Has your gear ever hurt you???

It seems that every piece of equipment I buy now a days weighs a ton! My speakers are 200lbs each and my monoblocks are 150lbs each!!! Each time I try to move them I swear I feel a hernia coming on. I am also always afraid I am going to drop something. And in true audiophile fashion, I imagine how I would contort my body to protect my beloved gear if the unthinkable was to happen. Fortunately for me, I have never had to sacrifice my body for my gear but I know the day is coming (too many late night re-arrangments). Actually, I gave myself a deep gash on my leg as I was walking over my amps the other day. Even though the Pass Labs amps look great, those heat sinks can be absolutely deadly!! Why do the things we love so much also hurt us so????

So, I am wondering if anyone else has been hurt by their gear in one way or another.
I knew a guy who was messing with a tube amp and I think he had something in his mouth causeing a bit of druel, well the bead a slober hit the tube amp and followed the trail back to his mouth and knocked him on his ass probably dangerously close to killing him, funny story to hear him tell it.
An audio friend of mine was telling me that he knew someone who dropped ultra-heavy Kharmy Exquisitite, and the SPIKE went right through his FOOT. Ouch
dropped a power amp corner first on my big toe, no shoe or sock,.... i was drunk at the time, so i just went to bed whimpering, only to find out it broke, and became horribly infected..
I have a 6" scar on my forearm from a stylus when I was an infant. That didn't ruin my love for turntables and vinyl though.
A flatbed dolly used for office moves will accomodate most audio racks lacking casters. Not the most aesthetic approach but if you're changing gear/cabling a lot, this is a no-brainer. Kind of like the "no-brainers depicted above". No brain, no pain?? LOL
thanks everyone for the response. I feel better knowing that i am not the only one being abused physically and financially by this whacky hobby.

kineskd: your experiences with putting the speakers on stands has my intrigued (and frightened). I was thinking about doing the same with my 200lb Usher be-10 speakers but am dreading doing so (actually my back is dreading it)! Unfortunately for me, my wife is only 5 ft tall and not even 95lbs and my kids are pretty much useless right now (they are less than 3 years old). So I guess I will have to bribe some friends with free beer and food to help me.
Not just me. My family too.

It took myself, my wife, and my son to wrestle a 200 lb. (each) pair of Thiel CS 7.2 onto Sound Anchor stands yesterday. All 3 of us were sore this morning.

It's a good thing the sound improved as much as it did. Even my wife noticed.

Any more, I usually hire young guys with strong backs to move the heavier pieces.
I was making some DIY speacker cable for a home theatre application, while talking to my daughter who at the time seemed interested in anything that was remotely technical.

The stripped end of the wire somehow unstranded slightly, and stuck (just one strand, 1/2 cm.?) into my finger. Just a little copper strand, right?
I felt like I had stuck myself with near molten metal.
I've lacerated my hands on Krell and Levinson gear. I've been laid up for days at a time with herniated disc problems after schlepping monoblock amps. And EVERY time I re-configure my system, I have battle scars from the wrestling match with CABLES. You guys know what I mean. Twisting and turning python-sized cables while trying to maneuver behind a stationary audio rack. I have so little room behing my rack that I have to wrestle the cable with one hand while grasping a flashlite with the other hand, the whole time playing a cruel game of Twister around the monoblocks and speakers and other unyielding obstacles. Whoever says audiophiles don't get exercise has never installed components!
Too many times hauling subs, speakers etc. up and down between the listening room and the garrage/outside. I made peace with my ego about two months ago and purchased a quality hand truck. I will become a wussy-man and use the truck rather than be a man's man with a bad back. I don't plan on losing my health for this hobby.
By the way, if anyone works out, when it comes time for the leg press, use the 100# plates and as you transfer them to the press you'll accustom yourself to hauling components at that weight. Have to agree, though, that as I age the appeal of lightweight class D amps grows...
Dropped a Jolida CDP remote on my toe once. That remote is heavy! Still have a bruised toenail.
Everytime I change cables on my Eagle 4 I end up hurting my hands on those blasted heat sinks! NOT an ergonomic design...
Lost a toenail on the corner of an amp 20 years ago. I was moving things around one night and forgot the amp was in the middle of the floor the next morning when I walked out into the living room. It still hurts when I think about it now.
Two unpleasant experiences for me.
When I bought my Aerial 10T(heavy speakers)I picked them up myself from the sellers place.They were in their original five carton boxes plus two boxes for the metal stands.I borrowed a cube van from work.The kwey chain they gave me had two keys one for the engine and a smaller one that fitted a padlock.I was with my 10 year old son,on our way back on the highway he asked me to stop at McDonalds for food,so I did ,but the parking lot was huge and very busy with people coming and going so I decided to lock the back rolling door of the cube van for security reasons while we were eating inside.The padlong was hanging at the door handle so I used it thinking the litle key provided was the one to unlock.BUT when we arrive back home I couldn't open the lock because the key was the WRONG one for the padlock.It was mid July afternoon and very sunny and hot.I pulled all the boxes out of the sliding door that connects the cab with the back of the cube van.I thought of cutting the padlock with a grinder but didn't do it because my neighbours were all out.I just barely fitted the boxes past the driving wheel.It was tough.
Second story was when I brought home my Rogue Zeus at 225lbs.I hauled it in by myself up the stairs into the house and everything.My brother in law wasn't available and it was 10 o'clock at night in January of this year.I just didn't want to leave the amp at the back of my truck in subezero temperatures.I am in Toronto,Canada with the famous Canadian winters.
Oh well the things we do for the hobby.
I had the cover off of my Aesthetix Io phono, trying new tubes and listening via turntable for changes.

After a long listening session I rested my hand on the turntable base to steady the tonearm and my pinky finger crossed over (into) the chassis of the Io.

My arm shook so violently that my elbow hurt for half an hour and the part of my little finger that touched inside the Aesthetix was pure white, having vaporized the skin where part of the ridges were burned away.

Later while speaking with Jim White (owner of Aesthetix) he said there are two places in the Io that measure 405 volts and 611 volts. Fortunately I did not have my other arm grounded or I might not be posting to this forum.

Be hyper aware, especially around high end tube gear, the voltages are absolutely lethal.
As a few have mentioned, my biggest bruises have occurred at the time of resale.
Plato and others with heavy speakers,

You might find a dolly to be a very worthwhile investment. I bought one and padded it with round foam pipe insulation wrapped with duct tape, and many layers of duct tape on the flat bottom part that goes under the speaker.

For really really big speakers, an appliance dolly is called for. That's one with the strap that you can tighten to hold the speaker in place.

As long as I'm able to pick up a (sledge) hammer, the gear will live in fear & behave. I once beat a receiver to death & word has gotten around. Never had a problem, although the receiver I mentioned jumped off a nice wooden cabinet & tried to smash my toes. It was a conspiracy between the receiver & the cat, so I had to set an example.

I HAD to respond to your post as it made me laugh that someone else actually had the same silly experience - and here I thought I was alone.

I had to get 6 stitches in my leg to stop the bleeding in a gash on my shin from walking into my Lamm amp. I was on the phone walking out of my audio room and forgot that I had moved the amp out into the room from it's original position. I also walked over my Tenor OTL once while on the phone and kicked a tube in half as it exploded on my leg!!

Unlike you, I am sure, I am the biggest KLUTZ on the planet so this is not an uncommon occurence. My wife cringes every time I pick up a tool to repair something as bleeding is sure to follow.

Watch out! Your speakers might jump out and abduct you to speaker-land were they will torture you...



I sit in the dark, watching , waiting, never knowing if my gear will attack me. Just one simple thing can set them off. I am afraid. I haven't been able to listen to music for months now, in fear of retaliation.

Someone..., Anyone..., pleeese.....

Contact the Battered Audiophile/Stereophile Society.

I need help.....
i've got matching scars on my forearms due to the heatsinks from a previous plinius sa-102 amplifier. i was reaching around behind and connecting the speaker wires. when i pulled my arms back...ouchie!
This may seem suspect to some, but part of my criteria for buying speakers is that they not weigh much over 100 pounds each -- as I really have to be able to move them around without help and without hurting myself. Speakers simply do not need to weigh 200 pounds or more in order to perform extremely well.

As for the amps, there is now a simple solution... Just buy a pair of the NuForce 9SE monoblocks, which weigh about 15 pounds/pair, are very energy efficient, and will be right on par with the Pass and other heavyweight amps in terms of sonic purity/quality. Your electric bill will thank you and why risk the injuries?
I once owned a set of large labyrinth floorstander speakers. One day I picked them up to move them around in the living-room and my back seized up after the second speaker. I don't know how I managed to put the speaker down but there I was laying on my back, on the floor, unable to get up. I had to lay there until somebodya could come and help me up. My thanks to our cleaning-lady, Skonie who helped me up.

A month ago I was busy cleaning the tubes of my QUAD's while turned on - stupid - the one power-tube burnt a blister on my right-hand knuckel!

Been shocked by elec power a few times and almost dropped the turntable's record puck on my foot!

C'est la vie!

Dewald Visser