have been extremely fortunate to have a pair of Rick's latest speaker cable-Helix, in my system for the last 3 weeks. Simply stunning.
I have been extremely fortunate to have a pair of Rick's latest speaker cable-Helix, in my system for the last 3 weeks. Simply stunning.
Ddraudt, I do believe I am privileged to have these cables. I had CT-1E's a year back, but had difficulty with gain. Nothing like that with the Helix. Right out of the case, these cables brought out greater detail, excellent imaging and better tonality than I am accustomed to. Now, after 3 weeks...maybe 50 hours, I have found this system presenting the closest to the source's offering. All too often, a number of days following new cabling, the excitement wears off, and the short-comings become apparent. Not with this cable. Listening session after session, the realness; especially the speed and tonality has drawn me in. The bass is taut and deep...rarely sounds exaggerated. The highs and mids I would describe similarly. True to recording.
As many of us know, this is not the result of one item, but the culmination and synergy of an entire system. That said, I have not experienced this kind of musicality from the Avalon's prior to the Helix.
Ddraudt, do you have a UR Helix power cord or interconnect? If so, how does it compare to your UR's?
Interesting question, Pete.  I just returned from a 7 day trip, in which I had unplugged all power cords.  I have been running the system for approximately 3 hours and it is finally beginning to sound its old self. I was bit concerned, as the soundstage had shrunk; bass was a bit bloated; and very hi-fi-ish.  I am compelled to unscientifically attribute the change to sitting idle/unplugged.

HI Pete,

I have a full loom of HFC cabling. It has taken me awhile to get to this upper level, and lots of cash...mostly purchased used...but it is as follows:. 3 Helix power cords; 2 UR and 1 Ultimate interconnect; and a set of UR Helix speaker cable.  The audio with Rick's cables does seem to improve with age, so it was disconcerting to return home after having everything unplugged and find the magic gone.  Tonight, though, hours of playing and all is how it should be.
Do keep in mind your circuit breaker is in line to protect the wiring, not the component. You might want to talk to an electrician if using anything larger than 10 gauge wiring.