High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Thanks, I've admired your Chalice amplifier based system for quite some time.
@tbg. I actually have been moving away from my affinity for too much texture and warmth. I think it a matter of the kind of tube equipment it is and the system synergy. For example the veloce equipment with the high fidelity ultimate reference was just amazing. It hard to describe in words but I think you can have richness, texture and a slight amount of warmth and weight. Another example is my friends system who has the kr audio with Gato speakers and Resonessence invicta Dac. We switched some high fidelity in his system and it sounded great. It had no loss of detail. It had a low noise floor but it had just the right amount of weight and texture. I think it gets to a point where small personal preferences play a part. There is a way to get the realism you seek at the same time have the music sound good. You don't have to sacrifice one to have the other. That's just my personal opinion. However, tbg you probably have heard demoed and tried a lot more gear than I have. I definitely know you have a vast amount of experience in this hobby from your ownership and or reviewing of equipment.
Charles1dad..you are right. by the way...your system is superb...i'll bet the Tripoint Troy is amazing..
+1 Calloway. Certainly some tube components sound as Tbg described, but broad brush painting is very misleading. No way can all tube electronics be group in this stereotypical manner.HFC and the Tripoint Troy with my tubed system is utterly natural and realistic. There's no syrup, mud or veiling, there's much purity of sound. No doubt that Calloway is hearing superb honesty and purity in his fantastic system.
Tbg...you haven't heard the right 'tube electronic' with the HF cables yet..i will assure you that superb resolution and speed are both possible with the sound that SS electronics cannot match..
Calvinj, I understand your thirst for warm, textured, rich and organic sound. But I must say that I have found the HFCables to have cut off the road back to this. I have often had all tube electronic and often only horn speaker systems with SET amps. In conjunction with the Tripoint Troy Signature, I find the HFCables make tube electronic too lacking in resolution and slow to work well with the sound I can get with solid state electronics to be satisfying.

I think one can have a very musical system that can make you sit back and enjoy the music or you can have a system that makes you feel you are present when and where the music was recorded. The latter is what you get with the HFC and perhaps gives you the sound that you would get were you the microphones, and the former is what you might hear were you in row N at the symphony but which lacked much ambience and much of the high end as the audience was absorbing this information. Since I love to hear many jazz performances where the artist is dead, I relish the HFC sound. I want realism not just good sounding music.
@albertporter. It is so true. Time and equipment can evolve your tastes. I used to be in the heavy,warm, textured, rich and organic camp. When I listened to ricks high fidelity the music was so much more live and natural. It also had no background noise. The speed and prat for a heavy jazz listener like myself was greatly enjoyable. So now I want a mix of the two sounds. I'm going to use high fidelity cables and get the other part I seek through the electronics. Speakers,amp, and a tube pre or the right integrated. I listened to Ricks system this weekend and the clarity and naturalness was off the charts. The speed was there in spades. There is a song by Kendrick Scott Oracle called "Cycling into Reality" during one of the solos you can hear the band members talk while they are playing when they are really feeling it. Most cables background noise would obscure this but the high fidelity stuff allows you to hear this and when the four other instruments come in. It does it with great prat, decay and proper instrument placement. It was very enjoyable and non fatiguing but crystal clear and detailed without being bright.
Thankyou Ddraudt for the kind words, recently my theory is that my amp must have finally burned in, I am hearing air 3-dimensional treble resolution I did not know was possible with home audio playback that I have never exsperienced on my system, so yes, the music has taken me to soothing places and lifted me up a little, Happy listening.
I guess when you hear something great and the technology is truly different it intrigues you one hand and excites the ears on another. I go listen to systems all the time and I have heard three great ones this past week that sound completely opposite. One was more live natural and detailed with great speed and prat. The other one was organic with soundstage that filled the room and was totally rich as possible. The owners of the systems like their systems their way. I enjoyed both of these mega buck systems and could listen to both all day. They are two of the best I've heard at the cost no object price points. The other system was smaller and a mix of the two. It was one of the best sub 50,000 systems I have ever heard. There are different ways to get where you want to be.

A well stated point of view. I share your opinion completely and hope others experience same as they listen and learn. My own system has changed so much over the years to the point it's unrecognizable from where it began.

I have fond memories of the musical signature from each major variation and no matter what I have I reflect back and miss one strength or another that each variation offered.

I think this is much like music itself, some music is exciting, some soothing, some filled with passion and some soft and reflective. I think perhaps speakers are the major force but with good speakers it comes down to each component as well.
I really don't compare other cables to the high fidelity stuff that I hear. It's almost like a different medium when I hear high fidelity as opposed to the other stuff that's out there. I guess when you hear something great and the technology is truly different it intrigues you one one hand and excites the ears on another. I go listen to systems all the time and I have heard three great ones this past week that sound completely opposite. One was more live natural and detailed with great speed and prat. The other one was organic with soundstage that filled the room and was totally rich as possible. The owners of the systems like their systems their way. I enjoyed both of these mega buck systems and could listen to both all day. They are two of the best I've heard at the cost no object price points. The other system was smaller and a mix of the two. It was one of the best sub 50,000 systems I have ever heard. There are different ways to get where you want to be. Wish me luck fellas my system will now rise like the returning Phoenix. I hope I put it together right and well. Under construction!!!! I will use high fidelity cabling in it because it seemed to work in so many different applications I have heard and tried. Here I go again.
@ddraudt. I don't want to slam the cable or cost that person any insult. We will just say that they have a great system and I would love to hear high fidelity on it to make the music flow out of it.
"We broke for lunch. I doubt if I had a beer, but don't remember."

You probably had something then. Could have instigated your hearing. :^)
" I guess I still remember the sound improvement when Rick and I listened to the improvement after about an hour and a half after we listened with another pc and also to the addition of a HFC pc"

We'll assume no imbibing was involved in the interim. :-)
Fluffers, I am torn between recommending the speaker cables next and recommending a single power cord from the wall to your ac filter, or plugin strip. I guess I still remember the sound improvement when Rick and I listened to the improvement after about an hour and a half after we listened with another pc and also to the addition of a HFC pc. I remember stopping in my tracks in disbelief.
Tbg, Calvinj, Fluffers, Keith

Tbg, I like that video too. Nice simplified explanation.

Calvinj, Thanks for the report on the "other" cable. where did you hear it?

Fluffers, Gary you are in for much more amazement as they break in further. Should improve over 600 hours of playtime. as far as bang for the bucks… there is a lotta bang with all HFCables stuff but it is much bucks. I would not want to give up my full loom of UR cables or any of my HF magnetic stuff, they all add so much.
I agree with others that the power cords are amazing and effect the system greatly. Especially if used into a power distribution device. The URR power cord is the best but even the Ultimate is surprisingly good!

Keith, sorry to hear that life has dealt you some blows lately. I find that music helps me when I'm down. I hope beautiful music can lift you up my friend.

to all I say.. Enjoy the music! D
But thanks for the information.
Heads up a PM coming your way from me.
@tbg@ddraudt@lak@jazzonthehudson@fplanner2000. I heard the tara labs grandmaster evolution and they were just ok I was not really impressed. Nice sound but I wasn't blown away.
Guys- have had the Ultimate interconnects running a couple of day now- I must say at first I was like what happened to the sound stage- But last night it was like a veil was lifted- deep wide and airy-So if this gets better I am a convert- If I was going to take the next step would you go up to the ref. interconnects , try the power cables or get a pair of the speaker cables- right now I have the Sablon PC and MG Audio speaker cables- just looking for the most bang for the buck-- thanks as always- gary
Calvinj, HFCs make reviewers' lives troublesome. Everything upsets the apple cart. They don't like to be moved.
@fluffers. I was told to leave them in the system to let the magnetism flow constantly and don't pull them out. A lot of audiophiles want to constantly change, change and change. Get them in and leave them in to settle. I used to do too much of the a&b comparisons. These cables work together better when they settle into your components as well.
Ddraudt, I just noticed the layman explanation of how the HFCables work on their web page. I think most here know that any current flow induces a magnetic field and that any magnetic field induces current flow. The idea that magnets and ease the flow of signal along the connecting cables is pretty well captured in the video.

Tbg, Interesting about the surprise jump in quality. Yes, I have been breaking in stuff continually for two years and have spent decades breaking in stuff. I am having two amps and a set of speakers built so
another year of break in to come.
I've just sent two of my URR power cords to Frank in Houston to play with so my system is much less magical at the moment. I still have one URR plugged into my HF UR WGPC (magnetic wave guide power conditioner) so the system still sounds better than most systems I've heard.
Ddraudt, it seems like I'm always waiting for something breaking in. Last night with nothing changed, I had a major jump in the quality of the sound stage on every recording that I played. I find breakin comes in big jumps-not at all smoothly.

Also even once broken in, the HFCables hate to be moved even slightly. I had not moved any for at least six days.
Fluffers, In my experience the interconnects need to be played with the components you intend to use them on. But, you will get some cable break in playing IC's in another system. As Fplanner2000 says , just sitting there will not help. One month of continual playing is what it might take to be mostly broken in but you can do 600 hours just when you want to listening. could take a year.
in the meantime, ENjoy the music!! D
Fluffers, I think that you can turn off the tubes. Just don't move the cables. I have no tube components now, but I used to have your concern. I did turn off the amp when not playing music. I did leave the preamp on, however. Breakin may take somewhat longer, however.

I now have a Koda K 10 line stage, whose maker say can be turned off at night, but I think it is actually the case that it benefits from being turned off. I also turn off the BMC M2 amps out of concern about electricity consumption.
They will break in 10x faster with the system on. Just sitting there pretty much does nothing, relatively speaking, in my experience.
Guys- Just got 2 sets of used Ultimate interconnects- Question on breakin- On these cables does the system have to be on OR is just letting the system settle with the magnets be enough??- hate to leave the tubes burning if not necessary- thanks

On my Allnic D5000 dac I have balanced cables and HF reference cables in place. Both hooked to the pre-amp. I can immediately go a-to-b, b-to-a. The pre to amps are HF reference cables.

The result: Much wider, deeper soundstage, better inner detail, 3-D imaging. 20% louder too--like the proverbial voice of GOD. I know the output voltages are spec the same.

If someone is to purchase one cable, I would say source to pre is most effective.
The new amp is the latest circuit design by Steve Keiser who did the KST-150 for Luminance Audio. No negative feedback or emitter resistors.

Built to a much higher standard than the earlier amp with the choicest parts and magnetic conduction technology. I heard its going to be expensive...
Ddraudt, if Rick's new amp proves to be a sonic knockout, we'll really be in for a huge ear treat, can't wait to hear more on this.
Mikha65 , Welcome! I'm very glad you are starting to experience what all the blogging has been about. That "more real than ever before" is very alluring. I love it! I know some people report improvements for 600 hours and even 1000 hrs, I agree but it depends on the systems sensitivity and how much one is into detail with realism. I love it!
Now you can start imagining what the higher rhelms of HFCable
might sound like. with each step up, they are better at EVERYTHING!!!
a great deal better, shockingly better!!! It's a big WOW! experience with every part I add. I love it! All are mind-blowing but I think the power cords are the most unbelievable experience. Seems impossible that a power cord could create such a quantum shift in a component, in a system, in realism, but like the cables, they do. Enjoy!!! D

It's something after my post back on 4-25-12 how this sky-rocketed to 30 pages and over 1500 posts.

The thing that struck me was how they work so well in almost every different system application.

I remember when Rick made the big move to Texas to start this new adventure in magnetics.

My first thought was it would be nearly impossible and take forever to prove any superiority in cable land.

Now after 2 short years he emerged as top dog contender, that takes courage and ingenuity.

Go High Fidelity :>)
@jazzonthehudson. I apologize I quit posting for a while. I overlooked the fact that you already had them. I have an ultimate as well I'm going to eventually get the power cord in my system. I guess reading that post about what someone who was actually there saw kind of got me out of sorts. I can't believe someone who didn't go would say what was there over someone who actually went!!! @audiolabryinth I am not attacking you but I think a line was clearly crossed on the RMAF post. I quit posting a lot because I didn't want folks to think I was doing what you do on tara labs. I don't discredit other cables I just think high fidelity is special and unique. However there are other good cables out there. I just comment on what I have heard. High fidelity is innovative to me compared to the others I've heard.
@Calvinj: if you have read my comments in this thread you know I have HFC for a while (and for a couple of months in both my systems). In fact I am currently upgrading to an all CT1-U interconnects from source to amps as mentioned in my systems page of my tube system. I was referring to others that still question this technology. Hating to repeat myself (also on my system page): you need to have an open mind in this hobby, not everything is measurable or can be easily explained. Like the best dish - of course depending on the person - is, basically put, a combination of ingredients, way of cooking (yes types of pans do make a difference and no they are not cryogenically treated ;-) and enjoying it in accommodative ambiance. Enjoy the music!
I'm sure all these products sound fine. Each has their fans.

Were the HF wires at RNAF? I'd be curious what others using other products currently thought if so.
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If Fplanner2000 and Tbg both say they heard the Tara Labs cable at RMAF this past weekend, why question their credibility? They were actually there and they are certainly more believable than someone who didn't attend the show it would seem.
Hi all,
I've been following this thread for a long time. About 2 weeks ago I got the opportunity to try 2 sets of interconnects in my system. Ct-1 U from cdp to pre and Ct-1 E from pre to power. I'll keep this short. Music sounded a bit thin but but now the got fuller and the last couple of nights I had some really special experiences. I have never before heard the music sound this real in my system. I understand the cables will improve with more hours.
Can't imagine what a system with HF top of the line will sound like.

Calvinj " You are actually telling people who spent three days at a show what they did or didn't see!!! Wow I think you are starting to hurt the TARA LABS brand with these outlandish comments."

We're I CEO of Tara Labs I would be applying for an Gagging order against this individual for that very reason!
@jazzonthehudson. On audiolabryinth I agree. However, magnetism does work. The power cords from high Fidelity DO make a difference. His products are faster than all the other cables I have. The noise floor is low and I hear more of the music in the notes with silence between them. The on percussion and cymbal work the speed and decay is phenomenal. His power cable the high fidelity ultimate reference is the best I have ever. They are expensive but the best I have I heard so far. At least I'm commenting on stuff I have heard . lol
+1 Calvinj: well said. Audiolabyrinth is known NOT to have any serious stuff except his only and beloved TL cord and he abuses Audiogon to make himself important (cfr his answers on other threads). I feel sorry for TPG and others who take him seriously in the beginning. There are many others who doubt about the quality of this high priced brand and I urge those not to stay just at the sidelines, have a loaner and then please add your 2 cents. It becomes so deja vu: power cords dont make a difference, fuses dont make a difference, how can magnetism work? Well we fly in airplanes but we dont need to understand aerodynamics, metallurgy and other disciplines to sit in one, do we?
I just enjoy the flight and we all should enjoy the music.
Fellas I'm going to RMAF next year no matter what. It's a whole year away now. We should go and all listen. @audiolabryinth there are people that went to the show that saw tara labs cabling. I didn't go so I'm not going to comment on what was there or not there because I can't. There were guys on this forum that actually attended and saw them. I can't argue with what they saw because I DIDNT SEE IT. You or I have no business saying that they were not there because we didn't go. I have been to shows and there are always cables being used by exhibitors even if they don't always list them. I stopped posting a lot because I think I started sounding like I was comparing High fidelity stuff to stuff I never heard. I wouldn't do that. I can't say High Fidelity is the best in the world. I just know it's the best I have ever heard. Why would you say that TARA LABS is better than everything else all the time. I really feel sorry for you. I feel bad that I'm even responding to your comments. It just doesn't make any sense. You are actually telling people who spent three days at a show what they did or didn't see!!! Wow I think you are starting to hurt the TARA LABS brand with these outlandish comments. I like High fidelity and it will be my brand of choice for a long time. I hope you are enjoying your tara labs. However, coming on another thread and telling people what was or wasn't there at a show you never went to is very sad. I really feel sorry for you. It's not about tara labs or high fidelity but after seeing your comments I don't think that anyone can trust your impressions of the cables you talk about. Have you even heard these new cables that tara labs has released????? When did you hear these cables that you speak about??? I think all of the guys who post about the high fidelity cables on this forum have heard them, own them, or demoed the cables that we speak about. I have heard all the cables and amps that I speak on extensively. I'm not attacking you kieth. I'm just asking you a good question. @tbg, Ddraudt,fplanner2000, Calloway,lak,Jfant,johnp and anyone I forgot. The excitement that I see that Rick has for the innovation of sound is special. Dare to be different and expand the limits of sound. That's what this hobby is. The innovation and will to excel in how we hear the music in the purest form is what I hear in the product and the person who makes it. Until I rebuild my system that's all I have to say for now. Please stay on topic and block out the stuff that is important or serious. Kieth "Come on Maannn!!!!"
"He mentioned that it was as amazing as his cables. "

Well, that's a good start I suppose.