Hey RICH Audiophiles

 Why don't one of you incredibly wealthy audiophiles whose systems I drool over every day start an Audiophile Rental business?
 Imagine how easy to simply rent a set of speakers or amp for a nominal fee so us POOR enthusiasts could demo it in our own home/system without restocking fees or massive depreciation when reselling..No more sitting in traffic,wasting gas & polluting the environment running from dealer to dealer only to be greeting by horrible listening conditions that give you ABSOLUTELY no idea how a piece of gear will actually sound in your own listening room...


I believe chasing women is a lot cheaper than marrying one.

Absolutely!  If you think buying eggs is expensive these day, try fertilizing one!

This is a fun thread.  I love the self analysis as to why we do it.  First and foremost to have fun.  I think that I, as well as many here on this forum struggle with:  if a little is good then more must be better.  And that is certainly true- to a point.  I have been into hifi since my college days.  I always enjoyed the music but when I heard something better I was inclined to upgrade.  Sometimes I might hold out for a few years but eventually I would give in.  Budgeting funds for hifi was always a struggle.  Since retiring I was fortunate to be able to splurge a bit on my stereo and spend what I consider way too much money for speakers, cables, dacs and amps.  But the sound is amazing and I can listen to music now and not wonder what a better phono cartridge, cable, amp or speaker might sound like.  In that sense, having the time to listen as well as enjoying the music without doubts is the best.  I miss working sometimes but mostly I don't.  I spent two full 8 hour days positioning my new speakers.  Finally got them dialed in.  Never would have happened, or at least not for a few years if I were still working.  My brother retired and now restores wooden boats.  He is talented and his boats look amazing.  He enjoys doing that as I enjoy my music.  I go out and play golf badly for exercise because I never took the time to improve on my golf when I was working.

I gotta talk about cars too.  I lived in the Smoky Mtns for 9 years.  I gotta Miata and had a lot of fun driving the twisty mountain roads on Saturdays.  But of course never to sit back, I sold my fun little Miata and bought a Z4.  Powerful but big and heavy.  Not as fun in the mountains as I had expected.  Eventually sold the Z4.  Then I drove an Audi TT Roadster.  What a sleeper.  Every bit as fun to drive as the Miata but powerful like the Z4.  The quattro makes it grip like crazy too.  Still have the Audi but do not make it to the mountains much these days to really enjoy it.  

As for the 911: please don't hate me for saying this.  Well, it's not for me.  The 911 is oh so beautiful.  I get short of breath just being near one.  But like too often with a beautiful woman- we just don't have much to talk about.  I don't much care for driving the 911- and I lived in Stuttgart for a few years.  I find it too rough and loud.  I agree it's a driver's car.  It has to be driven and requires full attention to the driving.  Maybe I'm not really the driver I think I am.  I just prefer something more refined like the Audi, or a BMW or Mercedes.  Some high end Italian cars are hard to beat.  I never liked the VW Beatle and the 911 is a souped up version of a Beatle.  There.  I said it.  If you have ever driven a VW Beatle- the original rear engine air cooled Beatle you know what I am saying.


The part about horrible listening conditions at dealers is mostly true.

I understand what you’re trying to say, but to be honest, you don’t need a very resolving/high-end/or even spot-on accurate system to enjoy music on...unless you’re doing audio-related work.

Here’s a story...

A few years ago, I travelled to the South Pacific (Fiji) an 11 hour filght with some family.

I left all my headphones and systems back home. Didn’t even bring a half-decent pair of headphones to listen to on the plane. At the airport, I bought a $7 pair of on-ear headphones. 30mm drivers, midrange heavy, not tonally accurate at all. But also, no distortion that I could hear.

While on the flight, I listened to and actually enjoyed countless songs...because it was all about how the music made me feel. Sure, it wasn’t spot-on accurate, but I didn’t care. The lack-luster sound quality eventually grew on me...and I was happy using these headphones on the flight back.

Upon arriving home, plugged in my systems and had a listen with some proper headphones. Took one look at the $7 headphones, burst in to loud laughter, and continued my listening session.

All you really need to enjoy music with is a speaker system and/or headphone system that resolves music in a warm, fairly neutral, and non-clinical way. You can build a system for very little money that does exactly those things. And it will keep you satisifed...unless you keep chasing perfection. I've heard/owned other systems that are brutally accurate - and let's just say all of the imperfections found in music attack your ears and make the listening session painful. So just kick back, and enjoy the music!

You are so correct Elizabeth.  Dead artist seem to be busy reissuing records at the expense of their live performance appearances.  

As for mofojo's concern with cosmetic damage to $20-30k speakers, the solution is simple--pay four or five times that amount and you get something so ugly that cosmetic damage is irrelevant.  
I often adjust the sound to my tastes at concerts because I'm running the sound...a benefit of that job, and I'm often set up near a back door so If things get weird I can run away.
this past 2 months diet of live concerts, not social events...

AJ Croce
Alison Brown
Richard Thompspn
Blackberry Smoke tommorow..
more coming..soon
....and a steady diet of small event acoustic stuff, etc.
Too big of risk of damage to the speakers IMO. A couple scuffs on some 20-30k speakers is a big deal. 
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I have almost never run into a person who did not listen to live acoustic music
that had good taste in music .Must others who go to other types of concerts do so a social not musical event .
I don't recall ever going to a concert hall where I could change the programming by pushing a button on a remote control, and, it would be much more than 10 years of tickets before something like Harry Partch's Delusions of the Fury will be at a hall near me.  There are plenty of good reasons for $20k+ speakers in a nice system and the experience does not have to compete with attending a concert--it is something different.
Regarding the original thread, It could possibly be done, being set up as a lease program/programs in large hub areas  sa. Denver, SLC, Seattle, Las Vegas, Phoenix and any number of the large East and West Coast hubs. Since there is a major hub within two or three hundred miles of anywhere, self pick up shouldn't be impossible for most.
There would be some limitations for both leaser and lessee. It may not be the avenue to every piece of dream equipment, without substantial cost, for the leaser nor would it be a great money maker for the lessee, but could have some mutual benefits for both.
If I win the lotto, might just give it a try......Jim

Very interesting thread. It touches a lot of subjects I am also fighting with.
I think the number one question to answer is "how do I move my system forward in the direction I want without wasting my money"

If the audiophiles could be better to make hifi-clubs to meet and discuss hifi and also help each other borrowing gear and measuring their rooms. Then a lot of the problems could be solved.

Sitting at home reading reviews is like looking in a cookbook when you are eating oatmeal (:

I have just committed the sin myself ordering a pair of Tekton Double Impact that I have no way to return because I live in Denmark. A very risky move. But agin speakers are not easy to loan because the are big and heavy.

That was a side step. I just want to say we need more physical support groups.
I saw a documentary (sort of) about the Joplin 356. The guy who wrote "Mercedes Benz" also wrote "Where Did Vincent Van Gogh?" And, I had a CD Walkman with a line out! It died, as did a more recent and inferior model...now I just use my phone.
 @elizabeth you have never seen Janis lil 356 with custom paint....

send the link to gofundme....I have a soft spot, after we take care of the Paradise Fire folks and the hedge fund pays out....
 @wolf_garcia i have a minty fresh D-5 discman, including the box....

I of course paid to much for it a full range stereo shop - the MCS and appliance aisle of the Sanduskey Ohio JC Pennys...My recollection it was treated as a white elephant next to the exalted Fisher and MCS stacks and towers of low density MDF..hence the red sticker..20% off, my Mom who ran the womens coats dept kept an eagle eye on the discount items...with her discount...well, we are living high on the hog...

served me well for many years hooked to a NAD 3020 and Kef 101...

shall I send it your way on a loaner basis ? like MOMA lends....art ?
@glupson our turbo 996 X-50 sounded like an atomic powered vacuum cleaner, say a lightweight aluminum body Kirby but jacked up to run on 440 V

i much prefered the 993 with goofy not really legal exhaust..on full song attack mode it was glorious....very germanic....beserker style...
They don’t keep me here because I’m gorgeous. They keep me here because I’m smart.
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Hard to think of two things farther apart than faith and a hedge fund .Your wife must be a saint .
Judge Judy ! The worlds  most living human(?)  example of the evil that can arise from being educated past , FAR past, your intellect .
“Woulda, shoulda, coulda. I coulda been 5’10”.” - Judge Judy

I thank my lucky stars I ain’t rich. Necessity is the mother of invention. Besides, there’s the camel 🐫 and eye 👁 of the needle thing to ponder. Revel in your time.
I think this thread shows what a fallen world we live in.   Some people do it the other way when they have money.  My wife runs the funding for a $4B hedge fund..  I dated her 4 years till i figured out she was rich. She always answers that shes an accountant at a small family office.    I though her apartment (chicago) was pretty big for the location, but i also though her ex husband might have paid for it.  Besides that she lives very frugal.   If you ask her the only true riches in this world are of faith, because its the only thing you take when you leave.
Have never had the pleasure of owning a Porsche or Lamborghini (on a machinist's salary, couldn't afford anyway) but over the years did build up several very nice muscle cars - mostly 60s models  Camaros, GTOs and a 69 Vet. I installed very decent audio systems, but could never hear over the roar of the engines anyway. Now have the same problem with my HD Streetglide, with custom headers, pipes and intake, the upgrade audio package is about useless...Jim
“The real question is why do rich audiophiles buy exorbitantly high priced systems when there are so many less expensive options to achieving equal or even better sound? Wealthy / successful people are usually focused on end state results, not tweeking or enjoying the incremental upgrade steps. I don't consider them audiophiles any more than I would consider a street beggar a concert violinist just because someone gave him a Stratovarius.”

Congratulations to 1extreme!

Never before have I read so much prejudice, self-delusion, arrogance, inaccuracy, assumption and envy packed into three sentences.
I'm an old guy on fixed income and if I want to critically listen without room interference I put on my trusty Sennheiser HD600's and I don't complain about not having a 50K system.
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I agree with you on almost all views about driving. As a note, unless something changed in last two years or so, Tesla's USB ports seem to be only for charging and not for music transfer from the phone. People with iPhones and such can/could do Bluetooth. I also tried jump drives with multiple file formats and could not get anything. Maybe there is a way, but a Tesla salesman did not know it.

I am not picking on geoffkait, just mentioning him. Given the number of unprovoked insults to me and my family members, including calls for my death, he has thrown my way before I knew the way he operates, I kind of do not feel guilty.
....Oh, and stop picking on geoffkait....(Hi, g...*s*)

After all, it all comes down to this:


Hamsterdam was the 'cleansed' version for the Kia Soul ads.
I'd LOVE to have a Hamster suit...a old bud from LA's father used to wear a mask on the Side of his head, facing left, while driving LA freeways during commutes....

I like that sort of thing....

*G* glupson, as you've inferred...there is that point where the vehicle IS the 'music'.  And at that point, one shouldn't be listening to audio 'distractions' (as fine as they may be, and as enthralling as it can be).

Twits with cellphones in one hand on the road are the most common and the most annoying to yours truly.  Music for the most part keeps us sane on the commute or the 'round town runs'.  However...

If you're stroking the gearlever or pushin' paddles, clipping the apexes, heel 'n toe dancing, and making the tac bounce:

Please Pay Attention To What Thou Is Doing.
Most of the souls about you *sigh* aren't.....
Best to cut some slack rather than cut offs.

'High end' audio in a vehicle seems a bit overboard IMO, unless one does a Lot of long distance runs in a 'Benz or Beemer; then, at least it may be 'quiet enough' for the nuances.  If that sort of detail desired, you ought to own a Tesla and let the robot drive.  Even then, the AI is still like a youngster that needs 'supervision'; 'They' still seems to get confused by the less rational Humans about 'Them'. *G* ;)

Ultimately, at least for this pedal pusher:  If I wish to get lost in the music, I'd rather do so at home.  It's very unlikely that I'll have to do a 'brake test' with a oncoming left turn, ill-timed....

...an enthusiastic Sunny D. Dog, bumping my drink, is another thing...*L*..
but doesn't included rapid decelerations with crumpled metal, air bags, seat belt bruises, 'n all that...

The old MG ads had it Right:  "Safety Fast."

And, as I remind spouse (and Everyone getting behind the wheel):
"Drive like there's people like ME out there." ;)

Current bumper sticker:

It's up to you to determine where we 'are'....;)
Holographic universes, 'n all that.....*snicker*

Rush to eBay and get a few more Discmen before geoffkait tweaks them all.
928, the most advanced car on this side of Citroen DS21.

Choosing a car over a motorcycle, you pick comfort over some more performance. Wind, rain, etc.

This thread has developed into a fun reading mix of cars (mainly Porsche) and audio equipment.

Do you guys with 911 actually hear the music in the car, or the engine sound is music? Every time I drove one, it was like a construction site right behind my back. Even in the parking lot.
I've had the 911's, the Boxsters, 928gt-- I now have a Macan and I think it whips them all around!!!! If you have a chance to drive one, try it-- Took me all of 5 mins to issue the purchase--
I will swing by the local thrift today, the KOSS don’t actually need to work....right...

drove the Panzerwaggen to the thrift the other day, fellow remarked on the apparent oddity, I said, that shopping there is HOW I got the hulking SUV...and manage to feed it....

fun thread, maybe when I turn 60 I can get a “ fine motorbike and a red headed girl “....
i wonder what a pair of Koss headphones in the freezer would do ?

or two nickels, seeking absolute zero but frustrated by the limitations of mortal man and GE....
Glupson...I was using Grado SR80s as part of my bedtime reading and listening ritual until recently upgrading to the SR325e...an astonishingly great sounding piece of gear that makes the SR80s seem reticent and low-fi, highly recommended...my last Sony Discman died last year rendering me less Kaitty-like in two ways.
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I'd happily have one of these, Please. *VBS*


...sans the decals, though....don't desire to be blatant, as the sheer sound is music to my ears. ;)  Even through 'roadie' earplugs (Yes, I have & use them...I'm enthusiastic, not stupid. :p *L*

In lieu, and certainly less expensive...a '18 Focus RS Hatch with some *ah* 'reverse detailing' (removal of some of the 'obvious' factory markings to render it a bit more 'innocent looking'...more 'typical, harmless, not capable of sucking your doors off'....  What used to be called a "Q ship".

VW 'bugs' with a Porsche 911 engine comes to mind.  Made 'Vette owners pull over and stare at you disappearing....*smirk*

Renting out your audio gear strikes me as a sure-fire way to become more neurotic than you already may be...IMHO.

Y'all are welcome to drop by and listen, though.  AVL is a nice place to visit....*G*
Jtcf your post right after dobnbav almost killed me. Laughed for a solid two min. 
"Performance" cars. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh sorry, dozed off there for a sec.
Spend your $10K on even a medium sized motorbike and experience real acceleration and performance.

"Oh no! I’ve been SPEAKER SHAMED by Kaitty…"
Do not despair, you can always invest $20 in used Grado headphones and catch up with geoffkait.
@ alltrinnov To be rich is to enjoy and appreciate what you have. I live way below my means and seek out activities and items that are of value to me.
I don't concern myself that there is something better out there, I just smile and enjoy what I have - and share the fun with friends and family.
+2 ditto - Bigtime
@ thomascrownafair Expensive stereo parts are heavy and difficult to move. The best component made is a friend to enjoy your system with no matter the price. It would be better to invite people over to share the sound and experience it together. To share opinions much like this site but face to face or should I say ear to ear.

Sometimes we get so immured by the travels, we fail to appreciate the journey or recognize the destination when we get there.......Jim
   Never saw a single Porsche I didn’t admire . Especially the 917-30 with Mark Donahue driving . I savor the picture of myself  helping the late Al Holbert push the Lowenbrau 962 into the garage at Riverside . As a teen , I rode in the now famous #198 Cobra (on the street ) and also got to start George Harm’s Mclaren Can-Am car. My biggest scare came in a Slantnose that my buddy had on loan . I attended the Rennsport Reunion at Laguna Seca and appreciated everything from the tatttered 914’s in the infield to the Restomod Mclaren 911 with the TAG F1 V6 at $1.2 million . And of course the 917’s . Even the Porsche Tractor race was cool . I talked to Derrick Bell and the nice man that owned the 962 he was driving . It’s interesting how pleasant real racing people are compared to the small penis lot that share here . BTW , I’m one of those sub $150k people. Yes it was a poor question , but what a circle jerk this is . See you “ Pros “ and “ Super High End” people next year at RMAF . Cheers , Mike .