Help me build my system - amp for b and w 705 s2.

Hi everyone,
I was hoping to gain the insight and advice of everyone here in help choosing an amp ( separates or integrated ). I recently bit the bullet on a pair of bowers and wilkins 705 s 2 bookshelves. My source is a blue sound node 2 which I eventually plan on adding a separate dac to. I’m looking for something slightly warm sounding with good resolution that is not too edgy / bright or fatiguing in terms of amplifier. I was thinking a rotel rb 1552 or Parasound a 23 + for the amp with a schiit saga + or Freya + if the sound quality is worth the double in price. I am also open to integrated as well. FYI not a fan of the Parasound Hint even though I know many who like it. Not sure if the a 23 would sound the same as I would go with a different pre on it . To my ears it just was not detailed enough. I’d like to keep in the $ 2,500 range. Any advise and suggestions would be highly appreciated!
Sorry to say you put yourself in a bit of a bind buying speakers with only 88dB sensitivity. Because of this you either listen at low to moderate volume or else you need at least a hundred watts. If you can trade off low to moderate volume for superb sound quality there are several good integrated tube amps, the best of which is the Raven Nighthawk. With this you will have awesome sound, 3D, liquid, detailed and extended yet sweet, exactly what you are talking about, everything except the ability to play loud.

To play loud you are going to be stuck with high power solid state, and all the edgy bright fatiguing sound that you don’t want. But that is what you get from SS, at least from 100+ watt amps at this price point.
To play loud you are going to be stuck with high power solid state, and all the edgy bright fatiguing sound that you don’t want. But that is what you get from SS, at least from 100+ watt amps at this price point.

so a used bryston, edge, krell amp, pass labs in that price range is going to have fatiguing sound?         
find that highly unlikely, but you seem to know everything.
 If you are looking for a big power amp check out this Van Alstine SET 400 power amp. My friend has the smaller SET 120 . Mosfet amps have a real nice sound!
If you’re open to used there’s a NuPrime IDA-16 on US AudioMart for $1400 that offers great sound and also has a good DAC so you may well kill two birds with one stone on the cheap.  For new the Yamaha A-S1200 is about $2800 (no DAC) and would give you nicely detailed yet refined and slightly warm sound you’re looking for and looks great as well.  Two great but very different choices FWIW, and best of luck in your search. 
Thank you for all suggestions. They all seem like great options. Now if only there was a place to demo them all side by side lol. The ruby seems like an interesting option and I had not even thought to consider it. I also am very familiar with the higher end Yamaha integrated amps as I own the as 2100 in a separate system. I do love the slight warmth and detail retrieval. I just don’t want to have 2 of them lol. I really like the sound of Mac but its out of my price range. Keep the suggestions coming!